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Question from Swamiji for the group

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Dear Holy Family,



This is a question that I have often thought about.

>> What it means to be a devotee:



* A devotee finds joy only in God and not in the finite world.


* A devotee knows that God is their only true support, and their only

purpose for living this life.


* A devotee has a longing to give compassionate service to all.


* A devotee is happy in the company of other devotees of God, and

wants to frequent places where God is worshipped.


* A devotee now and then goes into solitude to pray.


* A devotee has a desire to worship God, and to serve God in human form.


* A devotee believes that respect is worship, and work is worship.


* A devotee experiences energy, happiness, sweetness, and joy which

come from love of Guru and God.



With Love,








, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to be

a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




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, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to

be a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




To be a devotee is to be a lover.



Om Namah Shivaya

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Beloved Swamiji,


thank you for asking the question. When searching for an answer, I

heard Shree Maa singing: "I have no other desire in me, but to remain

seated at Your feet." And that, to me, is what it means to be a



in the faith that She will give refuge to whomever comes to Her,






, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to be

a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




> Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &

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I think that a devotee is one who offers his/her complete love and

surrender to the deity. One whose heart yearns for divine communion.


P.S: This is what I feel a devotee should be like, by no means I am

any close to this defimnation.



, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to

be a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




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"can you define what it is to be a devotee?"


I only have some thoughts....being a devotee is being in

relationship. the best way I can think about it is "The Practice of

the Presence of God" ... opening to the possibility of being in

relationship to the Beloved in each moment...always "in relationship"

to The Beloved, internally and externally, in whatever form The

Beloved appears.



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Namaste dear Swamiji,


My definition of a devotee:

One who makes use of every opportunity sent his way as a means to

demonstrate his love for God.


(It reminds me of a saying "when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade".

This I would modify ,"when God gives you a lemon, make lemonade for

God" )


Thank you for your question.

Love and pranams.




, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to be a



> Jai Maa

> Nanda




> Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more

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, "Nanda" <chandimaakijai wrote


"when God gives you a lemon, make lemonade for God" )


Wow, Nandaji! That is sooo great! i think that is a great slogan for

a sincere devotee,."When God gives you a lemon, make lemonade and

offer it to God." What takes the sourness out of the lemon and turns

it into sweet lemonade in order to make it truly a fit offering for

Her? The sweetness of our devotion, of course! :<) A true devotee

sees and seizes the privilege and opportunity to praise and serve Her

every chance he/she gets....with an attitude of gratitude and

surrender to the Divine Will. Humility is the gateway to wisdom and

is the most beautiful jewel that adorns a true devotee.







Namaste dear Swamiji,


> My definition of a devotee:

> One who makes use of every opportunity sent his way as a means to

> demonstrate his love for God.


> (It reminds me of a saying "when life gives you a lemon, make


> This I would modify ,"when God gives you a lemon, make lemonade for

> God" )


> Thank you for your question.

> Love and pranams.

> Nanda



> , Nanda <chandimaakijai@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.

> >

> > ================================

> >

> > "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"

> >

> > ================================

> >

> > Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to

be a

> devotee.

> >

> > Jai Maa

> > Nanda

> >

> >

> >

> > Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &


> on new and used cars.

> >


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, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


A devotee is one who is trying to love God with all their heart,

mind, and soul.


When a true devotee prays, it is from the bottom of their heart.


A true devotee always keeps their eye on the goal, Oneness...to

realize they are divine and one with all that is.


A true devotee does whatever they can to realize that goal by

practicing a form of Sadhana.


A devotee tries to be a loving example rather than proselytizing.


A devotee treats everyone with respect and tries to see the Divine

shining behind their eyes.


They realize that all paths lead to the one, so they respect all



A true devotee realizes that everything and everyone is a form of the

Guru, coming with a teaching.


A true devotee is sincerely humble, knowing that everything and

everyone is a manifestation of God; humility is the number one enemy

of egoism.


A devotee honors all teachings and teachers, and tries to inspire and

encourage others at every chance. [There was a beautiful line i read

in an email i received the other day: "Encouragement is like oxygen

for the soul"].


A devotee tries to control his/her tongue and speaks sweetly and

softly, and only when necessary.


A devotee loves to sit in the golden silence. A devotee knows that

they are never alone.


A devotee is more for "giving" and less for "getting".

A devotee always tries to give more than he/she takes.


A true devotee does not make a show of devotion, and realizes that

emotion is not devotion.


A true devotee knows that all true Gurus are ONE.


A true devotee is the most beautiful jewel within the Heart of God,

and i bow a thousand times to the true devotee. OM Shanti, Shanti,



Your sister dissolving in Maa's Love,



P.S. a true devotee never gives up.





> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to

be a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




> Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &

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"Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"







My Humble Pranams,


To define one aspect of any relationship and not the other is disaster

waiting to happen unless it is defined in an absolute sense.


So to define a 'devotee' we should also have to simultaneously define

'God' or 'Guru'. Just like to define 'wife' without defining 'husband'

doesn't makes sense, unless defined in an absolute sense.


The absolute definition of a 'God', 'Guru', 'devotee' is complete

sacrifice - duality completely ceases( atleast in the mind).


Eg. there is nothing to distinguish a devotee's needs from his God or

Guru's needs in the devotee's mind.

There is nothing distinguish who a devotee is, in God or Guru's mind

since he is like a mother who see no difference between Her and Her child.


Isn't everyone a devotee of something, so no one lacks a quality of

being a true devotee but what he is devoted to is the question?


To be a true devotee is to seek fearlessly till your innermost thirst

is quenched.


As the Chandi Kilakam promises that every effort we put into anything

- Grace will surely and truly follow.


So keep seeking without doubt as Grace is just below or rather all

around us to lead and nourish us.


Jai Sri Ramakrishna!

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Namaste All-


Sincere thanks to Swamiji for bringing this question to mind, which

is one that often bounces around in my head. I have been pondering

this question since it was posted, and watching wonderfully eloquent

responses trickle in. I wasn't sure that I could add anything

additional to the thoughts of those before me.


However, "when God gives you a lemon, make lemonade for God" struck a

real chord with me - thank you Nandaji!


I try to keep the Goddess in mind as much as possible, although often

illness restricts me from performing the formal daily practice that I

hope for. This often makes me feel somewhat a failure. However,

looking at it from the joyful perspective of lemonade, I can see that

my illness is simply a lemon that I have been given to work with. The

fact that most days I only manage to chant a few rounds before bed

should be viewed as a triumph, as well as the fact that during the

day I informally chant whenever the thought strikes me.


Also, most of my day is spend thinking about spiritual topics, as my

reading material is almost without fail spiritual in nature, I teach

spiritual subjects online, and moderate a spiritually-themed e-group.

I should keep this in mind and offer all of this to the Goddess! I

most likely would not have the luxury of dwelling on spiritual

matters so much if I was well and in the workplace full-time...or at

least it would be MUCH more difficult to do so.


Perhaps being a devotee is striving to use whatever circumstances the

Gods gave you as an oppurtunity to set your mind on Them.


I am blessed to have seen this day that the efforts that I make are

beautiful, even if flawed!


Thank you,


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Beloved Swamiji,


Thanks for your question.


I think that a devotee uses every available opportunity to show love

and respect for God be it through an act of kindness, honesty,

humility, etc.




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what it means to be a devotee is to become the master, but to always

say, he is my master, never to say i am the master. we are sparks from

god. that means we are god. be that devoted, to go past everything,

beyond society, time, space, feeling, everything. to do that, hold on

to the master's feet. his mind is already there and he will pull you

up. but you can't let go, that's the thing.


, Nanda <chandimaakijai wrote:


> Dear All,

> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.


> ================================


> "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"


> ================================


> Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means to be

a devotee.


> Jai Maa

> Nanda




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wrote:>> Dear All,> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.>>

================================>> "Can you define what it means to

be a devotee?">> ================================>> Lets look inside

ourselves and find out what it really means to be adevotee.>> Jai

Maa> Nanda>>> > Autos.

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lemonade".This I would modify ,"when God gives you a lemon, make

lemonade forGod" )Thank you for your question.Love and

pranams.Nanda, Nanda wrote:>> Dear

All,> Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.>>

================================>> "Can you define what it means to

be a devotee?">> ================================>> Lets look inside

ourselves and find out what it really means to be adevotee.>> Jai

Maa> Nanda>>> > Autos.

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cars.>------------------------ Sponsor

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Dear Steve,

I think that the "not letting go" is THE thing.




, "Steve Connor" <sconnor



> what it means to be a devotee is to become the master, but to


> say, he is my master, never to say i am the master. we are sparks


> god. that means we are god. be that devoted, to go past everything,

> beyond society, time, space, feeling, everything. to do that, hold


> to the master's feet. his mind is already there and he will pull


> up. but you can't let go, that's the thing.


> , Nanda <chandimaakijai@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.

> >

> > ================================

> >

> > "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"

> >

> > ================================

> >

> > Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means

to be

> a devotee.

> >

> > Jai Maa

> > Nanda

> >

> >

> >

> > Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &

> more on new and used cars.

> >


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dear gauri, shanti shanti shanti this holding on is important for

sure. what about somebody who forgets. thanks to the divine universe

for us having this guru. thanks divine universe for those feet. they

drop down from heaven for us to have something. om. thanks to nanda

for use having the forum. thanks to shree maa for magnetizing us

together. thanks to you for expressing your knowledge. we are one. she

carried swamiji to us. thanks to ramakrishna for lighting maa's way.

thanks to swamiji for bringing saraswati, shiva, durga, all the gods

and ways to us.



, "gabilu27" <gabilu27 wrote:


> Dear Steve,

> I think that the "not letting go" is THE thing.


> Gauri


> , "Steve Connor" <sconnor@>

> wrote:

> >

> > what it means to be a devotee is to become the master, but to

> always

> > say, he is my master, never to say i am the master. we are sparks

> from

> > god. that means we are god. be that devoted, to go past everything,

> > beyond society, time, space, feeling, everything. to do that, hold

> on

> > to the master's feet. his mind is already there and he will pull

> you

> > up. but you can't let go, that's the thing.

> >

> > , Nanda <chandimaakijai@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > Here is a question from Swamiji to the group.

> > >

> > > ================================

> > >

> > > "Can you define what it means to be a devotee?"

> > >

> > > ================================

> > >

> > > Lets look inside ourselves and find out what it really means

> to be

> > a devotee.

> > >

> > > Jai Maa

> > > Nanda

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &

> > more on new and used cars.

> > >

> >


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