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To attain the feet of Gaura faith in this book Jaiva Dharma is a must

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Vijaya-kumara had no longer any doubts. He followed the eleven bhavas. He meditated on Lord Krishna's handsome form and pastimes. Staying in a cottage by the seashore, he always tasted the sweetness of pure spiritual love (prema). Meanwhile, Vrajanatha's mother fell sick with cholera and died. Vrajanatha and his grandmother returned home. In Vrajanatha's pure heart was manifested pure love (prema) in sakhya-rasa. He passed his days staying among the Vaishnavas by the Ganges shore at Sridham Nabadwip. Vijaya-kumara renounced household life and accepted the kaupina of a sannyasi. He lived by taking a little maha-prasadam he obtained by madhukari begging. During the eight periods of the day he meditated on Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. At night he briefly slept. He honoured a little prasadam. While he was awake he served the divine couple in ways appropriate to the particular time of day. On japa beads he always chanted the holy names of Lord Hari. Sometimes he danced, sometimes he wept, and sometimes he smiled to see the waves in the ocean. Who can understand the symptoms of his devotional life? He accepted the name Nimai dasa Babaji. He would neither hear nor speak gossip. He was very humble. His actions were pure. He was fixed in devotional service. When someone offered him maha-prasadam or cloth for his kaupina, he accepted only what he actually needed. He never accepted more than that. When he chanted the holy names of Lord Hari tears would stream from his eyes, his voice would become choked, and the hairs of his body would stand erect. After only a few days he became perfect in devotional service. He obtained Lord Krishna's mercy, and thus he became qualified to enter the Lord's aprakata pastimes. Like Haridasa Thakura, when he died his material body was placed in a tomb by the seashore. Haribol.

"Bearing with him the mercy of his spiritual master, Lord Krishna, and the Vaishnavas, a poor person named Bhaktivinoda laboured greatly to write this book.

"This book, the Jaiva-dharma, written in the Bengali language, was completed by the Ganges' shore at Surabhi-kunja in Godruma, at Nabadwip, on the full moon day of the month of Magha in the 410th year after Lord Chaitanya's appearance in this world.

"Persons who yearn to attain the feet of Lord Gaura, the delivered of the Kali-yuga, will have faith in this book.

"I place a curse on any person who does not have even the smallest particle of faith, but still reads this book.

"Persons who speak the theory of dry impersonal liberation cannot understand Krishna. Only faithful persons can purely understand Lord Krishna's pastimes in Vraja.

The End.


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