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Michael Moore's open letter to Canada regarding Federal election on January 23, 2006

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Bhakta Don Muntean

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You can call it anti-Americanism - but that isn't so - to be critical of the U.S. foreign policy is not anti-american - also - we all know that the U.N. resolution had NOTHING to do with regime change - but that is what they did and to date - they haven't found any WMD.


As for the leaders that have lost seats – their loses weren’t due to a not engaging in Iraq nor of their being critical of those nations who are - it has everything to do with domestic issues - and you know that.




his views are compatible with Mr. Bush, John Howard and now Tony Blair




There it is - the three leaders who shall conspire together to do what? [an engagement of Mr. Harper?] Yes let them transplant democracy into places over-run with extremists - indeed it's such a good thing now isn't it.


Also - don't pretend that everything is going well in Iraq - or in the war on terror - too many mistakes and there is a questionable motivation for all of it...


If Canada stays out of the tit for tat reality created by some of our other western leaders - we will never lose - but if we enter these battle-grounds - we all know what shall be the result.


So as you read this understand that what the U.S. and the U.K. are doing - is outside the U.N. - they have taken a global enforcer role - but who [is respectable enough to] shall police them?


Is the U.S. vice president going to submit to the E.U. questions about the secret gulags?


If Cuba is a communist enemy [and you cannot buy Cuban goods in America] - how come the Gitmo Gulag is there? How is that worked out?


Thus one could wonder - where the real lines of acceptance are – regarding - who is an ally and - who is an enemy in these convoluted conflicts – yes this may be the ‘real’ conspiracy matter?



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if there's something headed toward Winnipeg or Montreal...On missile defense, Mr. Harper will be more down to earth in every sense.




At present there is NO CHANCE of that happening [canada isn't an ill-global player - so - what is going to take to change that - to make canada some target for some far away lunitic's ICBMs - what shall happen in our politics to create this problem?


At this time - we don't need such protection - however - it could be that if our U.S. neighbours are targeted - they could then intercept the ICBMs - over canada - oh how nice for canada....


The rest of your posting is so very out-of-touch with reality that it isn't funny...

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  • 9 months later...

I was wrong to support the Liberals!


I was wrong to vote Liberal...


Now I do have a better perspective - I endorse and support the U.S. administration's actions to check the global islamic revolution - I didn't then. I certainly advocated that the global islamic revolution needed to be checked but - that the U.S. should not be involved I certianly think that was shortsighted. We have to encourage our leaders in this connection because the left wing is trying very much to undermine the whole effort.


If their efforts to check the islamists fail - then - the free world shall regret not supporting the Bush administration. There is still time to get behind this effort and - I urge Canadians and Americans to support their Conservative and Republican governments. The others [Democrats and Liberals/NDP] are going to try to "negotiate" with these irregular fighters - at the expense of Israel in the short term and - ultimately - at all our expense.




It is regretted if my any of my past-postings helped to make any people to look down on the noted efforts of the U.S. administration!


I'm very pleased that the Liberals lost the January 2006 election - VERY PLEASED that we have a Conservative government that understands things better than the Liberals and most especially the NDP.


Yes with the Conservatives and the Republicans there is now a better chance of a NEEDED 'continental resolve' to deal 'the issues' which are a threat to North America.




Moore was/is wrong - that is why he and his propaganda movie is mostly forgotten now [and voters in Canada ignored his noted letter] - if he were really smart - he would do a movie on the islamic revolution - a proper movie that would help people to see the danger for what it is - a movie to help prevent others from falling into this asuric 'revolution'.




So in any case - I have spent a great deal of time over the last five years posting about all these problems - critical of that which is jaded both 'here' and 'there' and - it is my hope that our western leaders are going to continue to fight this war on terror - not as counter-points but rather - as agents of justice.


I know that our western leaders shall serve this noted 'justice' aptly!


It would seem logical that the location of the solid foundation noted is going to have to be the U.S. and Canada - with little help expected from the E.U. [and that is for the best for now anyway] who seem to have other limited ideas on how to deal with these noted issues....


So in any case - i just wanted to mention this point again:


I'm very pleased that the Liberals lost the January 2006 election - VERY PLEASED that we have a Conservative government that understands things better than the Liberals and most especially - the NDP.

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