Dear Mr. Rao,
What you say are very much logical. My anxiety stems from my own case. My birth details are as under:
place - Sambalpur (Orissa)
Date - 28 October 1959
Time - 1.55 AM
My Lagna and rashi lord is Sun, which is debilitated in the 3rd house. I am undergoing Rahu mahadasha and Budh antardasha, and also sani sadhe sati. Rahu is in 2nd house in Kanya rashi, whose ownership is of Budh, a mitra planet. I have been advised by one learned astrologer to wear Gomed and do Rahu mantra jaap 72000 times, which I have done. Still I don't think the desired results are coming. I am also wearing Pukhraj. I am also wearing an Ek-mukhi rudraksh and an iron ring. A friend of mine who does astrological readings as a hobby advises me not to wear Gomed because that according to him means strengthening an evil planet and to do Gomed daan instead to pacify Rahu.
Please advise me.