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elixirs of health

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From the Srimad Bhagavatam describing life on the subterranean heavenly planets.




Since the residents of these planets drink and bathe in juices and elixirs made from wonderful herbs, they are freed from all anxieties and physical diseases. They have no experience of grey hair, wrinkles or invalidity, their bodily lusters do not fade, their perspiration does not cause a bad smell, and they are not troubled by fatigue or by lack of energy or enthusiasm due to old age.



Perhaps we should be making more use of our planets juices and herbs.



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There are many without the need to rely on caffein. I've been a coffee addict and it is an addiction.


For a sustained lift that will actually act as a long term tonic for your brain cells as well as perk you up in short order try Gotu Kola and Ginko.


I use a lot of peppermint which is great for flavor. Gotu kola and mint is great in the morning. When its hot out I make the brew the night before and put in the frig. so I have a cold drink in the morning and throughout the day.


The ginko I buy in powder form and just stir a spoonful into a glass of water and drink down. Not for sipping.


I miss that blast off effect of coffee in the morning but appreciate not having to deal with the envitable let down a couple hours later.


Both gotu kola (brahmi) and ginko are said to be very sattvik and that is what we are looking for.


Please folks share your favorites.

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what are you smokin' every time your by-line comes up re.acceptance of initiation I can't help wonder, were you not initiated by some one, if so did they fall down or did you miss being initiated by Srila Prabhupada seems repeat-ative-ative-ative or lamentative-ative-ative-ative


whats with the by-line -------

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you're wound up good ...drink Inca from herbs and roots ..barley,roast chickory, dandilion root and beet root... most excellant coffee substitute...

....oh by the by ....don't smoke herbs.....


read 1180 more reasons to take or accept initiation from Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavatam,and Caitanya Caritamrta, you may be pleasently surprised.initiate-168 references, initiated-1111 verse references, initiates-100 references,and initiating-53 references, that and a cup of Inca Cino with a head of fresh whipped cream will keep you happy....


be a leader.... don't initiate anyone as you have ordered ....


"where have all the followers gone long time passing".... where have all the followers gone long time ago.....

where have all the followers gone...

gone to grave-yards nearly every one....

when will they ever learn...... when will they ever learn"............

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I am sure that is a good morning brew. It would have that kind of strong deep flavor that comes with coffee. Oh and thank you for being concerned but I don't smoke herbs of any kind. I certainly did in the distant past though.


The initiation comments are lost on me however. But don't worry I have no intention of conducting my own intiations.


Hare Krsna

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'seems the prescrition for morning elixer is about feeling energized like the bunny, well welcome to maya world, it can be depressing phsically and mentally if you let it due to attachments only, the best remedy is the chanting of holy name for whatever ails you especially at the time of death when all the aches and pains you have experienced till now will pale in comparison, anyone having near death experience can testify to the difficulty of being focussed on the holy nama unless you are really fixed in purity of thought and action.----food elixer for thought ----


binder done dat and can I blame inconsistancies in saddhana on my medical problems or chose to see the mercy of dis-ease as a blessing in disquise and subsequent sinful activity imagined or otherwise as the Truth comes forward in advancement dauntless ever closer. I too have Hep C and liver cancer but believe me this is a blessing not a curse. Its Krsnas way of telling you somethings wrong internally and evidentally in the external by the exhibit of symtoms


what of compassion and mercy yes yes and forgiveness , charity begins at home Prabhus, when one realizes he is loved by others he is able to truly love himself,then love others not the other way round oh I think I will become guru then get down sick and beg for forgiveness,sentiment--- ---purity is the force by which one is healed ---

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonderful gift to man. Never heat it like a tea.


Easy way I like to take it is I take a jar of water and put a spoonful on top and place it in the frig. In the morning it has settled. Swish it around and drink a cup. It doesn't have a strong taste this way. Two or three cups a day is an excellent health tonic. Then repeat and you set for the next day.


Here's more on spirulina http://www.spirulina.com/

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

the only things a human body is addicted too are air, water, food and sleep. All the rest is between your ears and thus a mental problem. if you really want - also between the ears - you can stop anything; even breathing. so don't give us the victim mentality - addiction. Be aware of who you really are and give up that so-called addiction.

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