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Taj Mahal was a Shiva temple: BJP’s Katiyar

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I am a Hindu but i feel this kind of cribbing about who built Taj Mahal is as a matter of stupid and affects the fundamentals of not just India's so called secularism but more so affects funda of human existence and art..are we here to keep claiming and reclaiming so called is lost glory this way...doesn't this sound stupid my friends who are seconding mr.katiyar's ideas...let it have been a shiva temple or really mumtaz mahal's grave as built by shah jahan what let us be bothered is the more fundametal duty of protecting the marvel from pollution and from being tarnished by such cribbing..starting a movement to reclaim sounds pathetic and defies all sense of human intellect...

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sounds like u is ignorant like hell so let me explain

muslim is original deen (faith) provided by god to mankind and revealed through the messengers (starting with Adam and including 'hindu' rama, krishna and moses jesus and ending with muhammad) to teach mankind. Hinduism like christianity and judaism was a corruption of original teachings and those ancestors who converted to islam did so out of recognition of truth.


over the years hinduism has become so corrupt that it allows for example worship of the penis (lingam) and live rats - like i said if u want the taj have it stop yo uneducated rant




you dont have right to comment on others gods.god is one.

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I found this debate interesting.


I born in a so called a hindu family and have little knowledge of islam and a meditator and philosopher.


i read quran ,i check out the history of hinduism or rightly sanatandharma(but i will not be using this term as its meaning are so wide that it will include every religion existing on the surface of earth) and found that the difference between islam and hinduism is only because of the person who was the initator of that religion otherwise they are mostly same in spirit.



islam as started with mohhamad( i accept as said in quran that islam was much before mohammad and christ and moses were its part but as mohhamad utered quran i am taking him as its pioneer) ,an enlightened beingh and a devotee but that of nirguna sect(in indian language) was less a poet and more logical then most of indian seer ,much closer to buddha.Indian seers as were more poetic and environment was such that sufficient condition were their for spiritual growth grew to be more poetic or airy which leads to building up of statues which are nothing but a poetic expression of what most of quran speaks of allah.


As vedic religion grew vedant comes as its product which comes with dynamic statement such as "ahm bramh asi" etc .Simmilarly as islam grew sufism comes into existence which comes out with same conclusion as "an al haq" which implies same as that i am truth or bramha.However orthodx muslims and hindus were both against these growth but as in india environment is such that people tends to be more spiritual they soon found out that vedant is equally good howeever islam has immuned itself aginst the sufism but interesting thing is that in india sufism has much deeper roots than islam.


However the argument that current hinduism is a perversion is true to some extent as one just needs to open his eyes to see how dirty this religion has become but no part in this is of authentic religion but because of wrong interpretation of old language and signs.


on other hand islam has its own drawbacks .I don't know how many of you know that mohammad had requested like that of buddha,vedic rishis,upnishadic rishis,etc that his message should not be recorded or written and this is the point that makes a great difference in islamic areas.


Moral conduct as given by vedas or shariyat are good to live a social life but they are of no use for spiritual growth unless accompanied by a sadguru or master.simple reason for this is that only guru can transmit silence or provide living existence that is prerequisite for spiritual growth and in which books fails to play any role.


This is drawback for islam as they have taken book too seriously and dearth of living mystics and non accetance of sufism makes it too difficult for people to go for a living master which in turn has hinder the growth in islam.


looking for further discussion




om shanti shanti shanti.....................................................................

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