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Bhaktivedanta Menor, UK, added: Aug 23, 2005


Janmashtami 26th-28th August 2005


Bhaktivedanta Manor stages the largest Hindu festival in the world outside of India, each year receiving about 50,000 pilgrims over a period of 2 days. The event is celebrated in great pomp and splendour.


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Added: Aug 31, 2005


<font color="blue"> Prabhupada’s books 4 Muslims

</font color>

By Nararatna das


Hare Krsna Devotees, please accept my humble obeisences, all glouries to Srila Prabhupada.( I have on purpose left out names of this country & city for security reasons.)


Krsna has arranged that we have been invited to a big 2 day Rock'n Coke festival coming up here in this Muslim country (expected turn out about 70,000) the weekend after Janmastami. They want us to teach Yoga & Mantra Meditation as an activity. For this festival I really would love to get some books in this country’s language and BBT has such books in Bulgeria.



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<font color=":red">New Orlean, USA, added: September 2, 2005 </font color>


<font color="blue"> New Talavan & New Orleans Situation Report </font color>


<font color="blue">by Bir Krishna das Goswami </font color>



<font color="red">...If anyone reading this has the ability to communicate by phone, please inform the New Orleans emergency authorities that there are at least 15 Hare Krsna devotees, including the devotees hurt in the recent accident, in urgent need of evacuation at 2936 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, and if possible they need to get to New Talavan in Carriere, Mississippi, where our community can care for them... </font color>



A Letter from Bir Krishna das Goswami (GBC-New Talavan / New Orleans):



Dear Devotees,


Hare Krsna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Nrsimhadeva!


On Monday August 29 ISKCON New Talavan and ISKCON New Orleans were hit by Hurricane Katrina, a devastating Category 5 storm with sustained winds of 175 MPH. The eye of the storm came ashore near Gulfport and Biloxi, Mississippi, and passed within 10 miles of New Talavan.


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Added: Sep 8, 2005


A Bride for Jagannatha by Sasir Das


By Sumita Sheth


Book Review


...He tells us of the corrupt system on which the entire city is balanced; the virgin temple dancers must sell their bodies to the learned pundits in order to attain decent shelter and enough food; the system of patronage is in place to keep the status-quo in place; the poor are good but often duped because of their faith; there is peace but lurking behind it is the violence that all power-play engenders. In the end, the greatest victims are the hapless dancers whose world begins to fall apart with modern changes, leaving them with nothing to hold onto, and barely their belief in Jagannatha, their God


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<font color="green">India, added: Sep 9, 2005 </font color>


<font color="blue">Shethia to release 3D animated feature on Lord Krishna </font color>


Mumbai based home video publisher Shethia Audio Video which publishes titles under the brand name Gypsy, has announced that it will be releasing its 3D animated home Hindi Feature Film on Lord Krishna in December.


Read web page : <font color="blue">http://a108.net/news/index.htm </font color>

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<font color="red"> Added: Sep 10, 2005 </font color>


<font color="blue"> Ford project to bring NASA scientists, Vedic scholars together </font color>


Scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will join hands with Vedic scholars to explore mysteries of ancient Indian cosmology at a Vedic Planetarium about 100 km from Kolkata, once the initiative of Alfred Brush Ford, scion of the United States automobile giant Ford, bears fruit.


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<font color="red"> Added: Sep 11, 2005 </font color>

<font color="blue">

Srila Prabhupada and His Transcendental Realisations </font color>


By Srila Bhakti Bibudha Bodhayan Swami


Special guest article


Srila Gaur Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj was the crown jewel of the paramahamsa Vaishnavas. After giving initiation to his disciple, nitya-lila-pravia parivrajakacarya-varya, Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur, the founder-acharya of the worldwide Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Saraswata Sampradaya, he gave him two significant instructions that strike me as quite astonishing. The first of these was to never make disciples, the second was to never live in the land of Maya.


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Added: Sep 12, 2005


A Tribute to Radha's Sweet Love for Beloved Krishna


Tunisha Mehrotra


How can one achieve love-communion with God? This yearning - often compared to that of a pining lover - has poured forth in poetry and song, myth and fable.


Among them is the story of Radha's yearning for Krishna. With madhura bhakti or sweet devotion, Radharani achieved atmasamyogam or union with the Divine. When we call Him Radhakrishna, we acknowledge this love-union.



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Added: Sep 16, 2005


Authenticity of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati’s teaching


By Srila B.V. Tripurari Swami


Special guest sanga


There is no record of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati ever going to Vrindavan before he started Gaudiya Math, nor did he ever tell anyone that his was initiated in a dream. He has related the story of his initiation in writing. The story is well known. Why would he then tell someone else he received it in a dream? We do not accept the above account as anything more than hearsay. Also, the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not us. Hearsay is not proof.


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Added: Sep 20, 2005


Calling Volunteers (FFL Katrina Relief)


By Priyavrata Das, Food for Life Global


Food for Life Global is coordinating the Katrina relief efforts in Mississippi and Texas. The first FFL program was initiated from the New Talavan farm. Devotees have been serving prasadam in a nearby town called Picayune in Mississippi. However, some volunteers are due to leave for other services and so we DESPERATELY need help to continue this project.


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Added: Sep 20, 2005


Supreme Court Allows Delhi Govt to Adopt Yamuna Plan


The Supreme Court today allowed the Delhi government to adopt the action plan to clean river Yamuna, in line with the steps taken by the British government to clean river Thames.


The Court approved the action plan for constructing sewage treatment plants at all points where major drains meet the river Yamuna, so that no untreated sewage gets discharged into the river.


The Yamuna, considered one of the holiest rivers in India, has today become one of the most polluted as well, and its water declared unfit for drinking.


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India, added: Sep 29, 2005


Brutal destruction of heritage hills in Braj region


by Raghav Mittal


We the citizens of the global community wish to draw your kind attention towards the brutal destruction of heritage hills in the Braj region which spans across the districts of Mathura (UP), Bharatpur (Rajasthan) and Faridabad (Haryana). These hills have a historicity of more than 5000 years. Rampant mining is going on in Braj region violating the guidelines of the Rajasthan High Court. All this is causing havoc to the ecological balance of the region. A substantial part of the regional wildlife along with the flora and fauna has already been destroyed. This calls for an urgent intervention.


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Added: Oct 17, 2005


Pure devotion and competitive spirit


By Srila Bhakti Bibudha Bodhayan Swami


Special guest article


If we study the example set by all our previous acharyas, we will find that competition is not a religious principle. Nowadays, however, we see that in the Vaishnava Sampradayas, especially the Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Saraswata Sampradaya, almost every society and acharya is trying to show that they are better than the others. That is one reason explaining all those articles on the Internet that seem to have defeating others as their only purpose.


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Added: Oct 26, 2005


Guru and Shishya


By Srila Bhakti Bibudha Bodhayan Swami


Special guest article


The meaning of the word, “guru» (spiritual master), is very grave. If the word is analyzed it’s only two parts «gu» and «ru» are obtained. Here «gu» signifies «darkness» and «ru» means «light». It simply indicates that he who is able to save forever illusioned persons from the clutches of darkened maya (illusion) and is able to make them reach the sun or light-like God will be considered to be described as a «guru».


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Great Britain, added: 2 Nov 2005


Hindu organization opposes controversial stamp


Hindu leaders in Britain on Tuesday demanded withdrawal of a Christmas stamp featuring the picture of a man and a woman with Hindu markings worshipping infant Christ.


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