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Krishna Consciousness is Complete.

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Sorry about the Balarama font, but everybody should know by now how to change thier settings to view it. Burp


Bhagavad-gétä 2.46-62


Los Angeles, December 16, 1968

BG 2.46-62__The Miser And The Mahatma__16dec68_LA.MP3


Now take any religion and take their highest conclusion-it is there in Kåñëa consciousness. Take for example Buddhism. They say nonviolence. Oh, we are nonviolent. Christianism, love of God. Oh, we are simply meant for loving God. Mohammedan, servant of God, to render service to the Lord. Oh, we are twenty-four hours engaged in the service of the Lord. Yogis-samädhi, always in samädhi, absorbed in the thought of the Supreme. We are always absorbed in the thought of Kåñëa. So take any religion, any process, any well. This river, Kåñëa consciousness, will overflood everyone. There cannot be any comparison. What is there? How much water is there in the well? In the river, unlimited. Thousands of wells can be merged into the river. This example is given. Kasmin tu bhagavo vijïäte sarvam idaà vijïätaà bhavati. If you know Kåñëa, you know everything. You know science, you know mathematics, you know philosophy, you know geography, everything. There is no dirth of knowledge. Don’t think that a Kåñëa conscious person actually, he can be a foolish man. No. That is given guarantee in the Bhagavad-gétä,


teñäm evänukampärtham

aham ajïäna-jaà tamaù

näçayämy ätma-bhäva-stho

jïäna-dépena bhäsvatä

[bg. 10.11]


A devotee who is always in Kåñëa consciousness, for him there is nothing unknown. He knows everything. Just like we can give information of the whole creation. Not only of this material world, of the spiritual world. Clear conception. Where is where, what is what, everything. That is Kåñëa consciousness. The more you make progress, then you fully, I mean to say, conversant with all departmental knowledge. Everything is completed.


Tamäla Kåñëa: 47: “You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Neither consider yourself the cause of action, nor should you be attached to inaction.” Purport: “There are three considerations here: prescribed duties, capricious work, and inaction. Prescribed duties means activities in terms of one’s position in the modes of material nature.


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My site is the sig link below, http://bvml.org . When I started web publishing in the late 80s, there was no HTML programs created yet, so I got used to using text editors and memorizing all the code. That was easy in the early HTML 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 days. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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ago as sub-page of my rad0m AXiS rand0M rANTS site. Puru das Adhikari from NYC was having problems with VNN's lag time in publishing his essays relating to the Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja topics. So I published them on my personal web page that was on a Cal Berkeley server. It grew from that. Then after I met with Srila Narayana Maharaja during his Washington, DC visit in May/June 2001, I was encouraged to obtain a domain name and a server dedicated to the library.


I have only worked on it in my spare time, which is not much as I have many other engagements. But, over the years it has emergered as a very influential site and has many regular visitors.

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I am making a site for a devotee. I can say its going to take time, but I like to do it quicly. It's theme believe it or not is about Narayana Maharaja. Hopefully I will put some pages up soon. It's nowhere near the effort it took to make the Namamrta site, still we enjoy doing it for Krishna. I just got Paint shop pro as well [Free] [thats how I did that Gif you see in my Name tag].

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