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KFC: Cruelty to Chicken

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I read a news and saw a videotape today showing slaughterhouse workers of Kentucky Fried Chicken supplier jumping up and down on live chickens, drop-kicking them like footballs and slamming them into walls, apparently for fun.


Please check this out: www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com.







This is a very sorrowful fate for humble and submissive chickens. I really cried watching this and I feel I would throw up.


Is innocence of the law (thou shalt not kill) would excuse them from karma?



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Seeing the suffering of other living beings is truly painful.

Yes, Karma--a big worg with a heavy meaning for those who choose not to care for the pain the help inflict on others.


Those poor workers who mercilessly kill animals for 'fun' will reap unimaginable 'karmic reactions'


What can we do in our small way but pray and chant Krsna's Holy Names.

I really don't see any other way to truly help our most fallen brothers in distress,men or beasts.

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how can kicking or slamming those poor creatures be fun?? Make no mistake, these people will also be kicked in teh exact same way, can't escape karma.

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Chant Hare Krsna while offering up some practical protest. PeTA has a section called Action Alerts. There they publicize these atrocities and galvanize people so that we can make protest in a combined and concentrated way by providing addresses often including e-mails of the responsible parties. In some small way we can make our voices heard.


My approach is very simple. I copy the relevant portions of the PeTA article and add two or three lines of my own thoughts and send it off. Even if the principle doesn't read it, someone will. In those two or three lines I say something about the soul or lifeforce, given by God, must be respected in all lifeforms. I believe the protest should contain at least a drop,a seed, of absolute knowledge.


So we can protest and preach at the same time. This I believe to be a form of karma-yoga, action in Krsna consciousness. Or at least my attempt at the same.


This protesting is actual kindness for both parties, the chickens and the present abuser. Those abusers are surely destined for animal forms to be subjected to the same slaughterhouse fate as they are now inflicting.


We talk of establishing varnashram dharma as a social necessity. I believe that on a pratical level that would mean certain types of social action on such problems rather than trying to convince people of searching out there pyscho/physical make-up and then serving in some corresponding fashion under a formal declaration of brahmana, warrior, etc. I don't see that happening.


Abortion is another issue we can easily dovetail and which should be immune to various factions forming over. Some issues like the Iraq war are open to too much debate for devotees to act in unison on so it's better to just state principoles on war in a general way with those. But we must inject Krsna Consciousness into every topic that becomes important in society.


Hare Krsna


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for different folks. We must follow our natures. Those that are inclined to social activism need not suppress that tendancy but just add Krsna to it and see if the issue at hand can be dovetailed in that light.


Others may be inclined in other ways. Chanting is certainly the one cure for all ills. But then how can someone in a chicken body undergoing slaughter chant?


One could also add to their letter of protest the name in some form which is inducing whoever reads it to chant.


Service to Krsna need not be stereotyped as sringently as we sometimes try to make it. Sometimes those who want to sit in Vraja all the time and chant ridicule those that step out and preach around the world, and that can be reversed as well. Better i think to appreciate to others efforts and be about our own business.


The Sun radiates in every conceivable angle. If you are a ray does it matter which way the Sun Sun chooses to send you forth? All that really matters is if your connection to the sun is genuine or not.


It is a great tradgedy to receive a human form and then mis-use it in this way. Using a human form to kick and kill chickens. What a waste.


I choose to speak out on this platform and especially to Christian types who seem to think animal slaughter is OK'd by God. Pariksit has said that an animnal killer cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is a great block to them. So I am thinking if we can help them get past this somehow perhaps we can be pleasing to Lord Jesus Christ in some way. This would please Lord Krsna.


Do devotees still need convincing that cow protection at least is part of the Krsna Conscious agenda?


But being just an animal rights activist on its own will not be enough. Why? because it all must be connected to Krsna to be of real value. No connection no light.

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I hope you still feel that why in your next birth when some kind human is knocking you unconscious before eatting your animal body.


I am not being a smart _ss I am very serious. Who do you think takes birth in an animal form destined for slaughter? Why those who were the previous slaughters of course.


We are making our future by our deeds in the present. There is just another reason to develop a comapssionate lifestyle.


Go vegan

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I hope you still feel that why in your next birth when some kind human is knocking you unconscious before eatting your animal body.


That's good to me for I'll be liberated unconsciously from this prison. And I don't care sth. belonging to this world.


I am not being a smart _ss I am very serious. Who do you think takes birth in an animal form destined for slaughter? Why those who were the previous slaughters of course.


Then you're a special politician. Why don't you stop slaughter vegetables & how do you treat meat-eating animals? A paradoxical notion!


We are making our future by our deeds in the present. There is just another reason to develop a comapssionate lifestyle.


I can't comment on them but I warn you that a paradoxical notion is easy to be taken adv. by anyone with any interpretation to emphasize sth. & disregard sth. for any purpose. There's many examples in India.


A soul incar.s in this world for exercise during a predestined time instead of living longer or short with pain or joy. What I said is accordant to BG. & your notion is a little inclined to worldly direction.


Don't ask the q. "which religion is right?" any more. It's impo. for me to accept any reli. in a whole because they're all imperfect parts of a perfect one so that the result would be bloody for any compassionate people.

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Its a shame on chicken and animal eaters. Well...those people who eat animals and birds have no concern for those animals. I thought these cruelty to animals in farms are only in India where birds are carried hanging upside down on either side of the mopeds and its so pathetic to see them sometimes their beaks scratching the road. US is no way better than India in farming and these clippings confirm it beyond doubts


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Of that there is no doubt. But it's a world wide phenomena. America is very expert in covering up the reality. It may just be more visible there, I don't know.


Here they debeak the birds and have them hanging upside down on convenyor belts. They hang cows like that also. Then they slit their throats and drain the blood. Very discouraging. Especially when you can't even convince devotees, who claim to be cow protectors, to rethink drinking milk.



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I eat meat everyday but not too much. If I killed an animal, I would make it unconscious someway beforehand, such as knocking out the head. I think that to be better than dying in sickness or a beast's mouth.





Thats you before and NoW:



Fat or frozen? Have God-centered people left any space in the system of nationalism for me by now? Will I surrender to you?



Guess just trying to make you see how..

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hare krsna meaty


But I've not been a member of you. If you want to be compassionate people, it's adequate to eat a rationed amount of meat. Don't take it too serious for meat will be produced with bio. tech. soon.


Thats you before and NoW


Yes, I'm as unyielding as you. But, it's possible for me to keep harmony with you if only you become more realistic by giving up the fantasies.

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