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Shock and Awe - back to reality...

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Shock And Awe




August 13, 2005

Associated Press [1]

Donkeys Get Marines Around in



"...some of the troops re-

ceived training in handling

donkeys at the Marines' Moun-

tain Warfare Training Center

in in Bridgeport, Calif...."


"Still, the [Afghan] donkeys

stubborn refusal to cooperate

and their determination to

try to mate with each other

whenever they were untied

persistently frustrated their



"When one Marine slapped one

of the animals on the rump

in exasperation, the [Afghan]

donkey promptly gave him a

sharp kick with one of its

hind legs."





Iraqi Resistance Report for

events of Thusday, 18 August



Al-Anbar Province



US troops prefer mules and

donkeys over armored vehicles

and Humvees


Residents of the western Ira-

qi desert in the Upper Eu-

phrates area around the Hasi-

bah hieghts, al-Qa’im, and

the nearby phosphate mines on

the Syrian border report that

US Marines have been using

mules and donkeys for about a

week now to transport their

equipment and provisions

through the desert.


Afraid of Resistance ambushes

and bombs, the Marines feel

that the quadrupeds present

less of a target.


The Mafkarat al-Islam corres-

pondent reported residents of

al-Qa’im as saying that the

US Marines are now using mules

and donkeys even to transport

provisions and equipment for

very great distances, leaving

their vehicles in camps speci-

ally made for them a few days

ago on the edge of the desert



A group of sheep smugglers

told the Mafkarat al-Islam

correspondent that the first

time they saw the Americans

riding the donkeys and mules,

they thought that it was some

kind of military operation or

new battle tactic.


They learned from the Egyp-

tian translators who work as

mercenaries for the Americans

that the reason for the use

of the pack animals was sim-

ply that the beasts can sense

danger before it happens.


They can sense bombs in the

ground, they said, before they

come close to them and they

are also harder for Resistance

attackers to see.


The fact that US troops are

now falling back on the use of

pack animals reflects the ser-

ious problems that continue to

plague the American motorized



Even after Humvees have been

armor plated or [have] warning

devices, they are still fre-

quently blown into little bits

by Resistance bombs.

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