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Human found---Giant,.....true or not

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I saw this exact same picture on a website which claimed it was doctored. Nothing more.


I can't believe some people took this to be true.



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Do you really think a find like that wouldn't be big news?


By the way, click that link then look at the reader comments from that article. That ought to dispel the notion that it's real right away.




I've seen this picture making the rounds.


If you even read that article, the guy claims it's something he found in his e-mail.



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They are not mini people. I studied it also, USING A RULER, so I know my calculations to be correct. Have you all no sense perception???


Stories of this magnitude are kept off the airways in an attempt to control the populace.

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OK. I read them.


The comments just show a natural difference of opinions. That is to be expected. Truths of this magnitude are not easily accepted at first on a mass scale. That will take time. We should feel privileged to be some of the first modern people to know about this.


Tell your friends. Spread the word.


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Its not true, but the size is right. The problem is that the bones back then cannot be seen nor preserved by todays standard.


The density of earth and water may have been different in bygone eras, so we cannot find 16 foot folks from dwarapa yuga, not is there any 25 foot human bones left over from treta yuga. Why? More water, less dirt, more wind, fire, and sound. The power is in water, wind, fire, and sound than in the main element that the unfortunate six footers of kali yuga have to tolerate.


The photo is a fake, the size is real, as described by Sri Mucukunda to Krsna after he incinerated Krsnas foe in the cave. Mucukunda was 25', and thought the 14' tall krsna was a pygmy.


Lord Chaitanya is described in mundane literature as a giant, well over seven foot tall. Is there anyone here that has further info on the stature (physical) of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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That Skeleton is as much real as the landing on the moon. /images/graemlins/smile.gif , I know your next thought on the issue and the answer is, take it both ways. The things in this world are ultimately unreal, though sometimes are accomplished and sometimes they remain in our dreams.


The true real thing is the devotion to krishna and that should be in focus along with your karma, not some stupid age old skeleton and the issue behind it.



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