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Faith {'komala sraddha' }

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Just looking at swami.org I found this about faith:


Swami B. V. Tripurari. {extracted}

My point is that however strong our arguments are, there are counter arguments to them. We will see ours as correct and definitive because of our faith, as we should. Faith is not less than reason. It is greater than reason, as it has the power to reveal the whole truth.


Therefore before we think that the logic of our side on any issue is definitive in and of itself, and march out to conquer the world with it, only to find equally well reasoned arguments on the other side of the fence, we would do well to understand that the basis of our knowing is faith, divine experience in connection with a real sadhu. Otherwise, when reason fails to satisfy the opposition, or one cannot answer to opposing logic, one's 'komala sraddha' can be damaged.


What is komala sraddha? It is faith in the reasoning and scriptural interpretations of one's group that does not fare well in the face of opposing views. Faith in the reasoning of our group is only as valuable as it begets faith that reaches beyond reason - guru-nistha - that plays out into intensified spiritual practice and experience. If we have this, even if we cannot counter everyone to the satisfaction of all concerned with reason and scripture, our position remains the same, and this posture is itself reasonable from a spiritual point of view.


Indeed, if we have real guru-nistha that generates intense spiritual practice, our example and underlying spiritual experience speak louder than any argument, and this is precisely our position in relation to the reforms of Bahktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. They cannot be explained to the satisfaction of all parties, but his personal spirituality cannot be denied by anyone other than the spiritually blind. We, his followers, would do well to practice intensely and experience deeply if we are to uphold his legacy. If convincing logic comes from anywhere it is from this. Therefore this must be stressed, and this is what I did in the answer under discussion.



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Caitanya Carit. Madhya 22.69


yahara komala sraddha, se 'kanishta ha' jana


krame krame tenho bhakta ha-ibe 'uttama'




yahara — whose; komala sraddha — <font color="red"> soft faith </font color> ; se — such a person; kanishta ha jana — a neophyte devotee; krame krame — by a gradual progression; tenho — he; bhakta — devotee; ha-ibe — will become; uttama — first class.




"One whose faith is <font color="red"> soft </font color> and pliable is called a neophyte, but by gradually following the process he will rise to the platform of a first-class devotee.

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