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Oh, I never properly appreciated Varahaswamy... Bhumi was covered with moss and algae, and He became a boar, "not caring for His appearance"... probably to make Her feel better for not appearing in Her usual splendor before Him...


You were right! You were right!

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I just want to embrace Him just like I want to embrace Krishna .... He loves bhUmi pirAtti so much .... He was not in His senses .... "oh .... bhUmi .... don't worry .... I am coming ....I'm coming .... just hold on there for a sec .... don't let go .... I'm gonna pick you up right there .... and this hiranyAkSa, he's had it today ...."


Oh .... sakhi ..... can't you see, when my varAhaswAmi picks up my bhUmi pirAtti, She is cosily wrapped up in Her husband's loving embrace .... nothing to fear .....

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This is totally weird. Why are you girls acting like you just came out of a mental hospital? There is no need to show off, if you love Krishna, keep it within your heart. Don't lose your composure and become over-emotional. What you've displayed so far is nothing but ridiculous sentimental attachment. Do not kid yourself that it is real devotion. Impressionable young women can *act* like Mira, but it isn't easy to become one, cuz it involves sincerity. Hope you take my advice.

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> This is totally weird. Why are you girls acting like you

> just came out of a mental hospital?


This world is a mental hospital. Some are mad after money, some are mad after fame, some are mad after women .... I just want to be mad after Krishna .......... KRISHNA ....


<font color="red"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="green"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="blue"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="orange"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="yellow"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="black"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="purple"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="pink"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="brown"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>

<font color="#666666"> KRISHNA IS MY HUSBAND .... I AM KRISHNA'S MAIDSERVANT .... </font color>


> There is no need to show off, if you love Krishna, keep

> it within your heart. Don't lose your composure and

> become over-emotional.


I am sorry Prabhu-ji. If this were under my control I would have done that long ago ...... KRISHNA ..... KRISHNA ......


> What you've displayed so far is nothing but ridiculous

> sentimental attachment. Do not kid yourself that it is

> real devotion.


I don't know Prabhuji .... what is real devotion and what is fake. I'm not a scholar .... I am surely a fake .... but tell you Prabhuji --- this fake sentimentalism is making me jump up and down the whole day ....... GOVINDA ...... G_O_V_I_N_D_A .......... my SWEET GOVINDA .........


> Impressionable young women can *act* like Mira, but it

> isn't easy to become one, cuz it involves sincerity. Hope

> you take my advice.


Ya .... I know Prabhuji .... we are the insincere creeps of the universe .... ain't we sakhi ..... thanks Prabhuji .... you come as Krishna's blessings to remind us of our worthless position .... to strike down our vanity .... and remind us again and again that it ain't us who is in control .... we can just beg .... beg for Krishna's love .... that's it .....

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This is totally weird. Why are you girls acting like you just came out of a mental hospital?


--- It's only a mental disorder if it is debilitating... I don't feel disabled in the slightest...


>> There is no need to show off, if you love Krishna, keep it within your heart.


--- There are those who would attempt to kill the bhakti of others. Who will stick up for them?? Who will find them and console them???


>> but it isn't easy to become one, cuz it involves sincerity.


-- I can never be like Meera, because she openly declared her love for Krishna IN PUBLIC, whereas I only have the heart to do so online, in this anonymous situation... I don't have the guts to say it in the world... I'm sure I couldn't survive the backlash...


I don't know why people hate us so much... but I'm glad they do, because the more you curse us, the more we turn to Krishna for support...


In my opinion it should be loudly proclaimed that no-one is yours but Krishna. If you are His, then He is yours... you love Him, He loves you... He is totally accessible by anyone.


I was watching Farenheit 911 this weekend, and saw all these atrocities... an Iraqi woman crying... "We are civilians! Why did they burn my uncle's house? Where are you God??"


An American woman telling how she heard her son was one of the first killed in the war... "I just dropped the phone, and fell to the ground in shock. There was no one there to hold me, so I crawled to the desk and lifted myself up..."


Who will be there to hold you? Who will be there to comfort you when there is nothing left? Who is with you when you are all alone?? When the bombs are dropping? When you lose everything? When you are old and all your friends are dying? When your family leaves you in an old folk's home and "forgets" to visit? When you lose your job and you don't know how you will pay the rent or feed your children?

When you reach the end of your life, who will you cling to???


His hand is there. Hold it.

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<FONT size=+20 face="Georgia">

<font color="blue"> G </font color> <font color="brown"> o </font color> <font color="red"> v </font color> <font color="purple"> i </font color> <font color="orange"> n </font color> <font color="green"> d </font color> <font color="yellow"> a </font color> <font color="black"> ! <font color="black"> </font color> ! <font color="black"> </font color> ! </font color>



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Why don't you become a genuine politician since you're so aggressive? If you become a servant, you'll lose this chance. Why are you so confident? If you're rejected by Kr`eSna, what do you do?




Poor puppy fat, you haven't the chance to be a politician & Kr`eSna is an ancient man. In order to be a modern wife, you still need to bargain with sb perfectly named xxx-vv-i. Let us trade!

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> Why don't you become a genuine politician since you're so aggressive?


You know .... my father was a politician and seeing his condition now, I think its better not be one ....


> If you become a servant, you'll lose this chance.


.... you miss the whole point .... dear ....


> Why are you so confident?


hmmm ........ <font size=+3>ask Krishna ....</font>


> If you're rejected by Kr`eSna, what do you do?


I have a contingency plan ready .... I have my sakhi to take up my case .... How is He going to reject her? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif


.... sorry dear roman numerals .... nice try .... but alas !!!!

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> an Iraqi woman crying... "We are civilians! Why did they

> burn my uncle's house? Where are you God??"

> An American woman telling how she heard her son was one

> of the first killed in the war... "I just dropped the

> phone, and fell to the ground in shock. There was no one

> there to hold me, so I crawled to the desk and lifted

> myself up..."



Thinking about an object constantly will eventually lead to attachment for that object - dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate. Think about worldly objects and you will inevitably become attached to them. And because these are transitory by their very nature, they will eventually become a source of pain.


Think about Krishna and it will lead to an attachment for Him. And what is His nature? dine dine navam navam - With each passing day He becomes newer and newer.


Krishna is so kind that He wants to divert everybody's mind towards Him - some people like to learn about Him from scriptures, some people like His beauty, even by lust or anger - yena kena prakAreNa - somehow or the other ....

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>>> If you're rejected by Kr`eSna, what do you do?




There is no possibility of rejection by Krishna. He lives in my heart... if I meet Krishna after death and He says, "Girl you grate on My nerves, leave Me alone..." I will not leave Him, because I have this Krishna in my heart and He is telling me something different...


When the soul's only purpose is to love Krishna, and to go back to Krishna, how can Krishna reject? Krishna calls you and calls you, "Come back to Me! Come back to Me! Come back to Me!" If when you finally come, He says "I wasn't calling, it's all in your head..." well...



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Thinking about an object constantly will eventually lead to attachment for that object


--- So if you find yourself already attached to material life (as most of us are, at least to some degree) remember the "progress of the pronoun" from I to Him...


As in "I was crying because I lost everything, but HE picked me up and held me..." And then you will forget what you had lost, because you are in the arms of the Beloved, and the next time something happens, it will not hurt you, because you have Him with you... even if it still hurts, He will dry your tears, and the more time you spend thinking about Him, the more dependent on Him you become, and the less dependent on the world...



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> Krishna calls you and calls you, "Come back to Me! Come

> back to Me! Come back to Me!" If when you finally come,

> He says "I wasn't calling, it's all in your head..."

> well...


man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru

mam evaisyasi satyam te pratijane priyo 'si me


Always think of Me and become My devotee. Worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.

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Even if you believe in Krishna, believe that you *love* him, whatever that means, you dont have to lose your composure. It isn't very cultured behavior and Hindus, I suppose, believe in being calm and introverted. So follow their example.

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> Even if you believe in Krishna, believe that you *love*

> him, whatever that means, you dont have to lose your

> composure. It isn't very cultured behavior and Hindus, I

> suppose, believe in being calm and introverted. So follow

> their example.


If being Hindu means not to speak about loving Krishna, then I prefer *NOT* to be a Hindu.


<font size=+3>Krishna Krishna Krishna eva kevalam</font>

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> Why don't you become a genuine politician since you're so aggressive?

You know .... my father was a politician and seeing his condition now, I think its better not be one ....


Sure? Is "Rai" the variant of "rajan"? Are you a Xatriy-a? What about "Rao"?


> If you become a servant, you'll lose this chance.

.... you miss the whole point .... dear ....


You have no chance to perform 2 roles at once. That's a practical p. about relationship.


> Why are you so confident?

hmmm ........ ask Krishna ....

> If you're rejected by Kr`eSna, what do you do?

I have a contingency plan ready .... I have my sakhi to take up my case .... How is He going to reject her?


O, the answers are not enough in the manner same as in beauty contest. Don't worry. I'll not decide casually.

Do you know that I don't feel uncomfortable or nervous about "i_luv_krishna" because I don't think you mention me? That's the power of names. I don't like saccharine "priyah, my love, sweetheart". Don't believe those in sweet books by sweet writers. If you repeat "love" for 1000 times, its result for me is as much as that of 1. I'm an eccentric man that have entirely no interest in girlfriends, love affairs & games, weddings. I can't unders. why the fatlet hangs "make friends" on her thick lips as if she's a friends' collector.

Unlike in the wood, you needn't to compete with anyone else at all. It's impo. for you to consider which role you'll take up in future. All you have done by now is behaving along with the inertia from your personalities, which is why I need to contact you face to face. In some cases you can gain from it, while in other cases you may lose for it.




The fatlet, some q.s:

Why are you called Rani? Are you the spiritual teacher alleged by yourself in a`soka's forum? What do you think about my pronun. of Skt2? Is it dif. from yours?

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I maintain: This is the weirdest site in Internet history! When I read ILK and Vanamali's posts, I thought they were the only oddballs out here. But xxvvii's even weirder thoughts make them sound...well, almost rational! Keep them coming, I need the entertainment.

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I maintain: This is the weirdest site in Internet history! When I read ILK and Vanamali's posts, I thought they were the only oddballs out here. But xxvvii's even weirder thoughts make them sound...well, almost rational! Keep them coming, I need the entertainment.




If this isn't Krishna visiting me in my dreams, sitting in my heart, deep in my very being, then where is He???? Give me Krishna! I think you must have Him... I'm not going to last long without Him... don't TELL me "it's not easy, Krishna doesn't come cheap, it takes billions of births..." I'm losing it... please talk to Him for me, guestji. The world is EMPTY. It's completely empty... there is nothing that can fill the void... please tell Him, I am sooooooo not qualified for devotional service... but I can't live without His association...


At least maybe He could allow me to visit Tirupati again... at least then I didn't feel He was absent...

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Ok! To make you a little bit more agitated and hungry .... here is something I found in another website:


candana-carcita-nIla-kalevara-pIta-vasana-vanamAlI |

keli-calan-maNi-kuNDala-maNDita-gaNDa-yuga-smitazAlI ||

(Gitagovindam 1.38)


Yellow silk and wildflower garlands lie on dark sandal-oiled skin. Jewel earrings dangling in play, ornament (adorn) Krishna’s smiling cheeks.

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