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It's Gita Jayanti tomorrow

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At the Manor in London many devotees got together with the temple president and Purosotamma (?) Maharaj to fo a Yajna and recital of every single verse - it was very nice! Previously it had been Sivarama Swami and he conducted the ceremony well also.


Since the actual day is Wednesday i think i'll just pick my fave bits and read (chapters 10 and 11) since i cannot do the whole thing.

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Originally I wrote Bhagavad-gita As It Is in the form in which it is presented now. When this book was first published, the original manuscript was, unfortunately, cut short to less than 400 pages, without illustrations and without explanations for most of the original verses of the Shrimad Bhagavad-gita. But later on, when the demand for Bhagavad-gita As It Is considerably increased, I was requested by many scholars and devotees to present the book in its original form, and Messrs. Macmillan and Co. agreed to publish the complete edition. Thus the present attempt is to offer the original manuscript of this great book of knowledge with full paramparä explanation in order to establish the Krsna consciousness movement more soundly and progressively.


If I have any credit in this connection, it does not belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Parivräjakäcärya 108 Sri Shrimad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupäda. If personally I have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without adulteration. Before my presentation of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, almost all the English editions of Bhagavad-gita were introduced to fulfill someone’s personal ambition. But our attempt, in presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is to present the mission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna.


Everyone should know how God or Krsna is great, and everyone should know the factual position of the living entities. Everyone should know that a living entity is eternally a servant and that unless one serves Krsna one has to serve illusion in different varieties of the three modes of material nature, and thus perpetually one has to wander within the cycle of birth and death; even the so-called liberated Mayavadi speculator has to undergo this process. This knowledge constitutes a great science, and each and every living being has to hear it for his own interest.


...You can mention some parallels from Christian literature while explaining Bhagavad-gita, but you cannot find in any other scripture in the world with the full information as given in the Bhagavad-gita. We should not forget that we are preaching science of God from Bhagavad-gita, which contains all spiritual instructions contained in other scriptures...(Letter from Srila Prabhupada 4/13/1968)


May the spotless lotus of the Mahabharata that grows on the waters of the words of Vyasa, and of which the Bhagavad Gita is it's irresistibly sweet fragrance, and its tales of heroes the full-blown petals fully opened by the talk of Lord Hari, Who destroys the sins of Kali Yuga, and on which daily light the nectar-seeking souls, as so many bees swarming joyously--- May this lotus of the Mahabharata bestow upon us the highest good. (Shankara- Science of Self Realization p.87)


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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