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From Self-lessness to Self-ishness ???

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When I was a brama-cherry in the temple asrama,

going out every day distributing Prabhupada's books,

it seemed my life was no longer my own:it was a missionary spirit to act solely for the welfare of others.

I didn't think about ' Oh,what will happen to me in old age,my wife & kids,etc...'


Now as an middle-aged old fart who gotta wifey-pooh and kiddies,that spirit of sacrifice for the welfare of suffering humanity is missing in my life and soul.

Will I re-gain it when the children are all grown up and I'm about to croak?

What will Lord do with an old bitter geezard like me? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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actually, being married and raising children can teach devotees how to lose their selfish tendencies (if they want to learn). giving up your responsibilities because they are cumbersome will not lead to selflessness.


once you properly execute your duties in the hoseholder ashrama, when the kids are grown up, you can certainly enter the full time temple life again.


our movement does not need any more false renunciates or theoretical preachers (I'm not implying you are such a person, just making a point) - we need mature devotees who can help others using lessons they learned through their own life.

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Now as an middle-aged old fart who gotta wifey-pooh and kiddies,that spirit of sacrifice for the welfare of suffering humanity is missing in my life and soul.

Will I re-gain it when the children are all grown up and I'm about to croak?

What will Lord do with an old bitter geezard like me?




It has been your responsibility i life to take care of "wifey-pooh" and "kiddies." That too is selfless work. You know, we learn from the Gita about dharma. But it is not just war or religious work that is dharma. ANYTHING you do, offer it to the Lord.


Whatever you do for your family is also a form of pooja to Krishna.

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Is the example. Sure also the exceptional example but we can follow in our measure. From his immediate family came Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati who empowered and inspired our Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.


No need for those kiddies to leave you. Within that circle your oppurtunity lies to affect the world. On top of that I and others are able to read your inspiring posts everyday on this forum.


The internet is a 21st century street corner to the world. Just keep doing what you are doing, internalize it more and more and when totally purified Krsna may send you to some fallen planet to act as His perfect world teacher. Your preaching life is just beginning if that's what you want. This planet, others in the future, there is no limit.

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