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[NondualitySalon] (HTML) Consciousness as self-identification

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Jan, Thanks for the gems you are sending our way. I am taking the

liberty of posting something from the Nonduality Salon using your HTML.

> Harsha:

> I wonder if ultimately, what we are attracted to or repulsed by

> (even ideas or spiritual teachings, or our interpretation of those

> teachings, etc. ) might be reminding us indirectly that we need to in

> some way become more accessible to the Pull of the Absolute, that

> magnetic attraction to Our Own Center.


> Ed:

> Hi Harsha, I assume that what you are saying here equates with a

> 'magnetic force' that overcomes duality.


Harsha: The Magnetic Force is Grace. It is the Pull of the Heart or God.


romantic poets say that to be captured in this pull is to be ruined or

destroyed. Yet it is the Softest and Gentlest of places beyond all


and enjoyments. Here the lover and the beloved disappear and only Love

remains Alone and Eternal. The Shakti merges Here. Perhaps Shiva's dance


destruction is symbolic of it. There is a hindi love song I remember

from an

old Indian movie. "I lost myself and found You! Oh what a great fate I



And now part of the gem from Jan follows again.


jb wrote:

> The ancients associated pure consciousness with infinite power

> (energy). Infinite energy is what is what would be required for

> observation without limitation. Pure consciousness has no limitation

> so it makes sense. Pure consciousness is immaterial and its existence

> isn't apparent, at the other end of the scale is matter and its

> consciousness isn't apparent. In between is a multitude of life-forms,

> where (material) existence and consciousness (with content) are

> apparent. So one could consider identification a fundamental property

> of consciousness and the identification is always with "itself". In

> matter, the identification is matter itself. Living beings too

> identify with themselves (senses, body, mind). When cognitive

> "apparatus" (mind) develops to a point where the identification can be

> changed, the possibility exists that pure consciousness will identify

> with itself again (if nothing else is left...). This leads to the

> musing, that ultimately even simple matter will "remember" it is but

> pure consciousness. In fact, this is what can be observed - ultimately

> a hydrogen atom will spontaneously disintegrate...Jan

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Harsha: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism and other religions and

spiritual traditions use different words and concepts to describe the

nature of Reality. Even within the Shiva and Shakti traditions there are

great debates about the nature of the highest state. The difference can

only be in the words, not in the experience (or non-experience) or in

understanding of great Sages. The ultimate state is not "nothingness"

but NO-Thing-Ness which includes nothingness. It is empty of all things,

concepts, images and is the end of all experiences. It Is Both Full of

ItSelf and Empty of ItSelf. Even the notion of no-self and self are

concepts. In order to communicate, words have to be used to indicate the

experience of the Reality. What ever term one uses to describe THAT, It

is what It Is. Call it God, God Consciousness, or the Self, or the

no-self or Shunya, etc. Satsangha means keeping the company of the Truth

or spiritual people. It leads to Self-Awareness and resolution of

effort. With gentle compassion for oneself and others, one should remain

aware with a feeling of surrender to Lord of the Heart within. You are

not separate from Him. You are That!





Absolute Awareness dawns with Perfect Clarity when the mind subsides

into the Total Silence of the Self. The Unlimited Nature of "Now - The

Present Moment", becomes Fully Self-Evident. The Self Sees IT Self by It

Self and Through It Self.



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