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British Youth Head to India For IT Jobs( Panky, here's an opportunity for you)

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British Youth Head to India For IT Jobs

Sify Finance


LONDON, ENGLAND, November 16, 2005: In a reversal of the outsourcing that has seen thousands of jobs lost in Britain, telesales operations are looking to fill a skills gap in the East with young Britons willing to work on Indian wages, says a report in the Australia Herald. It said that recent graduates and those with experience of working in British call centers are flocking to sign up for jobs in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore that pay just US$895 a month. It might not sound like much, but many are finding they can earn enough to live on for six months or a year before they could take to travelling.


The report said a stint at India's call centers, followed by a period holidaying on Goa's beaches or touring the palaces of Rajasthan is becoming the fashionable way to spend a gap year. The problem has arisen because although millions of Indians aspire to work in the call centers, managements are becoming more particular about whom they hire, followin g widespread complaints from callers in Britain about staff being unable to understand them. There has also been a high attrition rate in many of the centers, as Indians became fed up with punishing hours and abuse from callers. That has not put off the young Britons. The clamor for jobs in India has reached such levels that agencies have been set up to place them with Indian firms. Young Britons of Indian origin are also finding the jobs offer them a chance to rediscover their roots. The Herald report quoted Hasmita Patel as saying "this has been the best thing I've ever done. It has really allowed me to see the country and get to know people. I've learned so much about myself," Patel from Leicester added.



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