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mahak-election commentary

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I must tip my hat to Karl Rove, Bush's brains behind his candidacy.


The all time greatest maneuver is the manipulation of the typical non-voter, and radical liberals who must push for gay marriage are much more to blame for Kerry's defeat than Ralph Nader was for Gore's non-selection. When SF and Massachusetts started marrying gays, I knew Bush would be re-elected.


Rove made gay marriage an issue, and bush called for an impossible constitutional amendment. He knew it would not fly, but that was not the motive, it was entirely a genius election dead ringer.


Intence fundamentalist christians are secure in their christian faith, and are not really very good at packing in the polls during elections. To them, everything is gods will so they are basically content. They are more inclined to vote in school board elections than national candidate selections.


But when gay marriage is on the ballot, they have no alternative. They are not against the sinner and not that full of hate (Im referring to honest ma and pa Iowan here, not your southern KKK types.) Gay marriage to the christian is the sin itself, and the republicans were genius in having state initiatives banning such sinful activity.


It was only in the process of voting in record numbers on these initiatives that Bush got his votes. He is on the same ballot, and had it not been for the gay marriage ban on 11 state ballots, bush would not have had most of those votes. The reason these christians voted for Bush is for one reason, he is a born-again christian, one of them. This is all they had to know.


For dems in the future, you must embrace issues favorable to religious folk. To reject them is as stupid as the neo-con rejecting blacks. Personally, I see nothing contradictory in a far left liberal favoring strict controls over the act of murdering the most helpless human beings, the unborn. I could never understand why someone calling themselves a liberal would support fascist corporations who need to prop up the abortion industry. Im not speaking of a troubled teen with a decision, Im talking about the absolutely ANTI-CHOICE PLANNED PARENTHOOD groups that have their certifiable roots in Nazi Germany. The founder, Margaret Sanger, is a contemporary to Speer and Mengele.


So, if them dems want any blue states in Americas Heartland, they must restrict fascism on all fronts. Not just expose the neo-con fascists, but the planned parenthood fascists and the gay pride fascists as well. Fascism on all levels are extremely opposed by any clear thinking liberal.


Hari Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS Bush is dumb, but pays expert politicians well.

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