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Do we really need an election? The proportion of people who choose not to vote is 41%

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John Brunsdon

BBC News



The proportion of people who choose not to vote has risen from 17% to 41% in 50 years.

If "none of the above" was a political party, it might reasonably expect to be sweeping into power any time soon.


So has our system of parliamentary democracy had its day, and if so - could any of these systems replace it?






Put aside thoughts of polling booths at the top of Everest and bungee-jumping MPs, this is more about using new technology to put decision-making power in the hands of ordinary people.



Turnout improves under Extreme Democracy


Its central philosophy is that government should not just be the realm of specialists, and that the internet revolution makes it possible for everyone to be involved directly in running the country.


It does not necessarily advocate the scrapping of representative democracy, but sees "activists" - politically-engaged citizens - shaping policy alongside MPs, or their equivalent.


FOR: We can all have a direct input in issues that matter to us.


AGAINST: "How do you work this interweb thing again?"




This philosophy manages to trump Labour and the Tories on efficiency savings in the civil service - it would scrap the lot, along with MPs and the State in general.


In its place, a randomly selected group of citizens would debate and decide on policy.


Randomly selected groups would also run the business of government - looking after schools, the health service, transport etc - on a local level, although these groups would be selected from volunteers with expertise in their particular area.


You would be expected to serve on a "citizens jury" for a set time every few years.


FOR: The jury system has worked for hundreds of years in criminal cases.


AGAINST: Things might get a bit too random.




A less extreme version of Extreme Democracy. This envisions keeping the political status quo, but getting ordinary people to take a greater interest in politics by making it easier to get your voice heard.


Stephen Coleman, professor in e-Democracy at Oxford University's internet institute, says politicians need to do more to embrace the information age and interact with voters.


"Politicians have used technology in a very old-fashioned way", he said.


"Where they used to put a leaflet through your door at election time with a picture of themselves with their wife and dog, they now put up a website with a picture of themselves with their wife and dog, and then when no one is interested they say 'Oh this doesn't work'."


But he also has some very low-tech suggestions to increase turnout. "I'd invest in tea and buns at the polling station for a start", he says.


And he advocates a national holiday in the run-up to an election, where people would spend the day debating the issues before making their decision.


FOR: You can talk directly to your MP on matters of government


AGAINST: Your MP can talk directly to you.




The Swiss system of government. The country is divided into small areas called cantons, comprised of approximately 3,000 communes.


A central government links the cantons into one unified country, but this controls only matters of common interest, such as foreign policy, defence etc.


All other issues, including the economy, are determined by the cantons, which have their own . and constitution.


New legislation must also be approved by an optional referendum, which is called if a petition of more than 50,000 can be put together on any issue.


FOR: Switzerland is one of the wealthiest and most stable countries in the world.


AGAINST: Remember what Orson Welles had to say about it in the Third Man? "In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock..."




That's Big Brother, as in Jade Goody rather than George Orwell. Could also be called I'm a Politician, Get Me Out of Here!


This system of government would keep the House of Commons, but allow MPs a free vote on every issue with a secret ballot to ensure they did not simply follow the party line every time.



Debate in the Local Authorities (Finance) Bill goes on into the night


It also sees regular electronic plebiscites on major policy decisions - viewers would watch the debate on TV, then cast their vote.


Professor Coleman, who wrote a report for the Hansard Society on the democratic lessons of Big Brother, said: "You have to accept the Big Brother class is bigger than the Newsnight class and you have to find a way they can participate in democracy, otherwise you end up with an oligarchy made of people who watch Newsnight."


FOR: We all get to decide policy.


AGAINST: Davina McCall as the Speaker anyone?




Had Thomas Jefferson been around at the last election, he might have said: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 40.5% of the 59% of people who bothered to vote may take away the rights of the rest."


So why not do away with democracy altogether?


Some suggest there are already elements of benign dictatorship at work, or at least unelected bodies making key policy decisions - the Bank of England's powers over interest rates, for example.


Could a similar system of unelected but expert oligarchs make a better job of running the country than the various parties have?


FOR: No more party political broadcasts to sit through.


AGAINST: Benign can all too easily become malignant.



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The Vishnudutas said: "Alas, how painful it is that irreligion is being introduced into an assembly where religion should be maintained. Indeed, those in charge of maintaining the religious principles are needlessly punishing a sinless, unpunishable person. A king or governmental official should be so well qualified that he acts as a father, maintainer and protector of the citizens because of affection and love. He should give the citizens good advice and instructions according to the standard scriptures and should be equal to everyone. Yamaraja does this, for he is the supreme master of justice, and so do those who follow in his footsteps. However, if such persons become polluted and exhibit partiality by punishing an innocent, blameless person, where will the citizens go to take shelter for their maintenance and security? The mass of people follow the example of a leader in society and imitate his behavior. They accept as evidence whatever the leader accepts. People in general are not very advanced in knowledge by which to discriminate between religion and irreligion."


In human society, properly maintaining religious principles is the duty of the king’s court or the government. Unfortunately, in this yuga, Kali-yuga, the religious principles are tampered with, and the government cannot properly judge who is to be punished and who is not. It is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice. Indeed, in courts of justice it is often found that magistrates are bribed for favorable judgments. Sometimes religious men who preach the Krsna consciousness movement for the benefit of the entire populace are arrested and harassed by the police and courts. The Vishnudutas, who are Vaisnavas, lamented for these very regrettable facts. Because of their spiritual compassion for all the fallen souls, Vaisnavas go out to preach according to the standard method of all religious principles, but unfortunately, because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed and punished by courts on false charges of disturbing the peace.


The leaders of the government must be very honest and religious because otherwise all the affairs of the state will suffer. Unfortunately, in the name of democracy, rogues and thieves are electing other rogues and thieves to the most important posts in the government. Recently this has been proven in America, where the president had to be condemned and dragged down from his post by the citizens. This is only one case, but there are many others. Because of the importance of the Krsna consciousness movement, people should be Krsna conscious and should not vote for anyone who is not Krsna conscious. Then there will be actual peace and prosperity in the state. When a Vaisnava sees mismanagement in the government, he feels great compassion in his heart and tries his best to purify the situation by spreading the Hare Krsna movement. (SB 6.2.2-5)


My dear Lord, Your transcendental form with eight hands and weapons in each of them appears for the welfare of the entire universe, and it is very pleasing to the mind and eyes. In such a form, Your Lordship is always prepared to punish the demons, who are envious of Your devotees. (King Indra- SB 4.7.32)

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