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I am going to become a sanyasin

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Please accept humbled obeisances. Thank you your kind explaination ...but what does your name mean...we have always found interesting the spiritual name a sincere soul recieves upon the sojourn of Krsna consciousness...


we beg to remain ever felicitate in the dust of the feet of Vaisnavas.

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When he initiated me, Srila Prabhupada said only that Babhru was a great personality in the Yadu dynasty. In the 9th Canto, a couple of Babhrus are listed. One (whose father, Devavridha, was considered as good as the demigods) is said in the Bhagavatam to have been the best of the human beings. So I'd like t o be a servant of the best of the human beings.

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1-Within Your mind there can be no such differentiation as "This one is mine,

and that is another's," because You are the Supreme Absolute Truth, the

Soul of all beings, always equipoised and enjoying transcendental

happiness within Yourself. Just like the heavenly desire tree, You bless

all who properly worship You, granting their desired fruits in proportion

to the service they render You. There is nothing wrong in this. (SB10-72-6)




Srila Sridhara Svami explains that a desire tree has no material

attachments or partiality but simply bestows its fruits upon those who

deserve them, and not upon others.



2-Ramesvara: This is one of their main, the main ideas in their philosophy is

that the living entity can desire to have any relationship he wants with



Prabhupada: That's all right, he can desire. I already explained: first

deserve, then desire.


Tamala Krsna and Ramesvara: Deserve then desire, oh.


Prabhupada: You are rascal, how you can desire? You have no qualification,

you desire to high court judge. What is this nonsense?


Ramesvara: But then they have an answer.


Prabhupada: What is that answer?


Ramesvara: That "Let me just try it anyway, to keep my mind thinking..."


Prabhupada: How you can try it? First of all, be qualified, a big lawyer.

Then you become high court judge. Where is that qualification? You are

after illicit sex and bidi and you want to be associated with the gopis.


Ramesvara: They say that "In ISKCON, we do not..."


Prabhupada: Let them say all nonsense. They are disqualified. Sahajiya

babajis, that's all. (760607MW-LA)



3-Prabhupada: Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam [bg. 10.10]. When

Krsna sees that "He is worshiping Me with faith and reverence and love,"

then buddhi-yogam dadami tam. He'll give you intelligence. He is within

you. Therefore I was saying, "First of all become fit. First of all

deserve. Then desire." Why foolishly you desire something for which you do

not deserve? That is your fault. That is misuse. Don't desire something

without being deserving. So these are the process given how to think, how

to meditate upon Krsna. So practice it. Become qualified. Then you'll see

everything. Without being qualified, why you want to see? This devotional

service means practicing how to become qualified. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam,

sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam [Cc. Madhya 19.170]. You

have to become fully cleansed. Tat-paratvena nirmalam.

We have to become completely zero about material desires. Anyabhilasita-sunyam. Then you

become qualified. So long you have got any pinch of material desires, you

are disqualified. Krsna says, sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam

vraja [bg. 18.66]. Parityajya means giving up completely, cent percent, no

reservation. In this way, surrendered, that is the qualification. (751101SB-NAI)


4-Prabhupada: Unless Krsna gives

opportunity, nobody can serve Krsna also. But he gives opportunity to the

proper person. That is everywhere. If you want to become manager of a

firm, the proprietor of the firm will see whether you are able to do that.

Then he will give the chance. "Yes." This is reciprocal. Just like this

sloka we were studying today. Krsna becomes sarathi. Does Krsna go to

become sarathi of a rascal and fool? He becomes sarathi of Arjuna. That

has to be seen. And without any qualification: "Krsna, become my sarathi."

Krsna is not so easy. First of all qualify. First deserve, then desire.

First deserve, then desire. So how a Krsna conscious person can be

desireless? The first is desire. "I desire to serve Krsna." That is the

beginning. Then Krsna will give you chance as you deserve. This is the

process. And that is explained: anyabhilasita-sunyam [bRS]



anukulyena krsnanu-

silanam bhaktir uttama


"One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna

favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive

activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional

service." When you become completely

desireless for anything material, then bhakti begins. That is

desirelessness. Desirelessness means when becomes free to desire anything

except Krsna. That is desirelessness. Desirelessness means not to desire

anything material. That is desirelessness. (740111mw-LA)

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One devotee said recently:


The heart of a Vaisnava is that I don't deserve anything, but somehow, by causeless grace, I may receive Mahaprabhu's mercy. Gaudiya Vaisnava bhajan is based on impossible dreams. We beg and plead for things for which we have no real eligability. Our only qualification is mercy. Otherwise, who "deserves" love of Godhead?


If all I'll get is what I deserve, I personally am in deep deep trouble...

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it entails nothing. sanyasin is for loosers, people who want a easy way out, poeple without any social activities.

i am telling you there is nothing called sin. do whatever you want to do, but dont get caught by the cops.

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SB 1.15.36: When the Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, left this earthly planet in His selfsame form, from that very day Kali, who had already partially appeared, became fully manifest to create inauspicious conditions for those who are endowed with a poor fund of knowledge.


SB 1.15.37: Maharaja Yudhishthira was intelligent enough to understand the influence of the age of Kali, characterized by increasing avarice, falsehood, cheating and violence throughout the capital, state, home and among individuals. So he wisely prepared himself to leave home, and he dressed accordingly.


SB 1.15.38: Thereafter, in the capital of Hastinapura, he enthroned his grandson, who was trained and equally qualified, as the emperor and master of all land bordered by the seas.


SB 1.15.39: Then he posted Vajra, the son of Aniruddha [grandson of Lord Krishna], at Mathura as the King of Surasena. Afterwards Maharaja Yudhishthira performed a Prajapatya sacrifice and placed in himself the fire for quitting household life.


SB 1.15.40: Maharaja Yudhishthira at once relinquished all his garments, belt and ornaments of the royal order and became completely disinterested and unattached to everything.


SB 1.15.41: Then he amalgamated all the sense organs into the mind, then the mind into life, life into breathing, his total existence into the embodiment of the five elements, and his body into death. Then, as pure self, he became free from the material conception of life.


SB 1.15.42: Thus annihilating the gross body of five elements into the three qualitative modes of material nature, he merged them in one nescience and then absorbed that nescience in the self, Brahman, which is inexhaustible in all circumstances.


SB 1.15.43: After that, Maharaja Yudhishthira dressed himself in torn clothing, gave up eating all solid foods, voluntarily became dumb and let his hair hang loose. All this combined to make him look like an urchin or madman with no occupation. He did not depend on his brothers for anything. And, just like a deaf man, he heard nothing.


SB 1.15.44: He then started towards the north, treading the path accepted by his forefathers and great men, to devote himself completely to the thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And he lived in that way wherever he went.


SB 1.15.45: The younger brothers of Maharaja Yudhishthira observed that the age of Kali had already arrived throughout the world and that the citizens of the kingdom were already affected by irreligious practice. Therefore they decided to follow in the footsteps of their elder brother.


SB 1.15.46: They all had performed all the principles of religion and as a result rightly decided that the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Krishna are the supreme goal of all. Therefore they meditated upon His feet without interruption.


SB 1.15.47-48: Thus by pure consciousness due to constant devotional remembrance, they attained the spiritual sky, which is ruled over by the Supreme Narayana, Lord Krishna. This is attained only by those who meditate upon the one Supreme Lord without deviation. This abode of the Lord Sri Krishna, known as Goloka Vrindavana, cannot be attained by persons who are absorbed in the material conception of life. But the Pandavas, being completely washed of all material contamination, attained that abode in their very same bodies.


SB 1.15.49: Vidura, while on pilgrimage, left his body at Prabhasa. Because he was absorbed in thought of Lord Krishna, he was received by the denizens of Pitriloka planet, where he returned to his original post.


SB 1.15.50: Draupadi also saw that her husbands, without caring for her, were leaving home. She knew well about Lord Vasudeva, Krishna, the Personality of Godhead. Both she and Subhadra became absorbed in thoughts of Krishna and attained the same results as their husbands.


SB 1.15.51: The subject of the departure of the sons of Pandu for the ultimate goal of life, back to Godhead, is fully auspicious and is perfectly pure. Therefore anyone who hears this narration with devotional faith certainly gains the devotional service of the Lord, the highest perfection of life.



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a Sanyasin is one who has realized his folly in having chosen this temporal world. He accepts he's a loser for having made a poor choice, prefering this sewer world to the all-attractive Krishna. What losers we are!

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Years ago, when Larry Holmes was reigning heavyweight champion a contender jumped into the spotlight. His name Randall "Tex" Cobb. Tex had no amateur experience and this was only his tenth pro fight. It is unheard of that such a person could be fighting Larry Holmes for the belt, but he was.


Tex was the ultimate tough guy. You could hit this guy with a baseball bat and he would just keep coming on. Holmes was beating him badly but Tex wouldn't give up and Holmes couldn't knock him out. Finally Holmes started to just ease up on his punches until the fight was over.Cobbs face was a bloody mess and swollen all over.


He had no hope of winning the fight but he was so stubborn and filled macho pride that he would have prefered death to surrender. This attitude is much respected in the fight world and is called "heart".


But the material condition is such that there never is a final round. There is always another birth following death. At some point we have to admit defeat and throw in the towel.

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Dear inquisitive soul Read Caitanya Caritamrita and Srimad Bhagavad Gita the instruction is there, better yet if you have access to Srila Prabhupada Folio check that out.

good luck with that ! sannyasa is for the materially exhausted, giving opportune to completely surrender to the lotus feet of the Lords bonifide representitive, and in doing so to the Lord Himself.


Sannyas is not for the faint of heart it is meant to assist the sincere spiritual aspirant in preaching the glories and mercy of Sri Sri Caitanya Nityananda Prabhus.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and his disciple our Srila Prabhupada are perfect examples of the fearlessness of the Sannyas preaching from his ashram, never falling down.


They do not suffer mental diseases, depression material anxiety etc.requiring medications to alleviate said disorders.


The Vaisnava Sannyas is aloof detached from superfluous activities and the karmic causes of disease.


His only concern is to deliver the fallen souls.



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