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Is there any scripture 'higher' than Caitanya Caritamrta?

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Books will only take you to a particular point... beyond that, you will need direct realization


Of all the books you can find, Chaitanya Charitamrta is the highest. Antya lila. The pastimes of Mahaprabhu at the Gambhira in Puri. There is nothing higher than what is spoken about there.


In regard to "Rasika" literature, Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaj said:


Even we are not allowed, by our master, to read the books where they are described: Govinda-lilamrtam, Stava-Mala, Vilapa-kusumañjali, Ujjvala-nilamani, he did not allow to study and discuss. Rather he would have been very much disturbed if he heard that someone is interfering with the higher lila in those books. He did not like it. Dusta phala koribe arjan, Bhaktivinode Thakur is giving warning that we will get only bad results, if we venture to cross the line, a bad effect will come to you — aparadha. From the lower position, anartha, the steps are shown: sraddha, sadhu sangha, sravan, kirtan, then anartha nivrttih, undesirable things will vanish altogether, then nistha, then ruci, then asakti, then bhava bhakti, the sprout of real devotion, then prema bhakti, and sneha, mana, pranaya raga, anuraga, bhava, mahabhava. By such steps are we to approach there.




(PS, there were a couple of errors in the quote I gave initially, so I removed this posting and went and found the original quote of Srila Sridhar Maharaj talking about Ujjvala Nilamani etc, which you can find in the lead article on the Daily Darshan site)

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the warnings are there to keep us in line, and it may be inapropriate for us to read these books, yet... such books DO exist and verses from them were quoted by our acharyas, so they ARE being used. most serious devotees will open such books and realize they are too fallen to read them.


I rarely read CC as I'm too fallen even for that book, let alone rasika books. sometimes I read a page or two from CC or Sridhara Maharaja books and simply wonder, when I will be ready for such topics...


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