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GBC Proposal Resolution number 8

Correcting 28 years

by Vivasvan das,

Temple president, Tampa, Florida




Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Those who don't know me, I was initiated in Boston in 1973 with Niranjana Swami, Adikeshava and Agrani amongst others. I started ISKCON Tampa in 1989 requested by Rtadvaja Swami.


There is a serious need to improve the reputation of the GBC. The pressing issues is the electing, approving, appointing, initiating gurus in ISKCON. From the first batch of eleven elected gurus up to today this system has been the worst nightmare and cause of tragedy in Prabhupada's movement. In a C.C purport it is stated that a spiritual master cannot be elected by votes from a committee. Then why does the GBC continue casting votes to elect spiritual masters when so many of them have crashed and done serious damage to ISKCON? The answer is that the GBC think that by controlling the gurus with law and sanctions, they can control ISKCON. This is a mundane formula exhibiting the lack of trust and faith GBC have for devotees. Prabhupada built up and controlled this giant ISKCON movement by two ways.


1. His devotion and

2. Respect.


Devotees surrendered their lives to him because we respected his devotion. Now, every year, devotees have to deal with some GBC appointed gurus fall-from-grace tragedy, and the respect and trust for the GBC goes down, further down.


This system has produced the worst nightmare for ISKCON and for leaders who have to clean up in damage control.


The GBC should end this guru authorizing program as soon as possible, and anybody, whose guru is not present, who wants to accept disciples in Srila Prabhupada's service may do so in cooperation with the local temple authorities. If this was established after Prabhupada's departure, imagine all the problems we could have avoided.


What will happen is this huge GBC inflated spectacle will end, and the test of a guru will be his or her qualities as an uttama adhikari, not the endorsement of the GBC.


*Some say there would be many bogus gurus, but I don't think so. When the flowery image of the ISKCON guru is dispelled we see it is the most serious, difficult service in ISKCON. The temple managers should be sharp enough to guide the devotees in their search for initiation.


The GBC can then increase their real business of preaching in every town and village and uniting all vaishnavas for that purpose.


Thank you, Comments?

Vivasvan Das.


PS: A similar situation occurred when Srila Prabhupada stopped sanctioning marriages that were failing in the early 70's.




* To them it could be answered that there are many bogus guru's today. In fact there will always be bogus gurus as well as genuine gurus. This is the material condition. Maya job is to offer shadow form as an alternative to every form of spiritual substance. The living entity will always be given the choice between the real and the apparent.


But I wouldn't wait for the present entrenched system to dissolve itself. I don't see them giving up power voluntarily anytime soon.


One solution may be for the present residents of Iskcon to simply stop cooperating with these concocted schemes and remain satisifed with Prabhupada's vani. Anything further will also be arranged by Supersoul if that is your desire and you may meet someone you wish to accept in some formal way.


In other words each individual must make the internal decision to look to the Lord in the heart for such direction

And not rely upon the machinations of some ecclesiastical body. And why would you listen to anyone who advocated a path different from total reliance upon the Lord in the first place.


Ecclesiastical proclamations are never a substitute for the clear direction of the Lord in the heart.


Afterall it's your own spiritual life that is at stake.





To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.




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I heard Srila Prabhupad wanted one soul to come forward to carry on his mission but before he left that didn't or maybe couldn't happen amidst so many strong egos, and then the only option before he left was to declare all his disciples capable. Leaving it up to paramatma to sort it all out, hoping one would naturally rise to the call, only problem there is that everyone interprets the instruction of paramatma different. Just like his written vani.Once again the need for an empowered acharya to take the lead,

or more dissatisfaction with anything less than an Uttama adhikari will prevail.


Regarding the running and administration of Iskcon, someone has to do it, if these people at present don't, who will?

It is still a relatively large organization and must be a logistical nightmare at times. The practical responsibility is no doubt a different kettle of tea to what everyone sees from the outside. And it obviously takes a certain kind of person to apply themselves to this kind of service. Preachers generally have no inclination to such service. So these kind of devotees usually keep some distance from involvement in admin. affairs. But although most seem rather despondent, the ship has to sail on. So where do they go?

If we look at other missions they all usually flourish around the living presence and potency of a particular personalities vision, and their purity of purpose.

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Was clearly Prabhupada's plan to have a GBC. It's the guru thing that has been mucked up since the day Prabhupada left. If they would just stop trying to legislate acarya and trust in Supersoul it would work out.


"By the grace of Krishna one gets guru, by the grace of guru one gets Krsna."


One sentence, if followed the whole 3 decade debate and ruckus could have been avoided.

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Guru is plural, my gurumaharaja used to say.

he also said guru is self-manifest, not self-appointed or appointed by a comittee.

if we look at the situation after the disappearance of Mahaprabhu, we see that the mission was carried on - as it is now - by those not necessarily qualified. then, by the grace of krsna, suddenly we saw a revival, beginning with Bhaktivinoda thakur.

why do you think this happened?

I understand that it was for the purpose of preparing the way for SP, to preach in the west.

all we need to do is carry on as best as we can and be patient.

the message seems to move in waves, as Bhaktirasamrta sindhu says. we just had a wave - SP bringing krsna to the west.

sooner or later, the next wave comes and Krsna will make sure his devotees come to take care of that.

"Whenever there is a decline in religion, I or my representative appear."

just be patient. Krsna will take care.

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