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Tony's meditation question

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Dear Tony,

The Devi Gita written and translated by Swamiji of the Devi

Mandir is an excellent gem of wisdom all about how to

meditate and worship the Devi according to her instructions.

I highly reccommend this scripture for anyone interested in the

philosophy of the Goddess as well as learning practical

knowledge of how to worship and meditate on the Goddess.

In Chapter 7 Himalaya asks the Goddess to "Please instruct

me in the practice of Yoga, along with all its limbs, and bestow

upon me the fullest knowledge, by means of which I can attain

union and realization of the universal principle."

The Devi responds, " Neither does Yoga exist in the sky, nor

behind, nor below(on the earth), nor even in the nether

regions(below the earth). Those conversant with Yoga know

Yoga to be the comlete unity of the Individual Soul with its

desired objective. There are 6 enemies who cause obstacles

in the path of union: desire, anger, greed, ignorance, conceit,


jealousy. Destroying these enemies by the limbs of Yoga, the

yogis attain to union."

The Goddess continues to describe the path of astanga yoga in

greater detail explaining how to perform pranayama, which

asanas to sit in like the padmasana(lotus),

Svastikaasana(excellent attainment posture, Bradraasana(

excellent posture) Vajraasana(diamond posture) Virasana(hero

posture). She explains how to sit in these postures and how to

concentrate the mind during meditation.

In chapter 9 there is a beautiful description of Supreme Devotion.

and what activities are most pleasing to the Goddess in order to

attain to supreme devotion.

If you are interested in reading this text please visit the Devi

Mandir web site at shreemaa.org. You can order the book on



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