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I may have solved why chanting gets harder.

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I hear a lot of people say chanting gets harder and harder as time goes by and for me it has always been so hard to begin with that doing 16 rounds is beyond my imagination. I guess that makes me a demon but I read this about how Jesus prayed and it might provide some insight.


"Jesus never prayed as a religous duty. To him prayer was a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of higher impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin. He lived just such a life of prayerful consecration to the doing of his Father's will and ended his life triumphantly with just such a prayer. The secret of his unparalleled religous life was this consciousness of the presence of God; and he attained it by intelligent prayer and sincere worship - unbroken communion with God - and not by leadings, voices, visions, or extraordinary religous practices."


When I think of praying in those terms I feel more enthusiastic about it then when I think I have to chant 16 rounds or I am a worthless asura SOB. I know you all are going to hate on me for posting things about Jesus and all but we are still all brothers and sisters with God being our common Father so even though we are a dysfunctional family I still love my Hare Krishna brothers and sisters.

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That the person who wrote that about Jesus Christ probably had a steak right afterwards. Like for example myself I know what I write or do is impure BUT when I write from viewpoint of pure devotees then it almost becomes perfect in some way. But I cannot trust the writer of that article. Doesn't mean to say anybody who eats meat cannot become pure, but to understand Jesus is more difficult than understanding Lord Sri Krishna. ! Krishna is inside devotees heart, hiding like little thief. Haha

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