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another close encounter with Yama-dutas

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Source: www.near-death.com/storm.html

Published: September 25, 2004 Author: Howard Storm

An invitation to hell from strange beings


[Howard Storm was in intense agony and dying.]


Struggling to say goodbye to my wife, I wrestled with my emotions. Telling her that I loved her very much was as much of a goodbye as I could utter because of my emotional distress.


Sort of relaxing and closing my eyes, I waited for the end. This was it, I felt. This was the big nothing, the big blackout, the one you never wake up from, the end of existence. I had absolute certainty that there was nothing beyond this life – because that was how really smart people understood it.


While I was undergoing this stress, prayer or anything like that never occurred to me. I never once thought about it. If I mentioned God’s name at all it was only as a profanity.


For a time there was a sense of being unconscious or asleep. I’m not sure how long it lasted, but I felt really strange, and I opened my eyes. To my surprise I was standing up next to the bed, and I was looking at my body laying in the bed.


My first reaction was, "This is crazy! I can’t be standing here looking down at myself. That’s not possible."


This wasn't what I expected, this wasn't right. Why was I still alive? I wanted oblivion. Yet I was looking at a thing that was my body, and it just didn't have that much meaning to me.


Now knowing what was happening, I became upset. I started yelling and screaming at my wife, and she just sat there like a stone. She didn’t look at me, she didn’t move – and I kept screaming profanities to get her to pay attention. Being confused, upset, and angry, I tried to get the attention of my room-mate, with the same result. He didn’t react.


I wanted this to be a dream, and I kept saying to myself, "This has got to be a dream."


But I knew that it wasn't a dream. I became aware that strangely I felt more alert, more aware, more alive than I had ever felt in my entire life. All my senses were extremely acute. Everything felt tingly and alive. The floor was cool and my bare feet felt moist and clammy. This had to be real. I squeezed my fists and was amazed at how much I was feeling in my hands just by making a fist.


Then I heard my name. I heard, "Howard, Howard – come here."


Wondering, at first, where it was coming from, I discovered that it was originating in the doorway. There were different voices calling me.


I asked who they were, and they said, "We are here to take care of you. We will fix you up. Come with us."


Asking, again, who they were, I asked them if they were doctors and nurses.


They responded, "Quick, come see. You’ll find out."


As I asked them questions they gave evasive answers. They kept giving me a sense of urgency, insisting that I should step through the doorway.


With some reluctance I stepped into the hallway, and in the hallway I was in a fog, or a haze. It was a light-colored haze. It wasn’t a heavy haze. I could see my hand, for example, but the people who were calling me were 15 or 20 feet ahead, and I couldn’t see them clearly. They were more like silhouettes, or shapes, and as I moved toward them they backed off into the haze. As I tried to get close to them to identify them, they quickly withdrew deeper into the fog. So I had to follow into the fog deeper and deeper.


These strange beings kept urging me to come with them.


I repeatedly asked them where we were going, and they responded, "Hurry up, you’ll find out."


They wouldn't answer anything. The only response was insisting that I hurry up and follow them.


They told me repeatedly that my pain was meaningless and unnecessary. "Pain is .," they said.


I knew that we had been traveling for miles, but I occasionally had the strange ability to look back and see the hospital room. My body was still there lying motionless on the bed. My perspective at these times was as if I were floating above the room looking down. It seemed millions and millions of miles away. Looking back into the room, I saw my wife and my room-mate, and I decided they had not been able to help me so I would go with these people.


Walking for what seemed to be a considerable distance, these beings were all around me. They were leading me through the haze. I don’t know how long. There was a real sense of timelessness about the experience. In a real sense I am unaware of how long it was, but it felt like a long time – maybe even days or weeks.


As we traveled, the fog got thicker and darker, and the people began to change. At first they seemed rather playful and happy, but when we had covered some distance, a few of them began to get aggressive. The more questioning and suspicious I was, the more antagonistic and rude and authoritarian they became. They began to make jokes about my bare rear end which wasn't covered by my hospital dicky and about how pathetic I was. I knew they were talking about me, but when I tried to find out exactly what they were saying they would say, "Shhhhh, he can hear you, he can hear you."


Then, others would seem to caution the aggressive ones. It seemed that I could hear them warn the aggressive ones to be careful or I would be frightened away.


Wondering what was happening, I continued to ask questions, and they repeatedly urged me to hurry and to stop asking questions. Feeling uneasy, especially since they continued to get aggressive, I considered returning, but I didn’t know how to get back. I was lost. There were no features that I could relate to. There was just the fog and a wet, clammy ground, and I had no sense of direction.


All my communication with them took place verbally just as ordinary human communication occurs. They didn't appear to know what I was thinking, and I didn't know what they were thinking. What was increasingly obvious was that they were liars and help was farther away the more I stayed with them.


Hours ago, I had hoped to die and end the torment of life. Now things were worse as I was forced by a mob of unfriendly and cruel people toward some unknown destination in the darkness. They began shouting and hurling insults at me, demanding that I hurry along. And they refused to answer any question.


Finally, I told them that I wouldn’t go any farther. At that time they changed completely. They became much more aggressive and insisted that I was going with them. A number of them began to push and shove me, and I responded by hitting back at them.


A wild orgy of frenzied taunting, screaming and hitting ensued. I fought like a wild man. All the while it was obvious that they were having great fun.


It seemed to be, almost, a game for them, with me as the center-piece of their amusement. My pain became their pleasure. They seemed to want to make me hurt – by clawing at me and biting me. Whenever I would get one off me, there were five more to replace the one.


By this time it was almost complete darkness, and I had the sense that instead of there being twenty or thirty, there were an innumerable host of them. Each one seemed set on coming in for the sport they got from hurting me. My attempts to fight back only provoked greater merriment. They began to physically humiliate me in the most degrading ways. As I continued to fight on and on, I was aware that they weren't in any hurry to win. They were playing with me just as a cat plays with a mouse. Every new assault brought howls of cacophony. Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive, slowly, so that their entertainment would last as long a possible.


At no time did I ever have any sense that the beings who seduced and attacked me were anything other than human beings. The best way I can describe them is to think of the worst imaginable person stripped of every impulse to do good. Some of them seemed to be able to tell others what to do, but I had no sense of any structure or hierarchy in an organizational sense. They didn't appear to be controlled or directed by anyone. Basically they were a mob of beings totally driven by unbridled cruelty and passions.


During our struggle I noticed that they seemed to feel no pain. Other than that they appeared to possess no special non-human or super-human abilities.


Although during my initial experience with them I assumed that they were clothed, in our intimate physical contact I never felt any clothing whatsoever.


Fighting well and hard for a long time, ultimately I was spent. Lying there exhausted amongst them, they began to calm down since I was no longer the amusement that I had been. Most of the beings gave up in disappointment because I was no longer amusing, but a few still picked and gnawed at me and ridiculed me for no longer being any fun. By this time I had been pretty much taken apart. People were still picking at me, occasionally, and I just lay there all torn up, unable to resist.


Exactly what happened was ... and I’m not going to try and explain this. From inside of me I felt a voice, my voice, say, "Pray to God."


My mind responded to that, "I don’t pray. I don’t know how to pray."


This is a guy lying on the ground in the darkness surrounded by what appeared to be dozens if not hundreds and hundreds of vicious creatures who had just torn him up. The situation seemed utterly hopeless, and I seemed beyond any possible help whether I believed in God or not.


The voice again told me to pray to God. It was a dilemma since I didn’t know how. The voice told me a third time to pray to God.


I started saying things like, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ... God bless America" and anything else that seemed to have a religious connotation.


And these people went into a frenzy, as if I had thrown boiling oil all over them. They began yelling and screaming at me, telling me to quit, that there was no God, and no one could hear me. While they screamed and yelled obscenities, they also began backing away from me – as if I were poison. As they were retreating, they became more rabid, cursing and screaming that what I was saying was worthless and that I was a coward.


I screamed back at them, "Our Father who art in heaven," and similar ideas. This continued for some time until, suddenly, I was aware that they had left. It was dark, and I was alone yelling things that sounded churchy. It was pleasing to me that these churchy sayings had such an effect on those awful beings.


Lying there for a long time, I was in such a state of hopelessness, and blackness, and despair, that I had no way of measuring how long it was. I was just lying there in an unknown place – all torn and ripped. And I had no strength; it was all gone. It seemed as if I were sort of fading out, that any effort on my part would expend the last energy I had. My conscious sense was that I was perishing, or just sinking into the darkness.

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This is a quite vivid story which we would like to believe. But i think we should be careful because in this age we cannot be sure of what is correct and what is not. One thing i found odd was Yama-dutas behaving like a band of hooligans throwing obscenities and enjoying in his pleasure etc. The scriptures say that the Yama-dutas being the servants of Yama know religion and its imports quite well, so such behaviour is not to be expected nor documented elsewhere -- unless Kali-yuga has taken a toll of them too!!!

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Hare Krishna, Kulapavana, indeed you are right, the holy names of Krishna can save anyone from dangerous situations.


I am writing a novel about a hero that has to fight against the Yamadutas as well as some other enemies so I appreciate that you have posted this article.


Hare Krishna and may Krishna always protect us from the Yamadutas.

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Hare Krsna !!!


Its not necessary that the spirits he encountered were Yamaduttas. They could have been the various Pisachas, Bhutas which are more like ghosts and goblins - or various other lower level spirits. Just because they are invisible to ordinary humans does not make them either devas or Yamaduttas. There are various levels below and above humans. By looking at the description of their behaviour - they certainly seem to be 'asuric' - like asuras or Raakshashaas.


Haribol !!!

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This is exactly how, it has been described in Garud Purana, the journey of the soul, with the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) towards Yamaraja, accompanied by Yamaduta. There is no difference, the pain, the agony, the wounds inflicted etc., ditto, it has been elaborately described. Now I am surprised, that our scriptures have given us the complete knowledge about the soul and its journey to and away form the earth. The details of Garuda Purana are applicable to everyone irrespective of their faith.

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while seriously ill and in and out of conciousness heard heavy chanting all around and in my other body surounded by beings all around slowly leading to a force of powerfull goodness ahead...haribol

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