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Story About Learning Surrender To Kali

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Several years ago when I was a relatively new disciple of Shree

Maa's, I was performing some seva at the ashram one Saturday, when she

sent for me to come and talk with her. In a very forthright manner,

she inquired how my relationship with Hope was going. At the time I was

a parent grappling with the adolescent changes and rebellious spirit

of my fifteen year old daughter. Without hesitation and with some

anticipated relief that I might get a fresh perspective, I started

briefly to tell her of my concerns about Hope and concerns about how I

was handling things. After only a few sentences, I stopped. I found

myself listening to Shree Maa describe in detail the nature of my

current worries, the root cause in the difference of values and

parenting styles of the two parents, and how this was affecting Hope.

I had never discussed this topic with Maa before, and in a surprised

manner I wondered out loud, "Maa, you know everything about this. Why

did you even ask me?" She answered, "because I wanted to see if you

would tell the truth". And then she advised, "Now you go home and get a

picture of Hope, and bring it back to the ashram, and put it on the

garland which hangs around the neck of Kali in the temple. Then don't

worry, Kali will take care of everything!" And Shree Maa did check

with me later to see that I had.

From the wisdom of the Guru that day, I took faith that if I put

my own child in the heart of the Goddess Kali, if I surrendered my

troubles in all truthfulness at the feet of Kali, that She would

naturally, as my Mother, take away all my darkness and strife. And She

does, evertime that I remember how simple and sweet surrender can be!

Jai Kali Maa and Happy Kali Puja and Happy Diwali to Everyone!


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Wonderful story Kamala. Thanks for sharing it.




At 01:47 PM 10/24/2003 +0000, you wrote:

> Several years ago when I was a relatively new disciple of Shree

>Maa's, I was performing some seva at the ashram one Saturday, when she

>sent for me to come and talk with her. In a very forthright manner,

>she inquired how my relationship with Hope was going. At the time I was

>a parent grappling with the adolescent changes and rebellious spirit

>of my fifteen year old daughter. Without hesitation and with some

>anticipated relief that I might get a fresh perspective, I started

>briefly to tell her of my concerns about Hope and concerns about how I

>was handling things. After only a few sentences, I stopped. I found

>myself listening to Shree Maa describe in detail the nature of my

>current worries, the root cause in the difference of values and

>parenting styles of the two parents, and how this was affecting Hope.

>I had never discussed this topic with Maa before, and in a surprised

>manner I wondered out loud, "Maa, you know everything about this. Why

>did you even ask me?" She answered, "because I wanted to see if you

>would tell the truth". And then she advised, "Now you go home and get a

>picture of Hope, and bring it back to the ashram, and put it on the

>garland which hangs around the neck of Kali in the temple. Then don't

>worry, Kali will take care of everything!" And Shree Maa did check

>with me later to see that I had.

> From the wisdom of the Guru that day, I took faith that if I put

>my own child in the heart of the Goddess Kali, if I surrendered my

>troubles in all truthfulness at the feet of Kali, that She would

>naturally, as my Mother, take away all my darkness and strife. And She

>does, evertime that I remember how simple and sweet surrender can be!

>Jai Kali Maa and Happy Kali Puja and Happy Diwali to Everyone!












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