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~*~*~*~ * Srimad Bhagavad Gita * Eleventh Chaper * ~*~*~*~

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~*~*~*~ Namaskar Devotees ! ~*~*~*~




OM !


[The following Eleventh chapter is taken from "Srimad

Bhagavad Gita" translated from the original Sanskrit

text by Swami Paramananda]


~*~*~* Vishya~Rupa~Darshanam * Vision Of The Universal Form ~*~*~*~





Arjuna said:


The supremely profound word regarding Self~Knowledge,

spoken by Thee out of compassion for me, has dispelled

this my delusion. [1]


O Lotus-Eyed, I have heard at length from

Thee of the creation and dissolution of beings, as

well as of Thine inexhaustible glory. [2]


O Great Lord, as Thou hast declared Thyself, so it is.

O Supreme Being, I desire to see Thy Godly Form. [3]


O Lord, if Thou thinkerst me able (worthy) to see that

(Form), then, O Lord of Yogis, show me Thine Infinite

Self. [4]


The Blessed Lord said:


Behold, O Partha, My various celestial Forms, of

different colors and shapes, by hundreds and by

thousands. [5]


O descendant of Bharata, behold the Adityas, the

Rudras, the Vasus, the twin Asvins and the Maruts.1

Behold many wonders that were not seen before. [6]


O Gudakesha (Arjuna), behold in this body of Mine the

entire universe together, with all that is moving and

unmoving and whatever else thou desirest to perceive.



But with these eyes of thine thou canst not see Me;

therefore I give thee Divine sight. Behold my Supreme

Yoga power! [8]


Sanjaya said:


O King, having spoken thus, the great Lord of Yoga,

Hari, then showed to Partha His Supreme

Godly Form. [9]


With many faces and eyes, with many wondrous sights,

with many celestial ornaments

and with many celestial weapons uplifted, [10]


Wearing celestial garlands and garments, anointed

with celestial fragrant perfumes;


1 Names for celestial beings.



the All~Wonderful Deity, Infinite, facing the universe

everywhere. [11]


If the effulgence of a thousand suns were to shine at

once in the sky, that might resemble the Splendor of

that Great Being. [12]


Then the son of Pandu (Arjuna) saw the entire universe

resting together, with its manifold divisions, in the

body of the God of gods. [13]


Then Dhananjaya, overpowered with wonder, and his hair

standing on end, bending down his head in awe to the

Deity, spoke with folded hands: [14]


Arjuna said:


O God! in Thy body I see all the gods, as well as

multitudes of all kinds of beings; the Lord Brahma,

seated on the lotus throne, all the Rishis and all the

celestial serpents. [15]


O Lord of the universe, O Universal Form, I see Thee

with manifold arms, bellies, mouths and eyes,

boundless on every side; neither do I see Thy

beginning, nor middle nor end. [16]


I see Thee with diadems, maces, discus, shiningly

effulgent everywhere, blazing all around like the

burning fire and the sun, dazzling

to the sight and immeasurable. [17]


Thou art the Impersihable, the Supreme, the One to be

known. Thou art the Supreme Refuge of this universe;

Thou art the ever unchanging Guardian of the Eternal

Dharma (religion); Thou art, I know, the Ancient

Being. [18]


I see Thee without beginning, middle or end, with

infinite power, with numberless arms, the sun and moon

as Thine eyes, Thy mouth as the blazing fire, heating

this universe with Thine own radiance. [19]


By Thee alone the space between heaven and earth and

all the quarters is pervaded. O Great Soul, seeing

this, Thy wonderful and terrifying Form, the three

worlds are stricken with fear. [20]


Verily, these hosts of Devas are entering into Thee;

some in fear, praising Thee with folded hands. The

host of great Rishis and Siddhas, saying "Svasti"

(peace, may it be well), are singing Thy glory in

beautiful hymns. [21]


The Rudras, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, the Visvas, the

Asvins, the Maruts, the Ushmapas, the host of

Gandharvas, Yaksashas, Asuras, Siddhas,

they are all looking at Thee wonderstruck. [22]


O Mighty-armed, seeing Thine immeasurable

form, with many mouths and eyes with many arms,

thighs and feet, with many lions, and fearful with

many large teeth, the worlds and I, as well, are

agitated with terror. [23]


O Vishnu, seeing Thee touching the sky, shining in

many colors, with mouths wide open, and with large

blazing eyes, my heart is terrified and I find neither

peace nor tranquillity. [24]


O Lord of gods! seeing Thy mouths, terrible with long

teeth, blazing like the fires of destruction, I know

not the four quarters, nor do I find any peace. Have

mercy, O Abode of the universe! [25]


All these sons of Dhritarashtra, with the multitude of

monarchs, Bhishma, Drona and Sutaputra (Karna), as

well as our own principal warriors, [26]


Enter rushingly into Thy mouths, terrible with long

teeth and fearful to look at. Some are seen hanging

between Thy teeth, with their heads crushed to powder.



As the many torrents of rivers rush towards the ocean,

similarly do these heroes amongst men enter into Thy

mouths, blazing fiercely on all sides. [28]


As the moths rush into the burning fire with headlong

speed for destruction, in the same manner do these

creatures rush into Thy mouths with headlong speed,

only to perish. [29]


O Vishnu! swallowing all the worlds with Thy blazing

flames, Thou art licking all around. Thy fierce,

radiant rays, filling the whole universe, are burning.



Tell me, who art Thou, in this terrible Form?

Salutation to Thee! O Supreme Deity, have mercy! O

Primeval One, I desire to know Thee, for indeed I know

not Thy purpose. [31]


The Blessed Lord said:


I am eternal, world~destroying Time, manifested here

for the destruction of these people. Even without

Thee, none of these warriors, arrayed here in the

hostile armies, shall live. [32]


Therefore, do thou arise and acquire glory. Conquering

the enemies, enjoy the unrivalled kingdom. By Me alone

have they already been slain; be thou merely an

instrutmental cause, O Savyasachin1 (Arjuna). [33]


Drona, Bhishma, Jayadratha, Karna, as well as the

other brave warriors, are already slain by Me. Do thou

kill and be not distressed by fear. Fight! and thou

shalt conquer thine enemies in battle [34]


Sanjaya said:


Having heard these words of Keshava (Krishna),

(Arjuna) the diadem-wearer, with


1 Who could shoot arrows even with his left hand.



folded hands, trembling, prostrating himself, again

spoke to Krishna in a choked voice, bowing down

overwhelmed with fear. [35]


Arjuna said:

O Lord of the senses (Krishna), it is right that the

world delights and rejoices in Thy glory. The

Rakshasas (demonic human~beings) fly with fear in all

directions and the host of Siddhas bow down to Thee in

adoration. [36]


Why should they not bow down to Thee, O Mighty Being,

O Infinite One, O Lord of the gods, O Abode of the

universe, greater than Brahma and even the primeval

cause of Brahma; for Thou art the Imperishable; (Thou

art) Existence and Non-existence and all that is

beyond. [37]


O boundless Form, Thou art the Primeval Deity, the

Ancient Being, Thou art the Supreme Refuge of this

universe; Thou art the Knower, the One to be known and

the Supreme Abode. By Thee alone is this universe

pervaded. [38]


Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the Moon; Thou art

the Lord of creatures and the great Grandsire.

Salutations to Thee, my salutations a thousand times

again and again my salutations to Thee! [39]


Salutations to Thee before, salutations to Thee

behind, salutations to Thee on all sides! O All,

infinite in power, and immeasurable in valor,

Thou pervadest all, therefore

Thou art All. [40]


Not knowing this Thy glory and regarding

Thee merely as a friend, whatever I may have said

presumptuously, out of either carelessness or

fondness, addressing Thee as "O Krishna,O Yadava,"

"O Friend"; [41]


O Changeless One, in whatever manner I may have been

disrespectful to Thee, in jesting, in walking, in

reposing, sitting, or at meals, alone, or in the

presence of others; O Unfathomable One, I implore Thee

to forgive all that. [42]


Thou art the Origin of the moving and unmoving world,

and its object of worship; greater that the great, O

Incomparable Power, no one in the three worlds exists

equal to Thee. How can, then, anyone excel Thee? [43]


O Adorable Lord! prostrating my body in adoration, I

beg Thy forgiveness. O God, as a father forgives his

son, a friend his dear friend, a beloved one his love,

even so do Thou forgive me! [44]


O God joyous am I to have seen (Thy form) which I

never saw before; yet my heart is agitated with

terror, therefore show me that Form of Thine. O God of

gods! O Abode of the universe, have mercy! [45]


I desire to see Thee as before, with diadem,

mace and discus. O Universal Form of thousand

arms, do Thou manifest Thy~Self

in that same Four~armed Form (form of Vishnu).



The Blessed Lord said:


O Arjuna, mercifully have I shown thee this Supreme

Form by My own Yoga power. This Effulgent, Infinite,

Primeval, Great Universal Form of Mine, which has not

been seen by {hardly} anyone else before thee. [47]


O great hero of the Kurus, not by the study of the

sacred Vedas or by sacrifice, not by charity or

rituals, nor by severe austerities, am I visible in

such Form in this world of jivas to {hardly} any other than thee.



Be not frightened, nor bewildered, having seen this

terrific Form of Mine, getting rid of thy fear and

with gladdened heart, behold thou again this My former

Form. [49]


Sanjaya said:


Vasudeva (Krishna), having thus spoken to Arjuna,

showed again His own Form. The Great~Souled One,

having assumed again His gentle Form, pacified him

(Arjuna) who was terrified. [50]


Arjuna said:


O Janardana, seeing this, Thy gentle human Form, now

my thoughts are collected

and I have recovered myself. [51]


The Blessed Lord said:


This Form of Mine which thou hast seen is very

difficult to perceive; even gods ever long to behold

this Form. [52]


Neither by the Vedas, nor by austerities, nor by

charitable gifts, nor by sacrifice, can I be seen as

thou hast seen Me, [53]


But by single~hearted devotion alone I can be known in

this manner, O Arjuna, and perceived in reality and

also entered into, O Parantapa. [54]


O Pandava, he who works for Me, has Me for his highest

goal, is devoted to Me, is free from attachment and

bears neither enmity nor harm towards no creature, enters into Me.



Here ends the Eleventh Chapter called

"Vishya~Rupa~Darshanam, or The Vision of the Universal Form"



~~~ Srimad Bhagavad Gita








Mocana agha-dusana jaga-bhusana


Jnananjana vimala-nayana

viksane moha jay.


2. O redeemer of all sins! O adornment for

all the worlds! O Pure Consciousness condensed!


Thy eyes, sanctified with the collyrium

of Jnana, shatter the delusion of

ignorance by their very look.


Source : Aratrika Hymns and Ramanam



Jai Thakur Sri Guru Maharaj Ji Ki Jai!


Shri Bhagavan Sharanam Mamah!





~*~*~*~*~*~ Shivani Sannyasini ~*~*~*~*~*~







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