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Hare Krsna, Jai Guru-Gauranga


I do not know if its my pride, nor do I know if it is attachment, and don't know if its my ignorance, but what shall I do if my parents keep telling me, "you must eat a lot to be healthy, there is a limit for everything including God and chanting Hare Krsna" etc...What does God want me to do? I am very confused

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I must say I am having a similar problem. My husband recently told me a similar thing, ie. "there is a limit for everything" including bhakti. I would say do NOT pull back on devotional activities. The rest of your life benefits when you take care of the devotional side.


Maybe, I don't know when you chant rounds, but it's best to do it early in the morning before others are awake, so there's no disturbance. And also, they will not be worried, because you will have finished before they get up.


If your parents are worrying about your health, I mean, yes of course you should always get enough to eat so that your body is healthy. Don't overdo it, but don't eat so little that you become weak either. Getting sick sometimes gets in the way of chanting, studying, etc. especially if we are sleeping more when we are sick!

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