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About savitha
- Birthday 01/05/1966
Consultat ayurvedic physician
Mysore, karnataka, India
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Dry skin leads to wrinkles and makes a person look aged. Dry skin can be kept soft and smooth by increasing moisture level of skin. Air conditioned rooms, sun, harsh soaps worsen the condition. Face packs for dry skin 1. Take ripe papaya and scoop its pulp. Mash it well and mix with honey, milk and rose water. Apply this mask and wash it off after an hour. 2. Mash a ripe banana and mix it with rose water. Apply this pack and wash it off with water after 1 hour. 3. Take few almonds and soak it over night. Mix it well with little milk and apply this pack. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Few dos and donts for dry skin 1. Take steam to face before applying face pack. 2. Always wash off face packs with warm water. 3. Avoid air conditioned rooms and refrigerated foods and drinks. 4. Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juice and vegetables. 5. Do not take long showers
- dry skin
- face packs
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Vajikaranamanvichhet satatam vishayee puman | Tushtihi pushtirapatyam cha gunavattatra samshritam | Apatyasantaanakaram yatsadhyaha sampraharshanam || Vaajeevatibalo yena yaatyaapratihatoanganaha | Bhavatyatipriyaha sthreenam yena yenopachiyate | Tadvaajikaranam taddi dehasyaujaskaram param || According to ayurveda texts - men who are very active in sex are at a greater risk of losing energy and nutrients. Loss of energy and nutrients may lead to erectile dysfunction, low libido and poor semen quality and quantity. (Low sperm count and motility). These men need preparations which can replenish the lost nutrients. Such preparations which increase hardness, duration of hard erection, libido, sexual energy and semen of excellent quality are called vajikarana preparations. The treatment method is called as “vajikarana therapy”. “Vajikarana Therapy” increases sexual energy and strength like a horse. The person who undergoes vajikarana therapy becomes dearer to women as he performs like a strong horse. His energy never gets reduced even with repeated sexual acts. He will be able to produce healthy sperms which will help in procreation of healthy offspring. Vajikarana therapy also boosts general health and strength.
- erectile dysfunction
- increase sperm count
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The testes are two glandular organs, which produce sperms and semen. They are suspended in the scrotum by the spermatic cords. Testes are suspended outside the abdominal cavity in the scrotum because the internal body temperature is too high for the sperms to survive. The normal temperature in the scrotum is 2-3°F below normal body temperature. Prolonged or repeated exposure to heat damages sperm count and sperm motility. In all quality of semen gets affected due to heat. According to ayurveda the constitution of testes is explained as " Maamsa asruk kapha medaha prasaadaadwavrushanaha" which means The two testes are made up of muscles, blood , fat and their derivatives .Kapha is dominant dosha of testes. Kapha dosha helps in production of healthy sperms with good motility. Increased heat reduces kapha . Reduction in kapha affects the production of healthy sperms. Because of this, it has been advised by Ayurveda acharyas to avoid exposure of testes to heat. It has been recommended to wear cold loose cloth over groin and testes during steam bath and wash testes with cold water after a long hot water bath. This process help to protect the dominant dosha (kapha) of testes and help in normal production of sperms. For this reason stay away from wearing tight briefs, tight pants and avoid hot tubs and saunas to improve sperm count and sperm motility.
- heating
- low sperm count
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Honey face pack: Apply two tea spoons of honey all over face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash this off with cold water. This increases glow and fairness of skin.
Black musli (Curculigo orchioides) is a herb that belongs to the family Hypoxidaceae. It is a native of temperate regions such as Chota-Nagapur plateau and Deccan plateau in India. The medicinal properties of this herb are elucidated in several texts of ayurveda. It is also a major ingredient of several medicinal preparations in the Unani system of medicine. The ancient inhabitants of China were well aware of the medicinal properties of Black Musli and extensively used it in herbal preparations. The rhizome of this plant is utilized extensively for medicinal purposes. Ayurveda describes the medicinal properties of black musli as follows: Mushali madhuraa vrishyaa veeryoshna brimhanee guruhu Tiktaa rasaayanee hanthi gudajanya anilam tatha || According to Ayurveda , Black Musli is bitter-sweet to taste with a peculiarly sweet after-taste that remains even after digestion. The tuber is heavy to digest and has the property of ‘stickiness’ (snighdha, picchila). Owing to these properties, Black Musli increases kapha and reduces vata and pitta.. The Ayurveda preparations of this herb are used in the treatment of several health conditions. The major uses can be classified as follows:- In Respiratory Problems : Black Musli is used along with other herbs to treat bronchitis, chronic cough and asthma. In Digestive Problems: Black Musli is effective in the treatment of hepatitis. It rejuvenates the liver and normalizes its function. It acts as a good appetite- stimulant and stabilizes digestion. The preparations of this herb are useful in treating piles and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In Reproductive Problems: Ayurveda also elaborates upon this herb’s aphrodisiac properties. Black Musli preparations are widely used in treating erectile dysfunction, low libido, low sperm count and low sperm motility. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise its properties of enhancing quality and quantity of semen. In Urinary problems: Black Musli acts as diuretic and boosts the resistance of urinary system against infections. In Skin Problems: The tuber of Black Musli is ground into paste and applied externally as an effective cure for several skin diseases. In addition to such specific medicinal uses, Black Musli is also used as a general systemic health enhancer (rasayana). It strengthens the body and boosts immunity levels. Contemporary research has resulted in the discovery of new medicinal properties of Black Musli. The most noteworthy of these are: • It is effective in prevention of post menopausal osteoporosis. • It is a very good anti-oxidant. • Its rhizomes have antibacterial properties. In the light of the above facts, it is evident that the Black Musli is a herb that must be protected and preserved for medicinal use. But it is also a fact that this precious herb is facing imminent threat of extinction due to over-grazing by livestock and unsustainable rates of exploitation by over-zealous pharmacists. Thus, the need of the hour is comprehensive training and education in sustainable means of farming and preserving this priceless gem of the plant kingdom.
Skin problems caused due to increased Medho dhatu (obesity) Obesity causes harmonal imbalance. Imbalanced harmones cause dark patches(acanthosis nigricans) on neck and skin folds.Skin stretches due to increased body fat. This leads to stretch marks.Over weight causes vericose veins and ulcers which take a very long time to heal.Due to obesity moisture get trapped in skin folds. This becomes a habitat for microbes and thus leads to bacterial or fungal infection. Corns will develop in foot due to over weight.Diets which cause obesity also cause acne and pimples. Oily foods and sugar leads to excess secretion of sebum and formation of acne.Imbalanced harmones also cause oily skin.
Safed Musali or Shweta musali (Asperagus Adscendens) Uses of musali: • Its very effective in diseases which arise due to vitiation of vata and pitta . • Ayurvedic texts commend this herb as “Shukrala”, which means the herb which increases quality and quantity of semen. • It is recommended for men who suffer from low sperm count and low sperm motility. • This plant is widely used in preparations to rectify impotence and erectile dysfunction. • As it has cooling properties, it is widely used in urinary tract infections . • The preparations of musali strengthen the body and increase body weight.
How can we say that a person's skin is beautiful and healthy ? Ayurveda explains the looks of a person, who has healthy and beautiful skin, as follows: "Tatra snigdha slakshna mridu prasann sukumara gambheera loma saprabhevacha twakvarnanam. Saa saaratha sukha sowbhagya aiswarya buddhi vidya aarogya aishwarya pra harshani ayushtwamcha aachashtey" The skin is soft and looks shiny with a coat of oil- The skin will be not too oily or not too dry skin The hairs on skin are soft, delicate and sparsly distributed - The hairs on body are almost invisible The skin will have smooth texture and soft to touch - The skin is even toned without any marks, scars, acne or pimples The skin is attractive with a glow - It will not be dull or dead skin. The skin will be without wrinkles A person who has a skin with above mentioned qualities is called as "twak sara purusha". Such persons always enjoy comforts, wealth and live in luxury.They are intelligent, educated and healthy and enjoy long life with immense sexual energy.
Ayurveda description of Dhatus ( the tissues which help in nourishing body) There are several definitions for dhatu in ayurveda. Few of them are given below. "Shareera dharanathdhatawaha" - The tissues which nourish the body and support it are called as dhatus. "Poshanadharanayoho" - Those which nourish the successive tissue and support it. "Dadhati datteya vaa shareera manaha praanaan" - these tissues nourish and support the body, mind and life Dhatus are "Shakti yukta dravyas". i.e they supply nutrients to other vital tissues and keep the body healthy. They nourish and support the successive tissues. There are seven dhatus Rasa - Lymph rakta - blood Maamsa- Muscles medas - Fat or adipose tissue asthi - Bone majja - Bone marrow sukra - Semen, sex harmones Pancha maha bhutas in dhatus Rasa (lymph) - Jala + Rakta (blood) - jala + Agni ++ Maamsa (muscle) - Pruthvi ++ Jala Medas (fat) - Jala +++, Pruthvi + Asthi(bone) - Pruthvi ++ , aakasha+ Majja (marrow) - Jala +++ pruthvi + Sukra (semen) - Jala ++ Pruthvi +
Mix 2 spoons of lemon juice and 2 spoons of rose water and apply it on places where acne errupt. Wash it off after 45 mnutes. Eat raw radish, carrot and cucmbers daily. Drink plenty of water. Drink a glass of warm water mixed with 1/2 spoon lemon juice and two te spoons of honey.This detoxifies body and prevents acne. Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes, then wash. Apply apple sedar vinegar on face to cleanse the skin. Boil tulasi leaves in 1/4 cup of water and dip 2-3 tea bags. Apply this to face with a cotton ball. Boil lettuce leaves in water and wash your face with this water. Mix cooked oat meal, curd and apply it on face. Apply a face pack of sandal wood powder, neem and fuller earth.
Ayurveda explains causes for genital herpes (HSV -2) out breaks as follows 1. Increase intake of spicy, salty, sour foods and foods which irritate digestive system. 2. Consumption of curd, yogurt or liquid portion of curd, 3. Intake of beverages which contain alcohol. 4. Usage of cheese, sesame, bengal gram, horse gram, sesame oil, mustard oil, pasteries . 5. Increased consumption of Non vegetarian food leads to increased severity of genital herpes symptoms. 6. Garlic 7. Consuming opposit foods. 8. Sleeping in day time. Consuming food frequently without allowing digestion of previous meal. 9. Trauma or injury to skin 10.Increased exposure to extreme weather conditions can increase genital herpes out breaks. The above mentioned causes increase the chances of genital hepes out breaks. Hence avoiding these causes help to increase the gap between two consecutive out breaks.
Myth 1 - Blow drying increases hair volume Real fact - The high heat from blow drying damages hair shaft. The hair becomes dry and brittle. The hair should be allowed to dry naturally and hairstyles can be made when the hair is partially dry.This increases hair volume. Myth 2 - As age advanaces the color treatment should be stronger. Real fact- As age advances the hair growth slows down.The hair shaft becomes thin as age advances. Hence any treatment for ageing hair or grey hair should be mild and has to be finished in little time. The chemical should not be allowed to stay on hair for a long time. Myth 3 - Dandruff does not cause hairloss Real fact - A fungus called malazzesia globosa causes Dandruff.It is found floating in air. This fungus causes scaling of scalp skin and hairloss.
1. Dandruff is a known cause of hair loss. Applying sour curd as a pack to scalp and hair , once in a week prevents formation of dandruff. 2. Mix moong dal (green gram) powder with curd and massage it to scalp and brush it on hair. Wash it off after 1 hour. This helps to prevent hair loss and dandruff. It also helps to increase hair growth. 3. Dry orange peel in summer and powder it. Mix this powder with little curds massage it on face and neck. This acts as an excellent cleanser and cleanses clogged pores thus preventing acne and pimples. 4. Curds when mixed with sugar acts as an excellent body coolant and instant energizer. It also quenches thirst. 5. A mixture of besan (gram flour) is an excellent pack to rejuvenate facial skin and body skin.
Butter milk is known as “Takra” in ayurveda. Its properties and medicinal qualities are described in as follows. Takram laghu kashayaamlam deepanam kaphavaatajit || Showphodaraarshowgrahanidoshamootragrahaaruchee | Pleehagulmaghritavyaapadgarpaanduvaamayaan jayeth || Butter milk does not cause heaviness when consumed. Hence it is known to have the quality “laghu”. It gets digested quickly and easily. Butter milk is usually sour in taste and acts as an astringent. (Due to this property butter milk helps in reducing pores caused by acne and pimples. It reduces hyper motility of intestines during diarrhea and IBS. This property also helps to shrink hemorrhoids).Aggravated kapha and vata are mitigated by buttermilk. It is the best appetizer. According to ayurveda it reduces bloating of stomach, eases symptoms of hemorrhoids, soothes intestines in IBS and helps in indigestion. It also reduces effects of poison and is very useful in treating anemia. Butter milk detoxifies body and cleanses the intestines, relieves constipation and helps to replenish intestinal flora. It has less fat compared to milk and is rich in calcium, potassium and vit B12. How to prepare butter milk: Thick curd should be whipped to separate butter. The liquid portion which remains after separating butter is called as butter milk or “takra”. When this butter milk is mixed with water , it is called as “sajala takra”. If the buttermilk is used without adding water, it is called as “nirjala takra”. How to make a Tasty drink out of buttermilk: Mix ½ glass of butter milk to ½ glass of water. Churn it well. Add a pinch of salt, ½ tea spoon ginger juice and squeeze ½ lime to it. Garnish with coriander leaves. This quenches thirst, reduces nausea and vomiting. Home remedies using buttermilk: 1. Mix a pinch of salt, ½ tea spoon ginger juice and crushed cumin seeds to a glass of butter milk. This relieves acidity, constipation and symptoms of piles. 2. Add a pinch of salt, a tea spoon of sugar to a glass of butter milk diluted with water. This acts as a very good rehydrating formula in diarrhea and dehydration. It supplies energy instantaneously and reduces frequency of stools. 3. It is a healthy drink for people who suffer from obesity, piles and inflammed colon or ibs. 4. Massage a mixture of butter milk and salt on pores caused by acne and pimples. Then wash it off with warm water and rinse once again with cold water. This helps to reduce the pores. 5. Regular consumption of butter milk strengthens the digestive system and keeps it free from infections.
Medicinal properties of sesame oil - as described in ayurveda Sesame oil brings aggravated vata to normal condition. When it is infused with various herbs, it almost cures all diseases. Sesame oil increases hair growth and enhances volume of hair and its shine. It strengthens the hair roots, kills lice and prevents formation of dandruff. It heals the boils of scalp caused by infections and prevents hair loss. Regular use of sesame oil, infused with hair friendly herbs prevents itching of scalp. Massaging sesame oil on body has immense benefits. It rejuvenates body skin and increases its glow and fairness. It strengthens and tones the muscles and ligaments. Sesame oil massage is very beneficial in body pain, insomnia and dry skin. Sesame oil should not be used in diseases in which pitta and rakta (blood) are vitiated.