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What is Hanuman Chalisa?

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some devotees are fanatics.


They will say only chant Hare Krishna.


And say all else is evil. I bet this is what your were told.


Sri Hanuman is servitor of Lord Ramachandra still present on this Earth. Please listen to bona-fide sources. Prabhupada never said you cannot praise Hanuman. Bas.

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Pankaja Dasa says, "some devotees are fanatics.They will say only chant Hare Krishna. And say all else is evil. I bet this is what your were told.Sri Hanuman is servitor of Lord Ramachandra still present on this Earth. Please listen to bona-fide sources. Prabhupada never said you cannot praise Hanuman. Bas. "



If your guru instructs you to chant certain mantras then chant those mantras. This is not fanatism but in fact surrender and desire to please guru.


However, while Srila Prabhupada may not have said not to praise Lord Hanuman, He did not instruct His followers to chant mantras to him.


The one thing I agree with in your post is the advice to listen to bona-fide sources.


If your guru instructed you, Pankaja dasa to chant this mantra then by all means go for it but do not concoct teachings for Srila Prabhupada and do not call devotees evil for having surrender, faith and desire to serve as instructed.






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I said and I actaully heard a devotee say that chanting anything other than Maha-Mantra is evil.


Then well lets give up Samsara prayers.


Lets not praise the Goswamis.


Do not give me this nonsense. Praising devotees is our constitution position. Guru never says don't praise devotees. If I sound out of line, then sorry. I am not here to make bold claims. No aracharya ever said don't chant anything besides maha-mantra. Also Hanuman Chalisa is not a big long Mantra it is in praise of Sri Hanuman. Bas.

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Pankaja dasa says, "I said and I actaully heard a devotee say that chanting anything other than Maha-Mantra is evil.

Then well lets give up Samsara prayers.Lets not praise the Goswamis.Do not give me this nonsense. Praising devotees is our constitution position. Guru never says don't praise devotees. If I sound out of line, then sorry. I am not here to make bold claims. No aracharya ever said don't chant anything besides maha-mantra. Also Hanuman Chalisa is not a big long Mantra it is in praise of Sri Hanuman. Bas. "



And if you will notice I said if your guru tells you to chant certain mantras then by all means chant them. But do not say that Prabhupada said to chant anything other than what He instructed us.


He gave us certains mantras (note the word is a plural) and those are the ones He authorized for us as His followers. While He gave us some other mantras besides the maha-mantra for example the Panch tattva, He told us the maha-mantra is the most important for us to chant.


There is an example of some disciples who started chanting a mantra He did not authorized and He told them to stop that nonsense and only chant the ones He taught us to chant.


Does anyone have the reference for that? I do not have vedabase so am unable to look for this. It may have been in a letter.








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The original question asked was


'are hare krsna allowed to chant Hanuman Chalisa'


What we are not talking is mantras not bona-fide.


I think what your saying is about a made up mantra similar to Maha-Mantra ...I cannot remember so..


I'd like to see a Hare Krsna go into India and declare that Hanuman Chalisa is not to be chanted. He would be kicked!


I don't like to see peoples faith destroyed by fanatical Hare Krsna's who have no idea except to act like Mini Archaryas. Harsh? You tell me bro!

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Hanuman Chalisa is for all, regardless of Sapradiyas.


This is because Hanumanji is rightfully never thought of as the Supreme (unless you consider Him your Guru). In actual fact Hanumanji will help your devotion and bhakti to Krishna.


Therefore you should sing the Hanuman Chalisa with full heart in addition to your normal mantras.

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