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Hindu Schools.......

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Would establishing a Hindu educational system, so hindus can learn there religion, be a good idea. I think there should be a religious Hindu school. It wouldn't be sectarian, kids would have plenty of opportunities to learn about other religions and cultures. I think our kids need a religious school to learn Hinduism properly. I'll be personally working to establish one in America, after college. I'd like to know your thoughts.

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I support the break up of the present monopoly in education and decentralization of the educational structure. How can parents who believe human life offers the rare oppurtunity to realize the self and God allow atheists to educate their children?

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I like the idea of vouchers, but also have some reservations. The first being when you take government money you often get government intrusion. Second, it might be considered religious bigotry on my part, but I don't think all religions are valid, but such a system would have to allow the same treatment to some concocted bigfoot religious school as to an Islamic school. And of course you will have Farakhan creating his own schools teaching black militant Islam etc.... The idea has many good points, but you will have to accept the garbage as well as the good.


There does seem to be a growing movement of homeschoolers. Its not such a far fetched idea. Truthfully, outside of reading, writing, and arithmetic, the vast majority of schooling is in one ear and out the next. I studied Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, etc... and don't remember hardly any of it. I remember how to read, how to write, and I'm pretty good at math.


So homeschooling that focus on the basics is doable for most families. It might be best just to ignore the government as much as possible and teach one's kids at home.

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but a great idea. I think having kids be taught by atheist isn't healthy spiritually. Catholics have their own private school, why not Hindus. I hope this would just be for Vaishnavas, it should include Saivites, aswell. You could combine the temples like the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in Maryland. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Sri Siva Vishnu Temple


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Why this sectarinism? Why not simply Vaishnava school without religions like Hinduism, Islam etc. Enough of broad-mindedness, the world is lacking Vaishnava schools dedicated to Krishna.

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I believe the original author said they wouldn't be sectarian. Why not have a religious Hindu school every other religion has their own educational institutions. To me sectarianism isn't a good reason, it's a phony excuse. Every other religion has colleges/universities dedicated to their beliefs. You really need to come up with a better reason, Hindus shouldn't unite. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Garuacandra: "I like the idea of vouchers, but also have some reservations. The first being when you take government money you often get government intrusion."


You will always get government intrusion, at least in the US. It's there even with completely privately funded schools. That's why Srila Prabhupada wanted to move ISKCON's gurukula to India. Here in Hawaii, the Kamehameha Schools are being sued to change their admission policy, which favors students of Hawaiian ancestry (which translates in practical terms to requiring some demonstrable pre-contact Hawaiian ancestry). That's despite the fact the the schools get absolutely no government money; they are funded entirely by tuitions and the estate of Princess Bernice Puahi Bishop, and the terms of her will are that the schools serve Hawaiian kids, because of the way the Hawaiians were treated after European contact.


So you can count on government interference if you take voucher money for your school.

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who says you have to take government vouchers. Have it be a completely private school. Independent of receiving any sort of government funding. It can be funded by the Hindu communities or philanthropist. In the US you'd be wasting your time to depend on government handouts.

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Don't you think? Also, what of Islam and other great religions? They don't want to miss out. It would be unfair and fanatical for someone to start a hindu school leaving out other religions, right?

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I'm thinking about a religious hindu school that is not at all funded by the government. So if a muslim wants to completely fund and pay for a religious school, by all mean, go ahead. Catholics have private schools and no one is screaming at them. If they do create a Hindu religious school, it should be privately owned and operated. The government won't have to do anything. So what else can you think of to complain about? /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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sanatana dharma means the eternal occupation for the soul, which is to serve the supreme soul Krishna.


so vedic culture is the original culture for human civilisation since the beging of time and is introduced and reintroduced when lost periodically by representitives of krishna to serve in the elevation of the conciousness to support sanatana dharma.


now hinduism is kind of hodge podge for lack of a better word as it was something made up by an opposing party to the indians about 1500 years ago on the otherside of a river called the sindu river, thus they were called sindu's which became hindu's at a later date, it's basically just a name for the indian race given some 1500 years ago.

so as most religions have a begining and an end so will hinduism but vedic culture will be reintroduced as long as we live thus being eternally the expansion of krishna's rules and regulations to live properly within his creation.


A vedic gurukula should represent this not anything else.


not that i really know that much more about hinduism within itself i believe there are some differences on who they worship and variations, such as worship to the demigods etc etc.

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i am sorry i do not understand saivite, is that shivite or worshipers of lord shiva?


if yes in my opinion they can call it whatever they like as long as it doesn't wrongly represent vedic culture, i do not know what that would be called as i don't want to even curiously know about demigod worship seperate from krishna being the source of the demigods as many demigod worshipers believe there demigod above krishna.


J.S das

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