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"OOoopPS! I think I made a Boo BooOoo"

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SB 10.64.36

Members of the royal order, blinded by royal opulence, fail to foresee their own downfall. Childishly hankering to enjoy a brahmana’s property, they are actually hankering to go to hell.


SB 10.64.37-38

For as many years as there are particles of dust touched by the tears of generous brahmanas who have dependent families and whose property is stolen, uncontrolled kings who usurp a brahmana’s property are cooked, along with their royal families, in the hell known as Kumbhipaka.


SB 10.64.39

Whether it be his own gift or someone else’s, a person who steals a brahmana’s property will take birth as a worm in feces for sixty thousand years.


SB 10.64.40

I do not desire brahmanas’ wealth. Those who lust after it become short-lived and are defeated. They lose their kingdoms and become snakes, who trouble others.


SB 10.64.41

My dear followers, never treat a learned brahmana harshly, even if he has sinned. Even if he attacks you physically or repeatedly curses you, always continue to offer him obeisances.



Lord Krsna offers this instruction not only to His personal associates but to all those who claim to be followers of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


SB 10.64.42

Just us I always carefully bow down to brahmanas, so all of you should likewise bow down to them. I will punish anyone who acts otherwise.


SB 10.64.43

When a brahmana’s property is stolen, even unknowingly, it certainly causes the person who takes it to fall down, just as the brahmana’s cow did to Nrga.



The Lord here demonstrates that His instructions are not theoretical but practical, as seen concretely in the case of Nrga Maharaja.

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A brahmin is someone who not just by birth alone but also practices strict discipline in his life and makes his people follow that. By this definition, only 25 - 50% of the actual brahmins of today fall under this class. Some brahmins who come abroad for professional reasons put the blame on society and start eating non-vegetarian and start drinking and dancing around and some even go for illicit sex. The financially rich brahmins some become big snobs and I have encounted in India itself. ( I am not brahmin for all reasons by birth and so please do not think I am against brahmins and hence I write like this. I write this primarily because I was made fun of by some fellow brahmin students who have lost their values after comig to US and calling the spiritual values as non-ritualistic superstitions just because they dont want to follow or want to lead a free life).

Well..I also noticed that irrespective of caste nowadays when someone does something which is not right, or against darmic priniciples they invariably face consequences.

So whoever falls from the values are invariably punished and that is law of Karma.

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birth is no accident. neither is it to be despised.


i am not a brahmin.


but i am grateful that my true self is divine and one with all. i am proud that i am endowed with the will, discrimination, the time, to reach the light.


on the way i shall no doubt pass thro' brahminhood either in this birth or one of the forthcoming.


be assured that your dharma do not stand in your way to truth and light and ananda, rather that is your path!

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keeps his caste (or Race) in the heart of the hearts, whether others (sometimes even him/herself) like it or not. The reason is different than what you have pointed out. Every age such differences would be there in one form or the other. The real reason is our identification with our bodies and egotism. Until we do sufficient spiritual Sadhana, we will not be able to get over such man-made designations.

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