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Crude oil products from waste

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Source: AOL News

Published: September 15, 2005


BERLIN (Sept. 15) - A German inventor said he has developed a method to produce crude oil products from waste that he believes can be an answer to the soaring costs of fuel, but denied a German newspaper story implying he also used dead cats.


Christian Koch, an inventor and patent holder of the "KDV 500" that he said produces high quality fuel, said he can transform waste products such as paper, rubbish and plastic materials into fuel.


But Koch, 55, said there was no truth to stories published in Bild newspaper on Tuesday and Wednesday that suggested he used dead cats as part of the mix for his organic diesel fuel.


"I use paper, plastics, textiles and rubbish," Koch told Reuters.


"It's an alternative fuel that is friendly for the environment. But it's complete nonsense to suggest dead cats. I've never used cats and would never think of that. At most the odd toad may have jumped in."


Bild on Tuesday wrote a headline: "German inventor can turn cats into fuel -- for a tank he needs 20 cats." The paper on Wednesday followed up with a story entitled: "Can you really make fuel out of cats?"


A spokesman for Bild told Reuters the story was meant to show that cat remains could "in theory" be used to make fuel with Koch's patented method.


The author of the story said Koch had never told him directly that he had used dead cats as the story implied.


The Web site of Koch's firm, "Alphakat GmbH," says his patented "KDV 500" machine can produce what he calls the "bio-diesel" fuel at about 23 euro cents (30 cents) a liter, which is about one-fifth the price at petrol stations now.


"I drive my normal diesel-powered car with this mixture," Koch is quoted saying in Bild, next to a large picture of a kitten. "I have gone 170,000 km (106,000 miles) without a problem."


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the oil companies will continue to exploit people in a shameless way because they CAN. Bush and his gang of thieves are all stooges to the oil industry - and they can afford buy the next stooge as well.


from my experience, this is truly the best energy alternative I have seen in years. there are billions of tons of garbage and biomass generated every year and recovering energy from that stuff helps the environment as well. what will happen next? Maybe Fidel Castro will have some real inerest... /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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you can make oil from any organic matter, like wood, coal, grass, and yes - garbage too. it is just a matter of technology.


I used to work for a company operating a waste-to-energy power plant (burning trash) in NY. That crook (confirmed!) senator d'Amato shut it down... I even did some research there on various types of waste used as fuel.

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Some years back there was this barge filled with garbage that nobody would let dock., it just kept flaoting around looking for a home. LOL sooo funny.


Solutions are there and have been but no one seems interested. Personally, if I were king, I wouldn't let 95% of the trinkets and _rap that is produced by this out of control industrial society make it to the production line. But now that its here....


Anyway the one</a> thing i seem to agree with Mahak on is the sense that someone somewhere is planning to cut the Earth's human population down to less than billion. This guy on Coast to Coast thinks they will take it down to 500,000. Who knows maybe they will use the coming Avian flu pandemic to do the dirty work.


Get rid of the humans and you get rid of the garbage problem plus a whole lot of other ones in one stroke.

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Sept. 17, 2005, 8:23PM









JUST imagine, for a moment, the firestorm of indignation that would erupt if someone discovered that the world's major grain exporters (the United States and Canada, for instance) were conspiring to triple or quadruple the price of such basic foodstuffs as soybeans, wheat and corn — and then using the vast profits derived from this conspiracy to fund a worldwide network of schools, missionaries and fifth columns, all designed to undermine the beliefs and stability of the Muslim world and, where necessary, to spill blood.




This is fantasy, perhaps, but the flip side of this scenario is all too real. The conspiracy lurks in our midst and literally has the world over a barrel. It is, of course, OPEC.


OPEC, an assortment of 11 nations including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Libya, Iran and Venezuela, controls some 40 percent of the world's oil production. These countries have struggled valiantly to persuade us they are doing all they can to meet the world's growing oil needs. And much of the world believes them.


The problem with this is no one outside OPEC knows for sure how much cartel members can produce and the actual size of their reserves. They won't tell us.


"Western nations are not dealing with oil producers as partners. Why should they have the advantage of knowing details of oil producers' reserves? Data on reserves is information, and information is power," Ishan Bu-Hulaiga, an economist and adviser to the Saudi government, was quick to declare after G-8 nations met in February and called for greater transparency among oil producers.


There are, however, some facts that we do know:


• In 1970, OPEC reserves were estimated at 412 billion barrels. In the 33 years that followed, OPEC produced 307 billion barrels and, at the end of that period, reserves had grown to 819 billion barrels. It seems that the more oil pumped, the more reserves.

• The Saudis have identified 80 important reservoirs of oil but are tapping less than 15 of those basins.

• With production at about 30 million barrels per day, OPEC claims to be at the limit of its capacity. But production reached 31 million barrels per day in 1979. Apparently we are supposed to believe that in more than 25 years, it added no additional capacity. If true, we can only conclude that it was intentional, in order to foster the illusion of shortage and strained capacity.

By colluding to restrict production and manipulate price, OPEC blatantly violates the spirit of free trade as well World Trade Organization rules. And it is enormously successful. At $65 per barrel, we are being hoodwinked into paying the equivalent of $25 for an ice cream cone.


It costs the major Middle East producers less than $1.50 to pump one barrel of oil. At $65 per barrel, if the same economic relationships applied, Detroit would be selling the Ford Taurus at $300,000 or more. We would not stand for a $25 ice cream cone or a $300,000 Taurus. And we should not stand for oil at $65 a barrel.


To those who argue that oil is still cheap compared to inflation-adjusted prices in 1981, I would counsel running to the nearest jewelry store and buying every gold bracelet, necklace and tie pin. In 1981, gold was selling for about $800 an ounce and, adjusted for inflation, it should be selling for $1,700 an ounce today. Given today's price of $450 per ounce, it's clearly a bargain that can't be passed up.


But it's not only our economic future that is in jeopardy. Our national security is also at grave risk.


Prominent members of OPEC openly work to undermine democratic ideals in the United States and other Western countries. Billions of dollars flow from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to finance schools, mosques and charitable organizations around the world that actively promote the virulently anti-Western Wahhabi strain of Islam.


Ironies abound — not least that we supply the money at the gas pump that buys the textbooks and prayer books aimed at burying us.


It's imperative that we become more self-reliant for our energy needs. We must control demand as OPEC controls supply. This could be achieved in many ways.


One is to establish a gas distribution voucher program based on a national quarterly target of gas consumption per consumer comparable to the Bush administration's Clear Skies Program that allows less-polluting power companies to sell emission credits to heavier polluters.


This would let heavier gasoline users buy the rights to what less-thirsty consumers don't use. It would put a cap on consumption, but it would not be regressive. (An across-the-board gasoline tax, by contrast, would punish the poor and those who live in areas with fewer mass transit options.) It would give all Americans a chance to join in a fight against OPEC, and it would allow them to share the sacrifices being made by soldiers fighting for democracy in Iraq.


There are other options. The Senate, for instance, voted this summer to give authority to the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice to pursue legal action against the OPEC cartel on antitrust grounds. The bill died in negotiations with the House, but this idea should be revisited.


In the short term, a portion of the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve (now nearly 700 million barrels) should be used to dampen the runaway price of crude oil — which, at current levels, presents an imminent danger to our economy. A release of just 50 million barrels, though marginal in terms of quantity, would send the signal that the government will be vigilant in maintaining fair prices for such a basic raw material. (President Bush agreed to release a portion of the strategic reserve after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, but he did not go far enough.)


Then there is the nuclear option. France produces 80 percent of its electrical energy from nuclear power plants and China plans to quintuple its nuclear energy production over the next 15 years (calling for some 40 new nuclear plants). We have not built a nuclear power plant since the 1970s. What is it that the French and Chinese know that we do not?


It's time for us to act so that we can escape our shameful dependence on OPEC oil and break OPEC's extraordinary grip on the world's economy. We must dampen consumption as OPEC constricts production and become truly serious about alternative sources of energy.


We can no longer permit the unfettered consumption of oil. Our national honor and security depend on it.


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