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Why have I not changed (I am still stonehearted)after so many years of chanting??

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The power of Nama and the power of his divine grace, the spiritual master has not melted my heart yet?


Why is my heart still steel-framed?


What's it going to take for me to taste the Holy Name divine?


What an insult to our spiritual masters that after all the mercy they have so unstintngly given that I remain still deeply entrencheed in material conciousness.

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I have the same problem. Still the heart is stone, only mercy can save us. I guess keep praying for more mercy and for the mercy already there to touch the heart.


But don't lose hope IT WILL HAPPEN

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in the material world, you'll be trapped in material consciousness. You cannot have it both ways. As long as we live in this world, we'll be materialists. That's why people who are serious about spirituality take sanyas.

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quite the opposite. your mind will not be less disturbed if you take sannyas. if you are not ready for it, it can be very painful. re-read the chota haridas story and see if you really want to make a vow like that, how scary it is. Better to be an "honest grhasta" as they say.

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You're right. IF sanyas has its dangers, they can be controlled by calling Krishna. The dangers of the material world cannot be overcome so easily. Krishna helps people who want to give up the material world.

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if one wants to "escape" the material world and live with devotees, that is good. why necessarily this means taking sannyas? keep the sanga of devotees. If your wife is vaisnavi, what is the problem of being a grhasta?


The dangers of the material world. Sannyasis are not liberated beings, they are also in the material world. The world becomes more dangerous when you have taken a vow. Greater leniency is for grhastas. They can enjoy within the limits of dharma. The sannyasis dharma is so strict.


Better to get good sanga, bhakta sanga. Then the material world will not have so much grip. Sannyasi... unless you are very adept and progressed already, it is very dangerous to be sannyasi. Like walking razor's edge... you cannot slip even once because you are in a position of high authority. Unless it is wanted for preaching and traveling lifestyle, I don't understand why anyone want to take sannyas. ?

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You'll have to face the real world, which is all pain and no pleasure. So-called grihsta pleasures you mention are disguised pains. Nothing more. A sensible man would want to get away from pain to love Krishna. He wouldn't be masochistic and endure pain for Krishna's sake.


That is not bhakti but masochism, the attitude that one should love Krishna even when one's suffering. Obviously, our sweet, loving Krishna isn't as stern as God as all that, is he? He does care about devotees who suffer in this material world. He knows it's impossible to cultivate Uttama Bhakti while suffering.


That's why Buddha renounced the world. It is impossible to attain mukti without sanyas. But since we're too attached to this world, we make excuses that sanyas ins't really necessary and so on. Every great master has been a sanyasin. Think about it.

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