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My odd dream

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I would like to share my dream with the devotees here to see what this could possibly mean:


I was in some sort of hotel, an average size hotel. I get up to go around the hotel alone, and I go to this open room and its blue. It had pictures of baby Lord Krsna on the walls, I remember in one picture HE looked a little sad, like asking for butter from mother Yasoda but She doesn't give him any. Then all of the sudden I am climbing on the wall and I grab hold of some metal and it starts to bend and I slowly fall to the ground, although I can't feel any pain. Then I feel the metal is like a poison, like a black poison, somewhat like acid in battery, and this metal is in my mouth and I can actually in my dream taste this nasty acidic taste. Then I am spitting out this black poisonous substance and just as I am about to lose consciousness in my dream I gain consciousness in material body.


I would love any comments on this,this really scares me.

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Well I certainly can't interpret it. I do notice a couple things however. This earthly waking experience is just as frightening and strange as that dream. Only difference is we are conditioned to the events of this side of the dreram because we perceive a certain consistency and predictability to it from one day to the next. But really is a friend who plays with you in the park one day suddenly getting run over by a truck and no longer being considered to even exist any stranger then the bending metal.


These are type of experiences that exist outside of pleasing Krsna.


What if you upon noticing baby Krsna looking like He wanted something,some butter, and then offered Him some along with a platefull of sweetballs?


You wouldn't have experienced climbing the wall with that awful taste in your mouth, instead you would have become immersed in a relationship with Krsna.


So be awake to the next oppurtunity that comes your way on either side of this dream.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I don't know if anyone else is against my KC. I am afraid the only person that could be is myself. If I lose interest in it, oh, then everything is lost. So the only person to be careful against, is myself. I find it very very hard to surrender and stop speculating. Plus I find my mind so uncontrolled, its a serious problem. So much fantasizing, beyond limit. If I get a grip on reality, then all should fall into place but this is something thats been with me since birth literally.


And about missing an opportunity, this is interesting because for the last couple of days, I've started studying for my exams almost 8-12 hours daily. I didn't do almost nothing spiritual like listening to lectures of Swami Prabhupada or going to forums. Could my dream be saying me to slow down, and start doing my spiritual things again like sravanam?

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You know what your schedule allows for. Don't worry too much about interpreting dreams. For me who is presently living in a truly crazy mind that runs around from thing to thing at incredible speeds I find I must keep everything very simple. The goal is to remember Krsna so sometimes I just put on a chanting tape in background, It helps.


Yes it was a strange dream. It might be best to just take the highest essence from it and not be too concerned with anything else. Now ask youself what is the highest lesson you can take from the dream and go with that.


Is there something higher than feeding baby Krsna some buttery sweets?

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Thanks for the replies. Yes, I chant my rounds but I always think about studies when chanting, this is the problem. I don't know how to study while being detached, its really hard to think of that because when you study material science you have to always think about solving the problems or whatever, then you can't think of Krsna.


In one sense it is rare to see the Lord or His form in a dream, and this is like only the 3rd or 4th time in 8 months of my KC life. But in another sense, people do so much tapasya and follow properly the Bhakti Yoga principles and I think they are actually qualified to feed the Lord. Lord Hari says there are different tapasyas. For me the one needed most I think is the tapasya for the mind, and that tapasya I don't know how to execute properly. Anyone else here know how to execute tapasya of mind properly?

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I am not qualified to instruct you on this, but as for studying, they say that every action should be offered to the Lord as pooja. So before studying maybe offer your studies to the Lord and think- I am going to study now, it is under your control whether or not my efforts are successful, but either way I know You always take care of me and know what is best for me." and sing His name before starting. I will also try to take my own advice in this regard. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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