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I'm sick of it

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On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Jerry M. Katz wrote:

> umbada (Jerry M. Katz)


> You know what? I'm so sick of hearing about being conditioned and

> reacting and our false selves and what's wrong with us, that I really

> don't give a damn. SO WHAT if I'm conditioned and react and all that? So

> what? To worry about it, to acknowledge it, to improve it, isn't any

> better than having it. The problem is that people suffer it. People

> suffer it and then they suffer getting rid of it. And then they suffer

> its absence and then they suffer their coming realizations.


if self is absent, how can there be any self to suffer its absence ;)?

See, if you lose the little me, there isnt anyone there to suffer. There's

just like life or something. its cool!

> The problem is the suffering of it. Not it. I'm sure I've done all kinds

> of crazy things in my life, but one understanding has never changed

> since the age of 7. I AM. That plainly shines forth.


but *what* is the cause of suffering? Second noble truth of Buddha's says

its *self*-ish craving. Also, everything is always changing. By the nature

of interdepedent phenomenon, things do not remain the same. The only thing

that doesnt change is that *everything* changes ;)

> Being there. With I AM. Everything else falls into place. Whether you

> call I AM, Jesus or Guru or Your Guru, Sri (put his or her name here),

> or whatever. Abide in I AM. Do that first and last and during.


to do that, you have to surrender the small ego. if its still small ego

saying 'i am', one is just digging a bigger hole than before. No self or

other, no other or self. I talk, you listen! :)

> Why crunch the gravel on your path, when one stone, quiet and whole,

> awaits your full attention?


what if crunching the gravel *is* the path?? Hmm??? :)



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