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I did a search on this forum and PN_Prasad posted this:



"If you want to grow in Divine Love, you have got to drop the pride and all of the artificial wall we build between ourselves and others. In the "wall" we keep judging others, and we think others are judging us."




Also, this post was very inspiring, and teaches the truth:




I thank these two posters.


As a undergrad goin to university, I believe I know, at least in my case, wherefrom pride arrives. In the beginning, we first of all want to be "part" of the crowd, not knowing that most of the "crowd" is in ignorance. Then we judge how we are performing for the crowd, and we assume that they actually pay attention to how we are performing. Then its a gradual process up to the point where you are so deeply in the ocean of ignorance, which is full of prideful monsters, that they tie you down deep beneath the ocean, and occasionally, you will get to see a glimpse of light, Who is God, asking you to come back to the surface to be rescued. But, of course, we think that others actually admire our performance, when in fact, according to the above quote, they might not even care, or even envy us to death. But foolishly, we think, "Oh, how great is my position, I am part of the "crowd" now". Then even when Lord Hari invites us back to divine love, we refuse it, thinking that our current position is very favorable. This is the way according to my vision, and from my experience, pride has gotten me. Its in fact true, that out of pride comes lust, which is the next stage. Then from lust, when God comes to save you, envy comes in to your heart, when you think that God actually is trying to steal your illusionary position. Then there is a period of enjoyment of this false prideful position, then there will be a major fall down. You lose your position, whatever you had that made you think you were part of the "crowd". Then there is depression and suffering. Then we go back to God, but we are all stained now with pride, lust and envy. For me, now that I look back at my life, it is exactly in that order it works, at least for me it did so that way. Then now, I am trying to get the stain off me. Of course, the stain might be very strong depending on the duration of your existence in the prideful, lusty, and envious consciousness, but I know if we sincerely realize this, and look back at our own life, then God will help us make advancement towards cleaning these stains. I hope when I go to my first year university, I can totally forget about this judging others, even if they judge me. I hope God gives me sraddha in sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya(what sadhu says, what guru says, and what sastra says). As Gour Govinda Swami says in His articles (http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/4/simplicityandfaith.html and [http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/5/simplicityandfaith.2.html)]http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/5/simplicityandfaith.2.html), simplicity will come to us when we throw out the filth of crookedness. Then from simplicity, faith will blossom like a beautiful lotus with the Sunshine provided by Lord and His devotees. This is what I realized so far in my life thanks to the merciful grace of the devotees and Sri Hari who is known as the merciful Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


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If you develop krsna-bhakti all of your duties and obligations are finished. You are thinking, "This is my duty, my responsibility, to look after the maintenance of

my family, my wife and my children. But it is said, krsne bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya - "All of your work is finished." Everyone says this, but they are only speaking from the lips. In their heart, 99.9% people have no faith. Therefore Gauranga Mahaprabhu has said, ucca sankirtane kari sraddhara pracara - "Chant loudly:


hare krsna hare krsna

krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama

rama rama hare hare.


Inculcate sraddha, faith, unto those people who have not developed sraddha."


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Its hard to say or conclude that 99% of the people have no faith. In kali yuga, when you are in material world, especially when everyone is not born as a renunciated soul, in higher plane, one goes through the step wise process of Karma yoga, Bhakthi yoga and then Gnana yoga. Krishna Himself praised the merits of each.

While it is true that people get attached to their work instead of being detached, there are number of people who once realised in course of their advancement keep themselves detached yet performing the duties what they are supposed to do. For example if a father is having a daughter to get married, he cant run away leaving the family saying that I am renounced ditching his family. It is his duty to perform the wedding ceremony otherwise we call in India as "Kanniga Dhanam".

Leaving the duty in middle and running away in not actual renunciation. Performing the ascribed duty without attachment to the fruits is also bakthi and this does not mean that they are not having faith. Its actually the faith in Lord makes one to perform the duty also rather than running away. ONce all the committed ascribed duties of over, then he enters into gnana yoga. Krishna advocates this to everyone who are not renounced by birth like Sankara or ramanuja.


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