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Kelly, Thank You

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Thank you so very much for taking the time to offer suggestions. It

was most kind!


All Love,



, Kelly Leeper <blissnout>


> Karen,


> Is reading your reply again, I wanted to know if this is your

first undertaking of sanskrit? In pronunciation, sanskrit to me,

feels more sensual because there are more feelings in the mouth when

certain words or diacritical marks are placed in the mouth or body.

Did that make sense?


> My understanding of sanskrit and it could be my way of learning

again, is based on where consonants and vowels 'feel' in the body,

how they are pronounced and where they resonate in the mouth and

body. Or is the stumbing block in how it's written?


> For example from Durga Suktam:


> prtana-jitagm saha-mana-mugramagnigm huvema paramathsadhasthat.


> Looking at that my eye's tweek, but if I write it on a separate

peice of paper here is what it would look like for me:


> Pritana-geetagoom, saha mana moogram agni goom. Hoo vema paramat

sadhast at uh.


> If spelling it differently helps, by all means, spell it

differently. There is a girl at my temple who is also a singer, but

she rewrites everything phonetically like I have above for learning

purposes. Is this what you mean?


> Namaste,

> kelly


> Kelly Leeper <blissnout> wrote:

> Karen,


> Let me brainstorm abit. What happens when you sit and repeat the

words several times without meter or intonation as if you were just

speaking? Does that help?


> It's so easy to think other people are audial learners and I know

that is not the case, so let me think on this. I ran into many

different voice students who learned differently, but I can't

remember if the visual approach without the audio worked since we

were all singers and all had very acute hearing. My hearing tends

to be very sensitive, almost canine per my Dr, so your right, I am

an audial learner.


> Where are you Karen? What part of the world? It's too bad they

don't have a "hooked on phonics" for sanskrit. I love to try

anyway possible to teach a person. Teaching has to do with how the

student learns, not the way the teacher wants to teach so finding

the right approach for you is important. Can you remember how you

learned english? Would that same method help you in the Chandi?

Sometimes just speaking, getting used to how the mouth feels when

certain words are pronouced and of course it takes repitition. My

boyfriend is very precise when it comes to sanskrit, so if there is

anything I can find out from him, I will let you know.


> Can you provide an example of a phrase that stumps you and what



> Namaste,

> Kelly



> kbbookbag <karenborak@e...> wrote:

> Kelly, thanks for your input. The audio approach works great for

> auditory learners, and I wish I were one. However, I am

> predominantly a visual learner so I need to be able to see the


> to say them correctly. Unfortunately, the transliteration is very

> hard for me because I can't say what I see. (Does that make

> sense?) So there is where I am looking for help. To learn how to

> pronounce the transliteration letters, especially with their many

> and various diacritical markings. I listen to the Chandi cd a


> but I really need a sort of bookish support to make it "take root"

> in this recalcitrant mind of mine. Thanks again.


> All Love,

> Karen


> , Kelly Leeper <blissnout>

> wrote:

> > Karen,

> >

> > I'm new to the chanting the Chandi too. I learn by means of

> hearing it over and over, so I play the chapter I'm learning over

> and over. I put it on repeat and will listen for a day and then


> what my subconscious picked up by listening. The mind will pick


> the flow that way and then pronunciation is easier. When I


> various operas in italien, french, german I would pronouce each


> about 5 times to get it. After practicing 1 italian song, the


> get more 'oiled' and it's easier to learn.

> >

> > I've noticed with learning the Chandi over the last 2 weeks when


> started, that my learning is getting 'oiled', my tongue is flowing

> with less effort and it's coming quite fast actually. I've

> surprised myself. I would like to learn in 3 months time, but


> see what MaChandi has in store for me. The chapters are not that

> long actually. If you break them down and learn 1 chapter every 2-


> days it should be easier if you listen to Maa chant over and over

> and over. At first Maa's chanting slowing seemed fast for me, but

> when you listen like a broken record all day long, it comes. Your

> mind will remember and pick it up faster. If you jump right in

> without listening to it it will be more laborious I have found.

> >

> > I'm definately curious to find out how others approached


> this work as I am

> > learning it.

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Kelly

> >

> > kbbookbag <karenborak@e...> wrote:

> > Hello, Lynne,

> >

> > I read your experience with chanting the Chandi Path with great

> > interest. Can you offer some advice to a novice to the Chandi

> > regarding pronunciation? Perhaps you might know of a

> > reference/resource to help with pronouncing the transliteration

> (not

> > learning Sanskrit per se). I listened to the online Chandi Path

> > class from Devi Mandir and I have their CD, but they, of course,

> > chant in a natural manner for them, which is too fast for me to

> > learn from. Sooo...I have been searching for help. I searched

> > endlessly online with little more than a list of the letters and

> > sparse pronunciation keys. Might you know of something more?

> > Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer.

> >

> > All Love,

> > Karen

> >

> >

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