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Dr. B V Raman....

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Dear learned readers,


> > I differ in my views on Dr.Raman. Raman used a wrong

> > Ayanamsha, (that invariably changed the Navamsha

> > lagna, navamsha position of planets) and sometimes did

> > not even advocate the use of Navamsha chart.


You have to give it a try with an open mind on a large number of

charts before deciding whether the ayanamsa is wrong or not.



> > A pity. He rarely used other divisional charts like

> > D-10 etc. Raman used nothing other than the

> > Vimshottari Dasha for predictions. I wonder how he

> > could give sound predictions with such techniques.



This is very arrogant talk. Tell me what is a divisional chart?

They are nothing but a microscopic view of the rasi chart.


Ever wondered if Dr. Raman used his head alone to do the divisional

computations and 'see' the complete picture. I think thats where the

explanation lies. He himself was a supercomputer and did not need

extra charts that we can't live without today.




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Namaste Praveenji,


Thanks. I have not used aspects and yogas in divisions( divisional

charts for some) I have had reasonable success in identifying events

without these parameters. Not everything ofcourse.


Have you followed Vijaydas Pradeepjis posts. He is making some very

compelling points. If there are divisional charts why worry about

uttamamsha, gopuramsha ? Just use yogas in the said divisional chart.

When parashar says bhava whose lord is in benefic shastyamsha, this

bhava is in all likely hood in main bahava kundali. Otherwise you may

have saptam bhavesh from rashi in krura shatiamsha and saptam bhavesh

from navansh in amrita bhavesh, what will you do then ?


It is an discussion worth pondering over. You are one of the learned

and experienced jyotishi. I would like your take on this.








On 4/27/05, Praveen Kumar <chunnu2001 wrote:

> Dear Panditji,

> Yes, I too use aspects and yogas in Navamsa. Shri K.N.Rao also advocates the

> same. It gives results too.


> Praveen kumar (Mumbai)

> -

> Panditji

> vedic astrology

> 27, 04, 2005 6:14 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....


> Namaste,


> Thanks for sharing your experiences with BV Raman. When you spoke to

> him, did he mean to use nvansha as a chart with aspects.


> The staement " If it is afflicted in navansha, badly placed in navansha"


> Now this can mean in the same amsha as a malefic ( say with rahu,

> mangal) or debilited in navansha. Did he use aspects in navansha. Like

> a graha in 3rd amsha from shani is afflicted etc.


> Could you please shed light on this.


> Thanks





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Good to see you sporting a Guru Mangala yoga! Was a big help.



do not say....elementary watson!!







vedic astrology, "Suresh Surendranathan"

<sherlockthegreat@h...> wrote:

> Hi Kathy,


> Ya..Your sense of humour is pathetic - thats what it means!


> Hope that helps

> Suresh

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font-family:Arial">> Thanks for sharing your experiences with BV Raman. When

you spoke to

font-family:Arial">> him, did he mean to use nvansha as a chart with




font-family:Arial">Yes. The Navamsa chart is studied as a normal chart and all

rules including aspects and conjunctions are applied accordingly.


font-family:Arial">> Now this can mean in the same amsha as a malefic ( say

with rahu,

font-family:Arial">> mangal) or debilited in navansha. Did he use aspects in

navansha. Like

font-family:Arial">> a graha in 3rd amsha from shani is afflicted etc.


font-family:Arial">He did use aspects. In notable horoscopes, he has written “In

Navamsa, Lagna is afflicted by the aspect of Saturn” while dealing with a



font-family:Arial">You can consider the example of Neechabhanga Raja Yoga for

better clarity. If a planet is debilitated in the Rasi chart, and if its lord

is in a Kendra to Lagna in Navamsa, Neechabhanga takes place. So we study the

planets in Navamsa with reference to Navamsa Lagna.


font-family:Arial">However, that does not imply that one has to neglect other rules.

In Navamsa, we also make use of the sign occupied by atmakaraka. In my opinion,

we study the Navamsa chart or any other divisional chart as a normal chart and

judge the relevant issues. The Navamsa chart is given more importance as it is

a chart representing “Dharmic aspects” of the native. While the

Rasi chart is used as the base, the divisional charts are used to get a finer



Om Tat Sat,


font-family:Arial">Raman Suprajarama




font-family:Arial">> vedic astrology [vedic-

font-family:Arial">> astrology] On Behalf Of Panditji

font-family:Arial">> Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:15 PM

font-family:Arial">> vedic astrology

font-family:Arial">> Re: [vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....



font-family:Arial">> Namaste,


font-family:Arial">> Thanks for sharing your experiences with BV Raman. When

you spoke to

font-family:Arial">> him, did he mean to use nvansha as a chart with



font-family:Arial">> The staement " If it is afflicted in navansha,

badly placed in navansha"


font-family:Arial">> Now this can mean in the same amsha as a malefic ( say

with rahu,

font-family:Arial">> mangal) or debilited in navansha. Did he use aspects in

navansha. Like

font-family:Arial">> a graha in 3rd amsha from shani is afflicted etc.


font-family:Arial">> Could you please shed light on this.


font-family:Arial">> Thanks


font-family:Arial">> ...


font-family:Arial">> On 4/27/05, Raman Suprajarama

<cru115 (AT) niranjanbabu (DOT) com> wrote:

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Dear Vinay,

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I would want to bring a few points to your notice.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Dear Narasimha,

font-family:Arial">> > > I differ in my views on Dr.Raman. Raman used

a wrong

font-family:Arial">> > > Ayanamsha, (that invariably changed the


font-family:Arial">> > > lagna, navamsha position of planets) and

sometimes did

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > The question of Ayanamsa is very debatable.

Geocentric system was given

font-family:Arial">> by

font-family:Arial">> > Ptolemy and this was accepted as the correct

system. When Copernicus

font-family:Arial">> gave

font-family:Arial">> > the heliocentric system, everyone including the

church condemned it. His

font-family:Arial">> > book "De Revolutionibus" was suppressed

for 13 years. It is now accepted

font-family:Arial">> the

font-family:Arial">> > correct planetary system. While I am not debating

on which is the

font-family:Arial">> correct

font-family:Arial">> > Ayanamsa to be used, it would be in order to

respect each one's belief.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > not even advocate the use of Navamsa chart.


font-family:Arial">> > > suggested that the Navamsa chart could be

shelved if

font-family:Arial">> > > a planet was strong in the rashi chart. I

hear that

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > The above statements are not true. Dr. Raman gave

importance to the

font-family:Arial">> Navamsa

font-family:Arial">> > chart. If you go through "Notable

Horoscopes" by Dr. Raman, you can see

font-family:Arial">> how

font-family:Arial">> > he has used the Navamsa chart in analysis and

timing events. I would

font-family:Arial">> want to

font-family:Arial">> > give a few lines from the talk he gave at Cambridge, England

on 21

font-family:Arial">> September

font-family:Arial">> > 1970.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > He said, "I should like to be somewhat prolix

in my treatment of the

font-family:Arial">> Navamsa

font-family:Arial">> > chart.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Its first and most important use, as I have

already said, is in

font-family:Arial">> balancing

font-family:Arial">> > for good or bad, the main chart so that the

horoscope as a whole is

font-family:Arial">> assessed

font-family:Arial">> > correctly. The most powerful Raja Yogas or

combinations for royalty get

font-family:Arial">> > tempered or even neutralized if the planets

causing such Yogas are

font-family:Arial">> afflicted

font-family:Arial">> > in the Navamsa. Conversely, even if the main chart

is somewhat weak and

font-family:Arial">> the

font-family:Arial">> > planets causing affliction are well placed in the

Navamsa, the main

font-family:Arial">> chart

font-family:Arial">> > secures strength". During the usual

discussions that I had with him, he

font-family:Arial">> > always stressed on looking at the planetary placements

in Navamsa chart

font-family:Arial">> and

font-family:Arial">> > then draw conclusions.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > A pity. He rarely used other divisional

charts like

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > D-10 etc. Raman used nothing other than the

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Vimshottari Dasha for predictions. I wonder

how he

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > could give sound predictions with such


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Dr. Raman did use divisional charts and other

Dasas. If you read his

font-family:Arial">> book

font-family:Arial">> > Studies in Jaimini Astrology, he has given the

various Dasa systems and

font-family:Arial">> also

font-family:Arial">> > examples. He said that Vimshottari Dasa was

universally applicable, and

font-family:Arial">> if

font-family:Arial">> > one finds it difficult to compute other Dasas, he

can safely predict

font-family:Arial">> using

font-family:Arial">> > this Dasa system. During our discussions of

Jaimini principles, he

font-family:Arial">> suggested

font-family:Arial">> > I start with Chara Dasa and Shoola Dasa for

predicting general events

font-family:Arial">> and

font-family:Arial">> > timing death respectively. He also suggested the

use of Ashtamsa chart

font-family:Arial">> along

font-family:Arial">> > with Shoola Dasa. In regard to divisional charts,

this is what he wrote

font-family:Arial">> "The

font-family:Arial">> > life chart or the Rasi Kundali is indeed the basic

chart upon which

font-family:Arial">> rests

font-family:Arial">> > all the other charts. In it is hidden all the

various factors which will

font-family:Arial">> > come to fruition in the course of the present life

of an individual. But

font-family:Arial">> it

font-family:Arial">> > must be dissected into other charts so that a

clear history of each one

font-family:Arial">> of

font-family:Arial">> > the factors of life is obtained. Quite often the

evidence which seems

font-family:Arial">> > important in the Rasi or the main chart is

modified by the evidence

font-family:Arial">> > furnished by the subsidiary chart."

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > even today his children faithfully use his


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I did try using Lahiri Ayanamsa and other Ayanamsas.

When I tried to

font-family:Arial">> analyze

font-family:Arial">> > using Lahiri Ayanamsa, never did my grandfather or

father discourage it.

font-family:Arial">> It

font-family:Arial">> > was after many tests and my own understanding that

I started using Raman

font-family:Arial">> > Ayanamsa.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Unlike some of his contemporaries like Krishnamurthy

font-family:Arial">> > > or Sheshadri Iyer who have to their credit


font-family:Arial">> > > original contributions, Raman contributed


font-family:Arial">> > > original or new to the arsenal of


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Looks like you have not read his books completely.

Apart from the

font-family:Arial">> general

font-family:Arial">> > combinations that are given in the classics, Dr.

Raman has also given

font-family:Arial">> many

font-family:Arial">> > new and different combinations. Best example would

be the Longevity

font-family:Arial">> chapter

font-family:Arial">> > in Hindu Predictive Astrology. In his book, How to

judge earthquakes and

font-family:Arial">> > weather, he has given different rules and methods

based on his

font-family:Arial">> experience.

font-family:Arial">> > The Astrological Magazine carried lot of articles

giving new ideas and

font-family:Arial">> > thoughts in regard to Mundane Astrology.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Sri Narasimha Rao has given a good reply to your

other statements and I

font-family:Arial">> > would want to leave it at that.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > It is ok to bring out the negative points of a

person, so as to help

font-family:Arial">> him,

font-family:Arial">> > but it more important to verify the statements one

makes. While false

font-family:Arial">> > statements do not carry any weight, it could bring

in bad Karma.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Om Tat Sat,

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Raman Suprajarama

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > ________________________________

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > vedic astrology

font-family:Arial">> > [vedic astrology] On Behalf

Of Narasimha P.V.R.

font-family:Arial">> Rao

font-family:Arial">> > Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:09 AM

font-family:Arial">> > ;

vedic astrology

font-family:Arial">> > [vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Dear Vinay,

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > >>>Different people operate under


font-family:Arial">> > > >>>circumstances and their

contributions cannot be

font-family:Arial">> > > >>>compared. Also, in my opinion,

nobody can come close

font-family:Arial">> > > >>>to Dr Raman's contributions. He

belongs to a different

font-family:Arial">> > > >>>level, like Varahamihira.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Dear Narasimha,

font-family:Arial">> > > I differ in my views on Dr.Raman. Raman used

a wrong

font-family:Arial">> > > Ayanamsha, (that invariably changed the


font-family:Arial">> > > lagna, navamsha position of planets) and

sometimes did

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I too personally do not use Raman ayanamsa. I use

Lahiri ayanamsa and

font-family:Arial">> > believe it has only a small error. But, in the

absence of a conclusive

font-family:Arial">> proof

font-family:Arial">> > of the correct ayanamsa, scholars are free to use

what they like. Dr

font-family:Arial">> Raman,

font-family:Arial">> > Krishnamoorthy, Swami Sadashiva Giri, Swami

Yukteshwar's followers all

font-family:Arial">> have

font-family:Arial">> > their own favorite ayanamsas. You can fault anyone

for following what

font-family:Arial">> they

font-family:Arial">> > prefer.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > not even advocate the use of Navamsha chart.


font-family:Arial">> > > suggested that the Navamsha chart could be

shelved if

font-family:Arial">> > > a planet was strong in the rashi chart. I

hear that

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > There are people today shelving shashtyamsa chart.

I don't see any

font-family:Arial">> > difference between shelving navamsa and shelving


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > even today his children faithfully use his


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > What's wrong with it?

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I use Lahiri ayanamsa and used it in all my

articles published in

font-family:Arial">> > "Astrological Magazine". They never held

it against me and published my

font-family:Arial">> > articles. When they respect my decision to use

Lahiri ayanamsa, I

font-family:Arial">> respect

font-family:Arial">> > their decision to use Raman ayanamsa.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > A pity. He rarely used other divisional

charts like

font-family:Arial">> > > D-10 etc. Raman used nothing other than the

font-family:Arial">> > > Vimshottari Dasha for predictions. I wonder

how he

font-family:Arial">> > > could give sound predictions with such


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > That is the beauty! He gave sound predictions for

several decades.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Though he used what was convenient to him, he was

never against the use

font-family:Arial">> of

font-family:Arial">> > D-10 etc. Nor was he against the use of other

dasas. He respected other

font-family:Arial">> > views and especially those who had allegiance to

maharshis. As an

font-family:Arial">> individual

font-family:Arial">> > teacher, he had the freedom to focus on what

worked for him and what was

font-family:Arial">> > convenient to him. I will not blame him for

exercising that freedom.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Just before he passed away, I was invited to send

an article and sent

font-family:Arial">> one

font-family:Arial">> > containing my researches on D-27 and received his

blessings in a letter.

font-family:Arial">> He

font-family:Arial">> > said he was happy to see youngsters engaged in

serious astrology

font-family:Arial">> research

font-family:Arial">> > and gave me his encouragement and blessings. The

article was published

font-family:Arial">> in

font-family:Arial">> > the last "Astrological Magazine" that he

edited (January 1999 issue). It

font-family:Arial">> was

font-family:Arial">> > my first published article in astrology.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > How can you fault a man who encounraged others

studying divisional

font-family:Arial">> charts

font-family:Arial">> > for ignoring them?

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Each generation discovers (or, sometimes, invents)

new things. It cannot

font-family:Arial">> > blame the previous generations for leaving those

things. Each generation

font-family:Arial">> has

font-family:Arial">> > a job to do.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Unlike some of his contemporaries like


font-family:Arial">> > > or Sheshadri Iyer who have to their credit


font-family:Arial">> > > original contributions, Raman contributed


font-family:Arial">> > > original or new to the arsenal of


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > When did having "original contributions"

become a criterion for being a

font-family:Arial">> > great astrology author?

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > If an author comes by today and translates

(interprets) Parasara

font-family:Arial">> perfectly,

font-family:Arial">> > I will bow to his feet. It will be the greatest

contribution anybody

font-family:Arial">> (apart

font-family:Arial">> > from Parasara) would've ever made to astrology!!!

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Dr Raman brought the knowledge of maharshis to

modern educated men. It

font-family:Arial">> is a

font-family:Arial">> > far greater contribution than any original


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > techniques. Coming to his writings, his books

"How to

font-family:Arial">> > > Judge a Horoscope Vol 1 and Vol 2" which

I have read

font-family:Arial">> > > are downright badly written books according

to me. I

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > But, countless Jyotishis learnt from those books

and progressed as

font-family:Arial">> > astrologers.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Even today, many of us consider those books the

best reference book for

font-family:Arial">> > bhava results.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > gave up reading half way. Honestly I felt

that even I

font-family:Arial">> > > could write a book like that! He simply


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > If so, please do!!!!

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > statements from classics and added them in

his book

font-family:Arial">> > > under the relevant bhava judgment without

bothering to

font-family:Arial">> > > explain how or why such a statement could

work. A

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > That couldn't be more wrong. So many clear

practical examples were

font-family:Arial">> given!

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > person with no knowledge of astrology can


font-family:Arial">> > > neither head nor tail of these books. An


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > who does not interpret and explain the pithy


font-family:Arial">> > > of the classics is no great astrologer. For


font-family:Arial">> > > you explain the use of Arudhas even in


font-family:Arial">> > > charts but explain how and why it is to be

done. This

font-family:Arial">> > > lends credence to what you say and there is


font-family:Arial">> > > chance of its acceptability. I place KN Rao

on a

font-family:Arial">> > > higher pedestal than Dr. Raman in terms of


font-family:Arial">> > > predictions given and probably even in his


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Well, old people like my father who followed Dr


font-family:Arial">> tell

font-family:Arial">> > me that he is unsurpassed in the quantity and

quality of predictions. He

font-family:Arial">> was

font-family:Arial">> > highly successful for several decades. Some are

probably influenced by

font-family:Arial">> the

font-family:Arial">> > propaganda that came after his peak years from

some self-promoting

font-family:Arial">> savants

font-family:Arial">> > that came after him. A Tendulkar or Sehwag cannot

make you forget

font-family:Arial">> Bradman.

font-family:Arial">> > When it comes to public predictions, Dr Raman is

the Bradman.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > In writings, I will not dare to put anybody near

him. Yes, there have

font-family:Arial">> been

font-family:Arial">> > more entertaining authors after him, who wrote

fluffy books with a lot

font-family:Arial">> of

font-family:Arial">> > style, a lot of claims and little useful

substance. His books are filled

font-family:Arial">> > with sattva guna and substance.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > But there's no doubt Raman's name will live

on for a

font-family:Arial">> > > long time to come because of his complete


font-family:Arial">> > > to the craft of astrology and for having the


font-family:Arial">> > > to revive a craft that was almost dead in the


font-family:Arial">> > > fifties. But to compare him to Varahamira, in


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I am glad you recognize atleast that.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > opinion, is like comparing a Viv Richards, a


font-family:Arial">> > > Tendulkar or a Brian Lara to any B grade


font-family:Arial">> > >

font-family:Arial">> > > These are just my views and we all have the

right to

font-family:Arial">> > > have our own.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > I agree. :-)

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > > Warm Regards,

font-family:Arial">> > > Vinay K

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

font-family:Arial">> > Narasimha

font-family:Arial">> >


font-family:Arial">> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):

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font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > SJC website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

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font-family:Arial">Dear Ms. Kathy,


font-family:Arial">Please let me know the horoscope number. While I am no way

equal to Dr. Raman, I will definitely try to help you with my limited



Om Tat Sat,


font-family:Arial">Raman Suprajarama



font-family:Arial">> vedic astrology [vedic-

font-family:Arial">> astrology] On Behalf Of Kathy

font-family:Arial">> Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:49 PM

font-family:Arial">> vedic astrology

font-family:Arial">> [vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....





font-family:Arial">> Hello!


font-family:Arial">> Can't resist telling you this!!! Just received a

message from the

font-family:Arial">> outer space:


font-family:Arial">> <Notable Horoscopes, page 169> ....!@#$!@$!

could not make

font-family:Arial">> anything out of it.. do you?


font-family:Arial">> Kate


font-family:Arial">> vedic astrology, Panditji


font-family:Arial">> wrote:

font-family:Arial">> > Namaste,

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Thanks for sharing your experiences with BV Raman.

When you spoke to

font-family:Arial">> > him, did he mean to use nvansha as a chart with


font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > The staement " If it is afflicted in

navansha, badly placed in

font-family:Arial">> navansha"

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Now this can mean in the same amsha as a malefic (

say with rahu,

font-family:Arial">> > mangal) or debilited in navansha. Did he use

aspects in navansha.

font-family:Arial">> Like

font-family:Arial">> > a graha in 3rd amsha from shani is afflicted etc.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Could you please shed light on this.

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > Thanks

font-family:Arial">> >

font-family:Arial">> > ...







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font-family:Arial">> Group info:

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font-family:Arial">> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

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font-family:Arial">> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


font-family:Arial">> || Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Yes, Panditji. Rasi bhavas are primary for any consideration. But, bhavas in

divisions too are used. For this purpose divisions should be treated as

independent charts too. Say 5th lord of Navamsa is in the 7th. Then it

indicates a love marriage. In Rasi too same interpretation is to be drawn. In

all Vargas relevant houses are to be seen. In dasamsa, 10 house (besides lagna)

is most important for profession. Shri K.N.Rao says, "..there are many other

(secret) uses of vargas".


But, all this is subject to the condition that vargas are to be given very

limited importance while drawing a conclusion. Shri K.N.Rao says (and which I

find working) in his book on Vimshottari that three and a half points should be

given to the Rasi chart, three points to Navamsa and only half a point to the

interconnected third chart (D-10, D-12 etc). He says, " Never allow the third

chart to supersede the importance of the birth horoscope and Navamsa. But do

not fail to see the third relevant chart." Shri K.N.Rao gives you only a

skeleton house or sometimes just the foundation but never a finished house

which you can use readily. Hence, one has to draw one's own conclusions.


There is nothing contradictory in use of vargas for planetary strength (and that

is the main use of vargas) like uttamamsha, gopuramsha etc. and their use as

independent charts. This strength is extremely important. See the Sun exalted

in the Rasi chart of new Pope. See that it is exalted in many vargas. Now come

back to his Rasi chart (Aqu lagna from K.N.Rao) . Sun is lord of 7th house (of

position) aspecting the 9th house (of religion). Now consider Pada Lagna or

Arudha Lagna which falls in the 7th house (without using exception). Here, this

Sun becomes lord of Lagna placed in the 9th house of religion. What conclusion

will you draw ?


"There are well defined rules in astrology" and "there are no rules in

astrology". You have to reconcile the two statements by being flexible enough.



Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

27, 04, 2005 11:56 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....

Namaste Praveenji,Thanks. I have not used aspects and yogas in divisions(

divisionalcharts for some) I have had reasonable success in identifying

eventswithout these parameters. Not everything ofcourse.Have you followed

Vijaydas Pradeepjis posts. He is making some verycompelling points. If there

are divisional charts why worry aboututtamamsha, gopuramsha ? Just use yogas in

the said divisional chart.When parashar says bhava whose lord is in benefic

shastyamsha, thisbhava is in all likely hood in main bahava kundali. Otherwise

you mayhave saptam bhavesh from rashi in krura shatiamsha and saptam

bhaveshfrom navansh in amrita bhavesh, what will you do then ?It is an

discussion worth pondering over. You are one of the learnedand experienced

jyotishi. I would like your take on this.Thanks......On 4/27/05, Praveen Kumar

<chunnu2001 (AT) vsnl (DOT) net> wrote:> Dear Panditji,> Yes, I too use aspects and yogas

in Navamsa. Shri K.N.Rao also advocates the> same. It gives results too. > >

Praveen kumar (Mumbai)> - > Panditji > To:

vedic astrology > 27, 04, 2005 6:14 PM> Re:

[vedic astrology] Dr. B V Raman....> > Namaste,> > Thanks for sharing your

experiences with BV Raman. When you spoke to> him, did he mean to use nvansha

as a chart with aspects.> > The staement " If it is afflicted in navansha,

badly placed in navansha"> > Now this can mean in the same amsha as a malefic (

say with rahu,> mangal) or debilited in navansha. Did he use aspects in

navansha. Like> a graha in 3rd amsha from shani is afflicted etc.> > Could you

please shed light on this.> > Thanks> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:>

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to> vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > ________________________________> Links> > To visit your

group on the web, go to:> vedic astrology/> > To

from this group, send an email to:>

vedic astrology> > Your use of is

subject to the Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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Dear Raman,



Glad to take that name. As someone already pointed out, it was bad

humour. It was balagangadhar tilak's chart.(p 269. Notable Horoscopes)


I read all the books of Dr Raman and reasonably understood them.


Thanks for your gesture.





vedic astrology, "Raman Suprajarama"

<cru115@n...> wrote:

> Dear Ms. Kathy,




> Please let me know the horoscope number. While I am no way equal to


> Raman, I will definitely try to help you with my limited





> Om Tat Sat,




> Raman Suprajarama

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vedic astrology, "SuryaViswanadham"

<vishwanatham@g...> wrote:



> Dear Raman,



> Glad to take that name. As someone already pointed out, it was bad

> humour. It was balagangadhar tilak's chart.(p 269. Notable



> I read all the books of Dr Raman and reasonably understood them.


> Thanks for your gesture.


> Kate



> vedic astrology, "Raman Suprajarama"

> <cru115@n...> wrote:

> > Dear Ms. Kathy,

> >

> >

> >

> > Please let me know the horoscope number. While I am no way equal


> Dr.

> > Raman, I will definitely try to help you with my limited

> understanding.

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Tat Sat,

> >

> >

> >

> > Raman Suprajarama

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