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The past, now the present can finally begin!

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Dear souls,


The past of Mother Earth was different than people think in ourdays. Divinity consciousness of total harmony between all rays of living beings on earth was a fact. All beings in all forms, animals, plants, stones, humans could communicate with eachother, all souls on earth had all their inner qualities activated, telepathy, astral trips, teleportation, healing powers etc. were a natural component of the life of everyone on earth. Nothing extraordinary. The harmony between the species on earth was suddenly interupted by something that nobody, neither God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani, expected. The interuption happened approx. 20'000 years ago and was caused by four souls, all family members of one snake race, the boa constrictor race. The respective king, queen and son and daughter of that boa constrictor race, suddenly, unexpected for all other souls on earth and on all other planets in the universe, deliberately decided to quit Planet Earth, by chaning their heart consciousness from love to cruelty/weakness, and joining the original rebell (fallen angel) race (a race of cancers, raksha in sanscrit) that lived far far away from our planet, in a galaxy that the antique Indian rishis/saints/seers describe as Patala-loka.


That sudden departure of four souls from earth enabled a gateway on earth for the original rebell race to later plan their 'download' to earth and implement their plan, to enslave Mother Earth, all the inhabitants on earth and by so automatically also enslaving God Himself/Herself. The plans of the new joined four rebells in sync with the original billion-member fallen angel race was to DNS/DNA manipulate all species of beauty living on earth (Boa Constrictor/MATRIX-MotherBOArd CONSTRUCTION). That genetic intervention took place and all creature on earth were touched with it.


The DNS/DNA manipulation touched many layers of the conciousness, of the body, of the planetary layers and interdimensional gateways of the earth. Basic artifacts of that DNS/DNA manipulation happend approx. 20'000 years ago are the sexual organs on the animals and humans plus for some animal species the sudden behaviour change on their nutriment habbit, from vegetarian dishes to meat dishes. With the DNS/DNA maniupulation the rebells could than start to incarnate on earth in a human form and tarn their real identity/energy/consciousness with identities/energies/bodies/skills 'stolen' from the beautiful souls of any species that lived on earth.


The tarning now for the still incarnated rebell souls on earth is ending soon. When the 'matrix or pre-shock' is cracked, than no rebell soul on earth, masked in human body, is capably to manipulate others in any ways, no energy-sucking-from-others is longer possible for the rebell souls, as by than the karma law is finally capably to totally touch each individual and present them the individual punishments. As key note here is that all rays of living beings in all forms and on all planets/stars are interconnected with eachother, serving their respective kings/queens and priests. The sudden departure of the king/queen/Son/Daughter of the boa constrictor race from love to cruelty consciousness brought the entire boa constrictor family members, consisting of billions of members, but especially the Chief Priests, acting as Mother and Father of that race, in total emotional disharmony and suffering. In contradiction to the current understanding of who Lucifer is, Lucifer (The Light-bringer) is indeed a good soul who is not to be exchanged with Satan (who is indeed a rebell guy), as he is the Chief Priest, the Father of the Boa Constrictor race. With the fall-down of Lucifer's king-brother and queen-sister and their two children, brought Lucifer in the darkest realms of existence as he couldn't (as nobody else who feels only love can do) imagine the fall-down of the king-family.


Thanks to Lucifer's strenght and patience, with his beautiful wife and children, with all the folk of boa constrictors, now the light could finally return into the hearts of all boa constrictors, all snake/reptos rays also can finally breathe free air from their long condamnation to wait 20'000 years until their liberation from the deep deep shock seeing/sensing the departure of four snake individuals from love into cruelty consciousness. The long waiting until the liberation is due to the divine plan set-up by God-Father, Krishna, as He could only complete the total liberation of all souls on earth touched by the pre-shock/DNS-manipulations in accordance to the final step activation of the rebell's destructive plan for the earth - consisting in taking control of the consciousness of everyone living on earth and therefore by that having a direct impact to every soul in the entire universe, by achieving it with the implementatin of the industrialization age (happened two centuries ago) culminating with the setting-up of the IT industry on earth, which combined with the 20'000 years ago DNS implants in the energetical body of each soul on earth could be fully manifested.


However God-Father's plan, Krishna's plan, incorporated dimensions and consciousness of understanding that neither the chief king of the original rebells (Satan or Kamsa), neither the chief priest of the original rebells (Kali or Ravana or Duryodhana), neither the chief priest of the original rebells who is also the 1st fallen angel (Maya), neither the chief queen of the original rebells with all her folk members and neither the four new rebells (Dritarastra is the king, the brother of Lucifer) could imagine, but it worked, as God's plan are infallible, and soon all souls touched by the genetical manipulation on earth are totally free/healed and returned finally all home in the heaven/paradise. God's/Krishna's plan was to always guide and lead all of His children on earth (plants, animals, stones, humans), the ones connected with planet earth (dwarfes, elbes, gnoms etc.) and all other children living on other stars/planets (ETs) that with their personal example of love, with their skills, with their individual qualities and beauty, with their patience, with their personal example of suffering for others and for the right causes, could re-activate a gigantic gateway of love and healing on earth that forms now the death penalty label for all existing rebell souls. The End of the Masquerade on earth is appraching; Mother Earth, the Cow and Father-Earth, the Bull will soon accomplish Their final step, the shake, to eliminate all negative influences from the earth and prepare the earth for the new age of love, prosperity, real joy for everyone. All respect, love, care, gifts, embrasements, fortune I wish to everyone reading this text, and I know that also many many souls from interdimensional places are reading it!


In love,


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