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Bono from U2

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I saw Bono from the music group U2 on O'Reilly tonight. I must say, I tend to find celebrity spokes people to not be too bright. However, I thought Bono did a very good and convincing job in his presentation. I can respect him. Unlike most celebrities, Bono has realized that if the goal is to get something done then its best not to antagonize the other side. Rather he works in a bi-partisan manner to get his goals passed. And because of this he probably has done more for AIDs in Africa than the leftist screechers like Barbara Streisand and her ilk. What matters are the results not the rhetoric. If the rhetoric gets in the way of the results (such as antagonizing the other side) then what is the purpose? Anyways, here are his sites for his programs:





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U2 is the best, right up there with the Police.


I saw bono jam with chrissie hynde (pretenders, back on the chain gang), and the edge, and all chanted haribol, very clearly.


hear surrender, hear the whole album of joshua tree and bullets and blood.


And while were at it, the clash (sandinistha album) aint too sleazy either, nor is midnight oil (diesel and dust).



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Like a desert needs rain

Like a town needs a name

I need your love

Like a drifter needs a room


I need your love


Like a rhythm unbroken

Like drums in the night

Like sweet soul music

Like sunlight

I need your love


Like coming home

And you don't know where you've been

Like black coffee

Like nicotine

I need your love


When the night has no end

And the day yet to begin

As the room spins around

I need your love


Like a Phoenix rising

Needs a holy tree

Like the sweet revenge

Of a bitter enemy

I need your love


Like the heat needs the sun

Like honey on her tongue

Like the muzzle of a gun

Like oxygen

I need your love


When the night has no end

And the day yet to begin

As the room spins around

I need your love


Like thunder needs rain

Like the preacher needs pain

Like tongues of flame

Like a blind man's cane

Like a needle in a vein

Like someone to blame

Like a thought unchained

Like a runaway train

I need your love

Like a fighter's rage

His dreams in a cage

Like faith needs a doubt

Like a freeway out

I need your love


Like powder needs a spark

Like lies need the dark

I need your love



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