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108 Ways You Can Participcate in Celebrating 108th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada !

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Srila Prabhupada 108 Celebration



Celebrating the 108th birth anniversary year of Srila Prabhupada



108 Ways You Can Participcate!










ISKCON Founder Acarya


The Srila Prabhupada 108 Celebration is a chance for everyone to make a personal gift to Srila Prabhupada on his 108th birthday. Whether it's an individual offering or a group project, you'll get the most from this special occasion if you personally participate.


Here are some ideas to help us all remember and better serve Krishna's pure devotee, but don't be limited by these suggestions. Your offering to Srila Prabhupada should be from the heart; it's your sincere devotion that will please him most!




Increasing Prabhupada Consciousness



1. Attend Prabhupada Nights at your local temple.

2. Subscribe to the Back To Godhead magazine.

3. Hold a bhajan for Prabhupada; invite others to join.

4. Offer your food to Prabhupada daily in your home.

5. Cook for Prabhupada in the temple once a week.

6. Renew or make vows on Vyasa-puja day 2005, with a fire sacrifice if possible.

7. Worship a murti of Srila Prabhupada at home.

8. Host a Prabhupada Night and invite your friends.

9. Get a book and glasses for Prabhupada's murti, or fan him during Bhagavatam class.

10. Make a garland of 108 flowers for Prabhupada.

11. Wear a Prabhupada T-shirt every Saturday.


Raising Spiritual Standards


12. Organize a maha clean-up of the temple kitchen or pujari room to cleanse your heart.

13. Support local brahmacaris and brahmacarinis; buy them socks, medicines, aclock, etc.

14. Increase your attendance at temple programs.

15. Read 108 lines daily from Prabhupada's books.

16. Improve the quality and number of your rounds.

17. Increase the quality of your sadhana through study, association, and prayer.

18. Increase your level of surrender to Lord Krishna.

19. Read books on improving japa and Deity worship.

20. Memorize 10 key verses from the Bhagavad-gita.

21. Make a list of 10 goals to improve your spiritual character and self-realization.

22. Vow to limit or eliminate non-spiritual activities like TV, etc.


Uniting Prabhupada's Family


23. Email your name and address and your friends & family.to Prabhupada's family database at celebration108@ .

24. Organize family-support & community services for your congregation.

25. Go to a devotee reunion at a large ISKCON center.

26. Reach out to devotees who cannot visit the temple.


Strengthening Management


27. Volunteer your professional skills to the nearest temple (accounting, fund raising, editing, computing).

28. Attend local 108 Celebration planning meetings.

29. See the temple president with your ideas.


Spreading the Holy Name


30. Invite friends & neighbors to chant one round of the maha-mantra daily.

31. Go on harinama or start one in your community.

32. Expand harinama to more days or locations.

33. Start a harinama bank by chanting rounds and encourage others to join you.

36. Chant along with a tape of Srila Prabhupada.


Producing and Distributing Books


37. Vow to distribute 108 books by 2005 maha Vyasa-puja.

38. Join with your friends to start a Prabhupada Library.

Call the Bhaktivedanta Archives (336) 871-3636 or www.Prabhupada.com

39. Write your memoirs of Srila Prabhupada & send to 108Celebration Office.

40. Buy a full set of Prabhupada's books for your home, or for your loved ones.

41. Donate Prabhupada's books to local libraries and schools



Expanding Prasadam Distribution



42. Begin an ongoing Sunday feast program at your home.

43. Start a prasadam distribution program at public areas near you, i.e. highway rest stops, parks, malls, 44. Start up (or help run) a Food for Life program.

45. Become a member of an "ISKCOWP" cow support program at your nearest ISKCON farm community.

46. Sponsor a major festival or Sunday feast at your temple.

47. Send a donation to Food for Life by visiting their website www.ffl.org

48. Cook prasadam and distribute it to your neighbors, schools, or needy people.

49. Donate fresh fruits, grains, nuts, spices and milk products to your nearest temple. Grow it if you can.

50. Serve out 108 plates of prasadam (at a feast).

51. Mail prasadam to all your loved ones (temple sweets).

52. Invite friends to share prasadam at your home.



Special Achievements



53. Spend 108 hours working for a local or national 108 Celebration committee.

54. Read a volume of a Prabhupada biography each month until August 2005.

55. Chant 100 extra rounds by August 2005 (about 8 extra rounds per month for one year).

56. Help devotees meet goals for 108 Padayatras in 108 countries, 108 Food for Life programs, millions books distributed, 108 Prabhupada libraries.


Building Congregations



57. Start a Hare Krishna home program with your friends and relatives.

58. Start or help produce a local congregational newsletter.

59. Develop or expand a Hare Krishna Sunday School.

60. Create or help run a Krishna youth club or kids' camp (Indian or American).

61. Start a reading contest, form a discussion group, or develop a reading room

62. Invite 10 people to join your congregation & inspire members to be more active.

63. Watch Prabhupada and Krishna videos with your friends and neighbors.


Establishing Memorials


64. Establish a Prabhupada Memorial Library in your home or neighborhood.

65. Research where Prabhupada stayed or walked in your area. Write an account of his visits and words .

66. Create a register of all devotees and members ever based at your temple, include initiation dates .

67. Build a local, historical memorial for Prabhupada .

68. Plant a commemorative tree in a public place and send the photos to the 108 Celebration Office.

69. Make donations to the Prabhupada samadhis in India.

70. Preserve or display any special Prabhupada memorabilia that you own.


Enhancing ISKCON's Reputation



71. Develop 108 Celebration preaching programs about Srila Prabhupada's life and books for schools.

72. Schedule public TV shows and announcements for local broadcast. For help, call ISKCON Communications at (301) 299-9713 .

73. Be a public relations representative of ISKCON Communications for your temple.

74. Write a local 108 Celebration news article for BTG.

75. Establish good PR and recognition for your temple .

76. Put articles on Prabhupada and ISKCON in local newspapers. ISKCON Communications can help.

77. Contact BTG with local newspaper articles on Prabhupada's 108 Celebration.

78. Wear dhoti or sari with tilak while doing errands and give books to interested people.


Celebrating 2004-5 Events


79. Help set up and go to events like Padayatra, World Holy Name Day, Feed the World Week, Grand Vyasa-puja Day and reunions. Record the events on video, tape and photos - send copy to BTG.

80. Plan events, schedule local activities for every month, and circulate a calendar (include Prabhupada Nights). Highlight different milestones in Prabhupada's life.

81. Go to a major city festival near you: NYC, San Francisco, LA, Atlanta, Toronto, Vancouver, etc.


108 Celebration Festivals


82. Go to the Gaura Purnima Festival in Mayapur India with Maha-devotee reunions.

83. Volunteer time and resources to the 108 Celebration (local, national ).

84. Go to the Ratha Yatra 108 Celebration Festival in New York or LA in 2005.

85. Help with 108th Celebration exhibits at book fairs and spiritual conferences.

86. Hold 108th Celebration Festivals in your community and include "appreciation dinners" to honor the devotees and members from your congregation.


Global Padayatra Week (June 6-11, 2005)



87.Organize and join Padayatra or kirtana marches,planned locally, nationally, or internationally.


World Holy Name Day (June 12, 2005)



88. Participate in a 24-hour kirtana or maha harinama.

89. Host an interfaith event to share common traditions.


Vyasa-pujas (August 28, 2005)


90.Sponsor a Kalash pot of sacred water, gathered from 108 holy sites for abhisheka on Vyasa-puja Day Aug. 28,2005.

91. Attend Vyasa-puja and bring a special gift or poem.

92. Attend 2005 Kolkatta, India Maha Vyasa Puja give a small speech and invite VIPs from your area.


Food for Life


93. Organize an all-day feast at your temple or town hall.

94. Distribute prasadam to needy people in your area.

95. Deliver a prasadam meal to your local radio station (with a fact sheet). This may encourage the D. J. to announce the event, talk about it, or interview you.

96. Help the nearest Hare Krishna restaurant organize a publicity event, offering free or specially priced meals (these events will be publicized nationwide).

97. Schedule talks about prasadam at schools or colleges.

98. Set up an information display at a nearby library.

99. Advertise or promote any events held near you.

100. Attend locally organized Food for Life events.


Mumbai Pandal Program (Jan 2005)


101. Sponsor a delegate to the Mumbai Pandal Program.

102. Advertise and promote this event at your local temple.


Srila Prabhupada Book Marathon(December 2004)


103. Sponsor billboards or ads in newspapers to promote sales of Srila Prabhupada's books.

104. Distribute books in the Prabhupada Marathon .

105 . Distribute Bhagavad Gitas during World Enlightenment Day (Dec 21) at your temple.

106. Arrange a lecture at a local school or university.


Temple Renovation and Events (Ongoing)


107. Help organize and join in your temple's renovation.

108. Become a committee member and help organize 108th Celebration temple festivals.



Contact us for all 108 Celebration Questions at:



North American 108 Celebration Office

Phone (386) 462-0436

email: celebration108@

P.O. Box 1987, Alachua, FL 32616, USA


WEBSITE: www.prabhupada108.net




PRABHUPADA Founder Acharya of ISKCON

1896 - 2004


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