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Why am I blind to my own faults ? And do I need others to tell me what my defects are?

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Just like I can't see

if there's a speck of dirt on the tip of my nose.


So who's gonna pop my bubble of self absorbed conceit?


Thing is I 've totally distanced myself

from all my peers:

as I live as a recluse ,withdrawn in a shell of aloneness,looking out from an my ivory tower

and see all others as threats who can expose my vunerability.


Fie on the power of Kali to destroy all brotherly relationships and turning them into exchanges of deceit,hypocrisy and hate. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

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your thread krsna speaks my words, what energy is this krsna puts us into? He gives us all this great friends, and takes them away, leaving me alone here, for days, weeks, months. What is Krsnas thought when he gives me so much, and takes it away again? What is he trying to proof?

Whatever it is, it most be important. Do I need any of this comforts? No, all I need is bread water, and a shelter, and god, thats all I need to sustain my life. Even if does things are gone, I know god will always be here, so I do not worry to much, because I know what I have, I deserve.


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Only my opinion, but I don't think we're actually blind, just that we tend to see our own faults in others Like "it takes one to know one", you know? So most of us do indeed need others to help us keep a more humble attitude, though overt criticism generally antagonizes, even that can be taken constructively if carefully thought about for long enough.


I have to believe that God and guru are somehow working everywhere, through everyone and everything, at all times. Of course, I'm not usually open to them, but hopefully becoming moreso as the years slip by. Old age and helplessness with inevitable death looming over me brings a certain change of perspective...

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I have to believe that God and guru are somehow working everywhere, through everyone and everything, at all times. Of course, I'm not usually open to them, but hopefully becoming moreso as the years slip by. Old age and helplessness with inevitable death looming over me brings a certain change of perspective...



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