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Devotees and Iraq

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An answer from devotee veteran of first Gulf War

by Bhakta Patrick Galbraith


Posted August 2, 2004


I saw this question Bhagavat Purana Das asked, and it really wasn't a question, but is something that's often refered to as 'bomb throwing' in political speak, which is really a cloaked statement of opinion that's rather insulting.


There are many answers to why one should remain a vegetarian, regardless of what their duties are in life, but one simple instruction to follow that's non-conditional and meant to be followed, regardless of situation!


The Bhagavad Gita (yes, which takes place on a battlefield) Instructs (9.26)


Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati tad aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami prayatatmanaha


"If on offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it"


This is Krsna telling Arjuna that he will accept only vegetarian bhoga, which is a very simple, non-conditional instruction. As far as 'shooting at someone', that's a bit of a simplification, and a very narrow piece of a sentence of who Jaya Govinda das might have to shoot at should the occasion arise.


Just who might Jaya Govinda shoot at? Let's look at this:


1. Abu Al Zarqawi-asura (who is Jordanian, not Iraqi) and his durasuras (choti asuras?)


These are part of the vicious demonic group of people who take delight in beheading people with knives and putting it on a website to show their demonic works for the world to see. These are part of a group of people worldwide who are part of the fanatical wahabi sect of Islam who interpret the Q'ran to their liking to give them excuses for acts such as crossing the Line of Control in Kashmir, disguising themselves as Hindu Rshis, going into temples and mowing people down with guns. These are people who having been in control of Afghanistan, who made hindus wear tags to identify themselves as non-sunn'a muslims (much like Nazi Germany), who bombed a 2000-year old statue of Buddha (built when the region was predominately hindu and buddhist), who gave the mountain range in Afghanistan "Hindu Kush", which means "place of hindu slaughter" it's name (ever wonder how Afghanistan went from Hindu/Buddhist to predominately Islamic?). These are people, much like the Mughals, who lined those who followed Vedic society (Kafirs) up in long lines, the end of the line as where Mughals gave them the choice of forcibly converting or being beheaded (yes, the beheading issue back then even!). These are some of the types of asuras that Jaya Govinda might have to shoot at (of course after being shot at first, which is the way our military works)


2. Saddam-asura and his loyal Ba'ath party durasuras


These are thugs who would like to reinstall Saddam-asura as dictator of Iraq again, so that he can resume his mass killings of the Kurds in the north, She'a in the south, if he had sons, allow them to throw people who disagree with him in plastic shreaders, resume filling of mass graves, starve his people so he can build massive palaces and token Mosques (to appear in an illusory manner as being pious). These are some of the other people who Jaya Govinda might have to shoot at (again, most likely after being shot at first)


So, I will say, thank you Jaya Govinda, for your service, both for the country that I live in during this lifetime, a country that has been an excellent place for Krsna Consciousness to thrive, and also for your efforts in preaching. I was in the first gulf war, and I tried to do something of the sort, but I wasn't as nearly a good devotee as you. I did however meet great South Indian devotees in Bahrain and Dubai, and was fortunate enough to have -one- day in Kerela, South India.


Hare Krsna!


ps. Does anyone know if there is an Arabic translation of any of Prabhupada's books? I would gladly send as many of them as I can to Jaya Govinda Das for his preaching efforts. Also, http://www.iraqthemodel.com is a good blog written by Iraqis that is a good place to see what really is going on in the Iraqi mindset.





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Haribol. While I certainly appreciate the contributions of those who DEFEND the innocent, I cannot and will not accept the picking and choosing of enemies based on the science of the agents of kali yuga.


Heads are being cut off, but dead is dead. Beheadings are a morbid political demonstration. Bombs dropped on towns, killing many innocents, are no less political, no less demoniac. So I wont single out the some demons while praising equally culpable demons.


Saddam is the ally of the US. He was back then, and he still is, because he holds the wahabe fanatics at bay. His replacement must be just as brutal. In politics, this is called "balance of power", and there are photos everywhere of the rummy Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam to recognize that brutality is needed to thwart the wahabe fanaticism.


Bush must be held as equally demoniac with the demons mentioned above. He gave the binladwens safe passage when all flights in US airspace were grounded (9-11 to 9-14, 2001). hE MADE WAR AGAINST THE CONFIRMED ENEMY OF iRAN MULLAHS AND BENladen, Iraq, while allowing benladin escape and gain strength. In fact, 911 is the very best thing that ever happened to the greatest threat to political stability, the great but stupid asura bush and his puppet masters.


So, I support the troops by rejecting the enemy of the US military person, the one removing pensions, medical insurance, housing, schooling, not to mention the life force of those who he claims to support. I support the troops by recommending that they choose prison rather than the death camp created for them in bagdad by bush the butcher.


So go ahead and shoot all your perceived enemies, soldier, but your karma is not alleviated by following asuric orders. The head of state is held responsible for the crimes committed by the innocent ignorant he dominates, but when one s knowingly to criminal activity of those who slaughter, steal, and sodomize in the name of jesus will have to suffer the consequences.


mad mahax


ps Im a military sort, too, with more clearance than most of the soldiers dying for the anti-christian coalition, but my idea of defence has to include absolute proof of imminent threat and real and present danger. Im not a kerry dude, either, but that dont matter, becvause fascism is more than a buzz word, it is aq costly reality, meaning theres not going to be an election come november.


Fascism is not free-955 US dead-4682 US injured-$480,000,000,000 US taxpayer funds wasted for the ego of the neocon fascists.



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