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What is a cult???

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cult n


1. a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by others as misguided or unorthodox


2. a group of people who share religious or spiritual beliefs


3. extreme or excessive admiration for a person, philosophy of life, or activity (often used before a noun)


4. a person, philosophy, or activity regarded with extreme or excessive admiration


5. something popular or fashionable among a devoted group of enthusiasts (often used before a noun)


6. a body of organized practices and beliefs supposed to involve interaction with and control over supernatural powers


7. a self-identified group of people who share a narrowly defined interest or perspective



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sect (noun): religious group, faction, party

trendy (adjective): offbeat, alternative, out of the ordinary, unusual, mainstream (antonym)

fad (noun): craze, trend

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Generally people associate cult with something which is not really good for them.... Am I right in saying that?


What is the reason for that? Any takers?


Also Srila Prabhupada termed Krishna consciousness movement as Bhakti Cult.



Just found a letter where he mentions 'cult' word many times....





24th July, 1958


Seth Mangumal Amarasingh

345, Kalvadevi Road, 4th Floor



Dear Sir,


I beg to inform you that Sri Sanjib Banerji manager of the United Bank of India, has advised me to see you between 1 to 2 p.m. and he has told me that he had telephonic conversation with you about me. I have come from Vrindaban on a missionary purpose and the necessary papers in this connection are enclosed herewith. Please find. Sri Banerji has spoken very high about your good-self that you are highly interested in the matter of propagating the cult of devotion and the message of Vrindaban.


The present Vrindaban city is the excavation of the six Goswamins headed by Srila Rupa and Sanatan Goswamins who were deputed by Lord Caitanya to re-establish the Bhakti cult and in execution of the order of Lord Chaitanya the six Goswamins who lived there made a vast research in the Shastras and left behind them a vast literatures of pure Bhakti cult to be broadcast all over the world by later Acharyas. As such my Spiritual Master Shri Bhakti Siddhant Goswami Maharaj made a great effort to execute the order of Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and we were fortunate enough to meet Him for service. Apart from his various uncommon activities in the line, He was kind enough to order me to propagate the same cult in English language to preach the cult in the foreign countries and in obedience to His order I am trying to do my bit. What I have done so far will be spoken by the enclosed papers. But I am practically struggling very hard for this job without any tangible success till Sri Sanjib Banerji has told me that you are the right person to co-operate with me in this noble task for propagating the Bhakti cult and combined in the message of Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita.


The hearing tendency is made easy and still more favourable by songs and music of spiritual value to be equally shared by all classes of men namely the highest educated and the lowest illiterate. The movement is sublime and easy at the same time.


The League of Devotees is registered to make this movement in an organised way and I wish to enquire if any co-operation and help can be expected from your honour.


Awaiting an early reply and thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,


(Taken from: http://www.prabhupadaconnect.com/Letters21.html)


Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

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Back in the day, the word "cult" did not have the same connotations as it does nowadays - mainly thanks to the "anti-cult" movement of the 70's. So when reading Prabhupada's use of the term, think "culture," as in bhakti culture, etc.

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