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" If one follows these guidelines for 12 years, all he speaks will be perfect!"

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Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 1 by Srutakirti Das

October 1972, Vrindavan, India

Camp: Radha Damodara Temple

(Excerpt from a letter)



It is about 5:30 in the morning and Srila Prabhupada just called me into his sitting room wanting to know why Shyamasundara and Pradyumna are still sleeping. "I don't know," I replied. He tells me to bring them to his room. When we returned Srila Prabhupada tells us all that we must conquer over sleep.


"Rising early and taking a cold shower are not austerities, but just common sense and good hygiene" says Srila Prabhupada. Then revealing a wonderful truth His Divine Grace says, "By chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles, rising early, reducing one's eating and sleeping, one gets spiritual energy. If one follows these guidelines for 12 years, all he speaks will be perfect!"


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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One of the reasons one gets initiated is to take instruction from the spiritual master and be guided by him! If we just take Prabhupada's quotes straight off without reading the full article then we end up with a hodge podge or mis-interpretation of the context of what he is speaking about.


Prabhupada had to tell the early disciples these things to encourage, you want the real essence of what prabhupada said. this 'extract' you have taken is an excellent point to explain. Prabhupada initially told us all to chant 64 rounds! All our Acaryas, chanted non-stop day and night, we can't we don't have such sukriti's to enable us to do that. So when we all said oh, Prabhupada we have so much service to perform, we can't chant 64 rounds it will take us all day and night, so he made a concession...'16.' And in all honesty if you just chant 16 and thats it heres my ticket back home. Sooorrrrryyy no.


We are only collecting 'sukriti' in this life (pious credits) and we can't chant continuously we have no taste or our minds do parikrama of the Brahma mahurta....three worlds. Don't take prabhupada's words so cheap, it mis-leads people. Alwayse read and quote the full text so you get the full understanding of the translation.


The by-product of fire is smoke, we know there is a fire because the smoke is present! So similarly this text in it's ENTIRITY says something completley different when it is all complete, not that we take one piece only, oh, thats good I like that, I can work my sense grat around that one! I don't think so!


Take the full scriptural evidence only not bits. everything prabhupada said had context. An initiating spiritual master can divulge these things to you, if he is not you should reject him.

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Letter to: Yadunandana


Los Angeles

15 February, 1968


New York




My Dear Yadunandana das Brahmacari,

Please accept my blessings. In reply to your letter of February 8, 1968, I thank you very much for it, and I have accepted you as my initiated student and your spiritual name is Sriman Yadunandana das Brahmacari. (Yadunandana is another name of Krishna)


Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily, at least, without any offense. The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., and you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, and he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them, and follow the regulations, and Krishna will help you in being elevated to higher and higher platforms of Krishna Consciousness. Thanking you very much.

Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami




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