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Did Hanuman want to kill sri Rama?

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I have read in a book that there is something called madness of Bhakthi. When Lord Hanuman saw Sita entering into the fire, Hanuman got so angry that he wanted to kill Sri Rama. How far is this true? If it is ,then what happened next?

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I have read in a book that there is something called madness of Bhakthi. When Lord Hanuman saw Sita entering into the fire, Hanuman got so angry that he wanted to kill Sri Rama. How far is this true? If it is ,then what happened next?



Nonsense.. Did not happen. Lord Ram is transcendental. Neither Hanuman nor anyone superior to Hanuman can even scratch Lord Ram.

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"Nonsense.. Did not happen. Lord Ram is transcendental. Neither Hanuman nor anyone superior to Hanuman can even scratch Lord Ram."


Are u aware of the fact that Hanuman and Sri Ram fought once.(The incident when A saint gets insulted by a raja and asks Sri Raam for That Raja's head.Lord Rama promises the same but the King goes to Hanuman's mother and takes a promise that his son would protect him.And Lord Rama applies trick to defeat Hanuman.) It may not be to scratch Sri Raam,but it was believing in an ideology. Think about it.

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Are u aware of the fact that Hanuman and Sri Ram fought once.(The incident when A saint gets insulted by a raja and asks Sri Raam for That Raja's head.Lord Rama promises the same but the King goes to Hanuman's mother and takes a promise that his son would protect him.And Lord Rama applies trick to defeat Hanuman.) It may not be to scratch Sri Raam,but it was believing in an ideology. Think about it.



The story is not true in any way. First provide me reference.


Second, even if one provides reference, Hanuman a devotee off Lord Rama and avatara of Vayu(mentioned in Garuda Purana as an avatara of Vayu), will under no circumstance fight against Lord Rama.


Hanuman fully knows that Lord Rama is the SUPREME LORD and his master and knows that he(Hamnuman) derives all his strength from Lord Rama.


Besides who can defeat LORD Rama, even if billions of Hanumans come to attack HIM.

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There is something called "Sri RaamAnjaneya Yudham". On this topic several movies have been made in India, almost in all languages, Hindi, telugu..etc.(Mythological movies, that too in India ,cannot be made without proper references)


Most part of these movies highlight the dilemma of Lord Hanumaan. He was reluctant to fight but was forced to do so to keep the reputation of HIs mother's word. Even while fighting , he constantly chants sri Raam.


Anyways leave it, My original doubt will never be cleared. I will have to go on telling other stories. I will have to ask Hanuman Himself.

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dear friend,

when you are asking about to clear your doubts through himself then what i believe is you are pure devotee of lord hanumana. Being a devotee of lord hanumana there is no point to think that lord hanumaa can ever fight with lord rama, Further if you are from India then i must tell you that i have listen this bedtime story from my grandmother and listen a audio cassets which states the true purpose of this story. Everything happens in this world by the wish of lord and there is some purpose behind this. At the time of ram rajya in Ram darbar everybody is prsent and doing the routine work and outside the darbaar a king meets the rishi naarad and rishi naard ask king not to give regard to rishi vishamiter as he is not brahmin as he too khastriya and influnce the king in this manner. So when king entered the ram darbaar he gives regard to everybody except rishi vishamiter and rishi vishamiter feel insulted and ask lord rama to kill that king as he has insulted the guru of lord rama. Then king went to rishi naard to save him from lord rama and rishi naard told him to go to Maa anjani (mother of lord hanumana). Maa anjani promise that king that his son will save his life and never ask who want to kill him. When hanuman came to home his mother hold him about the incident and order lord hanumana to save the life of that king. When lord hanumana knews from king that lord Rama has given promise to his guru vishamiter that he will take the life of king before the next day sunset lord hanumann who is himself sankant mochan feel in to trouble and full night he cannot sleep and then he go to chant lord rama. As a true devotee of lord rama hanumann instruct the king to chant jai jai ram when lord ram will come to take his life. As decided lord rama came and he himself see that the king is chanting jai jai ram and think i can not kill the man who is chanting my name. At thim point of time lord hanuman has taken a suksham roop and hide himself in the back of king. Lord rama fail to kill the king and he back to his capital an rishi vishamiter ask whether he has taken the life of that king and he said no, so he wants to give curse to lord rama and lord rama say to hold on he will go again. So agains when he reach at that place where the king is sitting at this time he is chanting ram siya rama jai ram jai jai ram, and so on in his third attempt he fountd he is chanting ram siya ram jai ram jai jai hanuman and from morning tto evening lord rama is not able to kill that king nad sun is going to set. The situation is very bad lord rama cant not kill the devotee of his and he has to kept his promise also, suddenly rishi visha miter and rish naarad came to that place and rishi vishamiter ask lord rama that he has taken back his word and forgive that king. Rishi naard said that he want to tell the whole world by this incidents that the name of Lord Rama is big than lord Rama himself. Further hanuman came from outside and chanting loudly ram siya ram jai jai ram jai ram. so dear frind lord rama never ever foutht with lord hanumana and in this world there is nobody like hanuman who think everytime lord rama only. God loves only those who kept fiath on the god. So i believe you doubt will be clear now.

Jai siya ram.

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Thanks for telling this. But what I saw in the movie was that Hanumaan hides that raja by encircling his tail around him. Whatever "astra" Lord Raam threw , came back to Him again because Lord Hanumaan was Chanting "Jai sree Raam". Yes Raam ji ka naam is powerful than Himself . But as sri Raam promised that He will show The raja's head, He had to do something to keep his promise. Then with some "astra" he made the sun dissappear to create the feeling of sunset. So lord Hanumaan thought that it was sunset, He removes the tail that was protecting the raja.As soon as the raaja comes out , Lord Raam kills him and shows his dead body to the saint. The saint becomes happy. Then lord Raama says "If at all I have done any good deed, then let the king come back alive." And thus the king comes back to life and Hanumaan is also happy.


Lord Raam always protects his devotees, so true. But Sir, my original doubt was whether Hanuman really thought of killing Lord Raam when He saw maata Seeta entering into the fire.

I have asked so many persons about this but no one seems to know. Thats why I posted this here.Sir, when you know the above story , you must be knowing something about this also. Please clear my doubt even if it means contacting other sources that u know of.I hope I will hear from you.


By the way I am a devotee of Lord Venkateswara. Thats why I have this doubt. Had I been a devotee of Lord Hanuman,I would never have had this doubt.

Jai siya Raam.

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There is something called "Sri RaamAnjaneya Yudham". On this topic several movies have been made in India, almost in all languages, Hindi, telugu..etc.(Mythological movies, that too in India ,cannot be made without proper references)


Most part of these movies highlight the dilemma of Lord Hanumaan. He was reluctant to fight but was forced to do so to keep the reputation of HIs mother's word. Even while fighting , he constantly chants sri Raam.



Movies are not the proof that this incident took place. One has to know through authentic sources. Valmiki Ranayan, Tulsi Ramayan are all heavily interpolated texts. I have not seen anywhere such incidents described even in any of those interpolated texts.


So try to get the source of the story first. Movies do not constitute proof of incident.



Anyways leave it, My original doubt will never be cleared. I will have to go on telling other stories. ....



That is because you do not want to listen to TRUTH.

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Rishi naard said that he want to tell the whole world by this incidents that the name of Lord Rama is big than lord Rama himself.



This is nonsense to my knowledge. There is no difference between HIS NAMA and HIM. Such distnction is aparadha.

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Lord Raam always protects his devotees, so true. But Sir, my original doubt was whether Hanuman really thought of killing Lord Raam when He saw maata Seeta entering into the fire.

I have asked so many persons about this but no one seems to know. Thats why I posted this here.Sir, when you know the above story , you must be knowing something about this also. Please clear my doubt even if it means contacting other sources that u know of.I hope I will hear from you.



Dear Guest,


These stories, Hanuman defeating Lord RAma and Hanuman trying to kill Lord RAma, are all Tamasic and hence should not taken as true.


I am not giving some randomn statements. I will explain why. Read it patiently and try to nderstand. Wrong knowledge can lead you to darkness.


There is a story in Shiva Purana, that Lord Shiva comes as Sharaba(combination of bird, human and tiger) and kills Lord NarasimhA.


There is another story in Linga Purana, where Virabadhra, Lord Shiva's devotee, comes and kills Lord NarasinhA.


You can see Puranas giving contradicting stories.

So how does one know the truth. The answer is Sruti or Vedas. Sruti tell us that Visnu and HIS avataras(Like Rama, Krishna etc.) are identical and SUPREME. All Devatas pray to Visnu.


Those Puranas or parts of puranas, itahasas or its parts(Like Ramayana, Mahabaratha), that tell otherwise, demeaning Lord Visnu or HIS AVATARAS(Like Ram, Krishna etc) are Tamasic in nature and believing in them leads one to darkness.


Those Puranas(Bhagavatha, Padma, Garuda etc), that maintain Lord Visnu's supremacy are Satvika or leads one towards mukti.


In Garuda Purana, Hanuman is mentioned asa an avatara of Lord Vayu. How can Vayu be superior to Lord Rama at any time, when Hanuman himself proclaims supremacy of Lord Rama by chating HIS(Lord Ram) names all the time. Only an inferior being will chant and meditate on superior BEING.


Do you find Lord Ram chating on Hanuman ? Nowhere it is mentioned so.


So think logically and you will find the truth, all these stories are false and made up.


Just because one takes a movie, it does not become truth.

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Hey Bhagawaan ,who are you??


"This is nonsense to my knowledge. There is no difference between HIS NAMA and HIM. Such distnction is aparadha"


EveryOne knows that Lord Raam's name is powerful than Lord Raam Himself.


Bhagawaan , are u aware of the fact that The bridge that was made to reach lanka was nothing but rocks which had lord's name on that and that was the reason that the rocks floated on the water instead of getting merged.


Even there is a sloka that says that Lord Raam's name is equivalent to that of Vishnu sahasranama.


Any ways we need not prove it. We know it is powerful and it will be for years to come.


And for

"That is because you do not want to listen to TRUTH"


I wanted to listen to the truth. Thats why I posted my query here.I hoped someone knowledgeble would come come to solve my problem. I hoped to see people who can actually tell things without fighting. yes, that happens in most of the threads.

I don't know what you are angry at.For us mythological movies are more than reference because they pass both censors and All hindu parishads that are active in India.


And Why movies, the respected guest who answered me knows this from His Grandmother. And grandparents know much about everything.Do you need more references.


Throw your anger and say Jai siya Raam.

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"There is a story in Shiva Purana, that Lord Shiva comes as Sharaba(combination of bird, human and tiger) and kills Lord NarasimhA.


There is another story in Linga Purana, where Virabadhra, Lord Shiva's devotee, comes and kills Lord NarasinhA.


You can see Puranas giving contradicting stories. "


Thank you sir, now I am satisfied.


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EveryOne knows that Lord Raam's name is powerful than Lord Raam Himself.



Who is this everyone?


Everyone may believe Earth is flat ? That does not prove anything.


Nonsense again. Evidence is given through pramanas(Shastras), not by giving ignorant statements.



Bhagawaan , are u aware of the fact that The bridge that was made to reach lanka was nothing but rocks which had lord's name on that and that was the reason that the rocks floated on the water instead of getting merged.



So ??????



Even there is a sloka that says that Lord Raam's name is equivalent to that of Vishnu sahasranama.

Any ways we need not prove it. We know it is powerful and it will be for years to come.



That is not to prove superiority of one name over other. The story goes like this. Parvati asks Shiva, Visnusahasranama is not easy for everybody. So how can everybody get the same benefit. Then Shiva answers "Sri Rama Rama ramethy..." which says that by chanting Rama mantra one can get the same benefits, on account of their inability. This Shloka merely gives a short cut for people with lesser ability, and does not say that Lord Rama's NAMA is greater than Lord Ram or Lord Rama's name is greater than Lord Visnu's NAMAS.


Next time without right knowledge do not write nonsense.



I wanted to listen to the truth. Thats why I posted my query here.I hoped someone knowledgeble would come come to solve my problem. I hoped to see people who can actually tell things without fighting. yes, that happens in most of the threads.

I don't know what you are angry at.



Who is fighting here ??? It's your imagination. I am merely trying to tell the truth. Truth is truth whether you accept or not.



I don't know what you are angry at.For us mythological movies are more than reference because they pass both censors and All hindu parishads that are active in India.


And Why movies, the respected guest who answered me knows this from His Grandmother. And grandparents know much about everything.Do you need more references.


Throw your anger and say Jai siya Raam.



Nonsense again. When one answers your question, if you do not like the answer, it does not mean I am angry.


I see a lot of immaturity here. Are you a teenager ?


Truth is not known through censor boards or through sone unauthentic Hindu groups or through one's grandmothers. If that were the case then there would be several contradictory beliefs which make no sense at all, like the ones you posted.


There is nothing more ridiculous than trying to make sense of contradictory beliefs.


By the way, truth is known through studying authentic scriptures, all of which support Visnu's Supremacy period.

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This is called RAS /images/graemlins/smile.gif




((In Reply to

Lord Hanuman saw Sita entering into the fire, Hanuman got so angry that he wanted to kill Sri Rama


What compassion! What Love!!


In reply to:





Nonsense.. Did not happen. Lord Ram is transcendental. Neither Hanuman nor anyone superior to Hanuman can even scratch Lord Ram.

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"Nonsense again. Evidence is given through pramanas(Shastras), not by giving ignorant statements."


"Next time without right knowledge do not write nonsense"


"Who is fighting here ??? It's your imagination. I am merely trying to tell the truth. Truth is truth whether you accept or not."


"Truth is not known through censor boards or through sone unauthentic Hindu groups or through one's grandmothers. If that were the case then there would be several contradictory beliefs which make no sense at all, like the ones you posted. "


Let me clear one thing. My doubt didn't originate from my own whims and fancies.I read this statement in "THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA". This statement was told to his followers to tell the types of Bhaktis. SRI ramakrishna is the actual face of real hinduism, He was the guru of swami vivekananda, the geratest hindu that Hinduism could produce.

The first thing that I did wrong was to doubt the statement of Sri ramakrishna himself. Beacuse I myself never heard of such a thing. So I wanted to know whether anyone else knows about this or not.



Shortcut or no short cut, Rama's name takes you to Vaikuntha, this remains undisputed.


Its for truth that we come here, not to drag anyone into fight.Fight or no fight, you are angry.your statements show that.


And no I am not a teenager and u can not not relate immaturity to being a teenager. There are many teenagers who know lot more than anybody .Yes I may be very young to discuss these issues.


Lesson learnt by me: Either believe Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa or Keep quiet.Don't go here and there asking for your doubts.






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Dear freind,

I did not hear never ever about this thing taht hanuman having a feeling to kill rama at the time of maa sita entered the fire. Further as you are aware that lord hanumana is 11 rudra of lord shiva and lord shiva always chanting lord rama. One thing more,this is mine view and feeling and i humbly request to everybody who will read it that please do not make the following statement as a topic. Ok One has be a innocent or bhola when he surrender himself to god and God always take care of him who surrender all his karma/work to God and believe what is happening is due to God only and happening perfectly. One has to became like meera or shabri who dont know about much scripture/knowledge. They just love god and god are always here to help them out. May I request you dear freind just love your god be it venketsherya or hanuman or shiva or rama. He is with you only. I am from delhi and hope your from south. My name is Sudhir Madaan and you can further mail me at arvicon@rediffmail.com if you would like to contact me.


Jai siya ram.

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"Let me clear one thing. My doubt didn't originate from my own whims and fancies.I read this statement in "THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA"."


not from your own whims and fancies but from the whims and fancies of ramakrsna..


no difference...


read shastras, not the nonsenses of such people

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"read shastras, not the nonsenses of such people ".

Now I will not read your postings.Call me whatever u may.Your favourite word is nonsense. call me that.

jai siya raam.

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Shortcut or no short cut, Rama's name takes you to Vaikuntha, this remains undisputed.



No doubt. We agree here and this is true of all names of Lord Visnu including Ram.



Its for truth that we come here, not to drag anyone into fight.Fight or no fight, you are angry.your statements show that.



Well the truth is in Sastras and scriptures. So I state that clearly. If a belief is nonsense as per sastras, I call it nonsense explicitly. It does not mean I am angry. It is merely a statement of fact.



And no I am not a teenager and u can not not relate immaturity to being a teenager. There are many teenagers who know lot more than anybody .Yes I may be very young to discuss these issues.



Good to know that you are young and that is why it is even more important not to be misled at this age. So read the Vedas by yourselves and try to decipher the truth.



Lesson learnt by me: Either believe Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa or Keep quiet.Don't go here and there asking for your doubts.



Dear young friend, you do not need to get offended by words. I am not calling you anything. My statements were merely on the beliefs which are wrong as per sastras.


Try to know truth as per sastras and not accoring to some so called realized person.


Let me ask you some questions.


1. How do you know a person is realized or not ?

2. How do you know the truth, if different so called realized persons give contradicting statements ?


You know contradicting statemnts cannot be reconciled.


For example If I say


"A guy by name X exists"


Another person says "The guy X does not exist".


The statements are opposing. So what is the truth ?


Similarly there are various so called realized persons like Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swami Rama, Baba, Yogananda etc.


On the other hand we have realized Vaishnavas like Namdev, Mira Bai, Jayadeva Goswami etc.


What Ramakrishna and et al. say do not agree with what Vaishnavas Namdev, Mira bai etc. say.


So how do you know who says the truth ?


So the standard is Vedas, the apourasheya( means Not authored) scriptures.


Vedas are not authored any anybody and exists eternally. These Vedas are the standard.


One has to verify, if what a so called realized person like Ramakrishna agrees with Vedas. The fact is they do not.


On the other hand what Vaishnavas agree with primary points of Vedas. So read Vedas to understand the truth and not the words of some so called realized person.

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  • 8 years later...

1.krishna defeated shiva when he tried to protect banasura

2.hanuman wanted to fight rama when sita was to be tested by fire.rama said in this incarnation,he was hanuman's prabhu,and this would be highly immoral for somebody to fight his master.in krishna incarnation,the fight ensued and hanuman wa defeated and he recognised krishna as the form of his mastr,rama

3.vishnu protected shiva from bhasmasura

4.bhrigu proclaimed vishnu as the greatest of the trinity,above shiva and brahma

5.shiva incarnated as sharabha and killed narasimha but lost control over sharabha,and failed to rein him in.then vishnu killed sharabha

6.vaishniavism has far more followers than shaivism and shaktaism




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  • 4 weeks later...

meditate in your mind and let the supreme guru guide you to the truth, arguing amongst keyboard scholars will offer insight but not necessarily correct, the general consensus of the populous  does not make something true.


"read shastras, not the nonsenses of such people " not everyone is at the stage of knowledge

ignorance now does not mean it cannot change in the future, a friend of mine says "the world is rehab for our soul"

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  • 1 month later...

Neither shiva nor vishnu r supreme, the brahma ( don't confuse with 4 headed lord brahma) is supreme. Brahma is infinite , in fights sumtyms vishnu win n sumtyms shiva , its the brahma who decides who must win. Brahma has no form , its the space itself , the trinity gods united energy can equal brahma. (Only if there is one trinity , but I don't think so , the space infinitely extends on, no one can judge who is supreme , n its actually not allowed , all 3 r equal in strength )

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