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Precious Words from Ramana Maharshi

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Harsha: Some more gems from the Sage of Arunachala


1. It is false to speak of realisation. What is there to realise ? The real

is as it is, ever. How to realise it ? All that is required is this. We have

realised the unreal, i.e., regarded as real what is unreal. We have to give

up this attitude. That is all that is required for us to attain jnana. We

are not creating anything new or achieving something which we did not have




2. Effortless and choiceless awareness is our real state. If we can attain

it or be in it, it is all right. But one cannot reach it without effort, the

effort of deliberate meditation. All the age long vasanas (impressions)

carry the mind outwards and turn it to external objects. All such thoughts

have to be given up and the mind turned inward. For that, effort is

necessary, for most people. Of course everybody, every book says 'Be quiet

or still'. But it is not easy. That is why all this effort is necessary.

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Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) wrote:




There is a very important discussion inside of this message as you sent

it. I have been having a discussion with Lobster which really involves

this. To become awake means to become aware of life beyond this world

and mind with all its illusion. The only way to this experience is

through silence, not trying to be silent but BEING SILENT as in NO

THOUGHT. The only great achievement for man to achieve is this silence.

In the silence all is experienced and the soul remembers itself. How

does one come to this realization?

It comes through lifetimes of expansion all leading to the moment in

time when the veil is removed... not by some act of self, but by GRACE.

Lifetimes of grace all coming together to reveal what can only be equal

to the big bang. Remembering of the Self, not a human rendition but what

is. This isn't about coming to recognize the existence of angels or

beings of light, and becoming a vehicle for these angels to use. it is

about remembering the soul/spirit from its creation. About remembering

what it means to live in love and silence, and about being in a body

that is both here and there at the same time... which involves learning

to move and rest. Learning to be here in this world but not of it, and

learning what it means to love unconditionally. To simply be...which

takes one far beyond the normal barriers of what life appears to be,

since it is none of this. It involves remembering space and time,

remembering why one came into a body and what is happening at this level

as well as in pure spirit and how spirit creates and maintains this

place as well. And how by one spirit becoming SPIRIT it changes this

world here and now, forever. It is not just about one person coming into

this knowledge, it isn't about teaching it or any of this stuff of the

world. It is about being here now and open to bring down those energies

of LOVE to assist in the world at hand, not just here but in all of the

universe. We are not just beings alive in this one place, this is the

illsuion... we are cosmic travelers moving in space and time, working to

bring frequencies of light into place at a key moment in the drama. It

is about obtaining our inheritance as SPIRITUAL BEINGS.

It is not about exchanging words as if it is a game over the

internet...some past time, it is about being forever in the spirit aware

of oneself...even in the body. Always realizing that God is at work even

in the tiniest things, nothing is an accident, but everything is coming

down according to the plan of spirit.


> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


> Harsha: Some more gems from the Sage of Arunachala


> 1. It is false to speak of realisation. What is there to realise ? The real

> is as it is, ever. How to realise it ? All that is required is this. We have

> realised the unreal, i.e., regarded as real what is unreal. We have to give

> up this attitude. That is all that is required for us to attain jnana. We

> are not creating anything new or achieving something which we did not have

> before.


> 2. Effortless and choiceless awareness is our real state. If we can attain

> it or be in it, it is all right. But one cannot reach it without effort, the

> effort of deliberate meditation. All the age long vasanas (impressions)

> carry the mind outwards and turn it to external objects. All such thoughts

> have to be given up and the mind turned inward. For that, effort is

> necessary, for most people. Of course everybody, every book says 'Be quiet

> or still'. But it is not easy. That is why all this effort is necessary.


> ------

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