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Struggling Jivas

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I came upon a post some years ago in a devotee forum and saved this. It is from a post by Manjulali Dasi.



We wonder why God just doesn't interven in our hard lives and make us perfect by a sudden magical excercise of His will. "Poof!Be thou transformed!" We even can become angry at the Lord for not doing so out of a feeling of neglect or something. The story that follows helped me gain some understanding and patience on this topic. I thank the devotee that posted it, Manjulali Dasi



A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gone as far as it could and could go no farther.


Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so took a pair of scissors and snipped of the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.


The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. neither happened! in fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It was never able to fly.


What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through its tiny opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.




Reminds me of a similar story called The Waterpot.I love stories like this.



Sometimes we just need to have some faith in the process that the Lord has set up and not lean solely upon our own severly limited understandng. God's love will see us through in our journey to the Spiritual World, and we will be all the stronger and fit for life there thanks to the efforts demanded of us along the way.





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Looks like I forgot to push a button on that last one. Well I would probably forget my head too if I didn't need it to keep my pants up.


Material life is such a struggle. Why must I go through this Lord? Got up this morning and vomited my guts out. Can't even digest my food anymore. Now I am hungry but don't want to go to the store and carry it back. Simpliest things here are just a struggle. A hassal trying to get over the reactions to the past hassal.


Ask the Lord why and just gets rhetoritcaly put back in my face.


Lord: Indeed, why?

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"Ask the Lord why and just gets rhetoritcaly put back in my face. Why indeed?"


I think you're acting a little strange Theist. These trolls getting to you?


If you have to ask the Lord why your nonsense, then you're simply not sincere in talking with Him. You sound alot like guest(s) to me.


Why ignore very meaningful devotional service I've offered and then complain about your indulgence in a way that makes you look disposed to sinning? Why undermine your credibility in that way?


The sincerity just doesn't ring true: If you're sincere enough to cry to others about it and still do it, you must be shameless… and stupid. I've seen alot of this around here… rhetorical… suggestive… associative… but not sincere. I knew you'd get caught up in this deception 'cause your daily pastime is jiv'in all day.


This is staged nonsense…


"Hey, I'm having a crisis! But no, I'm not asking for help or really seeking a cure. (I'm just crying wolf). But listen very carefully to what I say."


I don't know if I'll do that. (Maybe it's time for a vacation away from this sadistic cr_p). I consider my activities to be more imporatant than just about anybody else's. I have not got the time nor interest to be played like a fool.


That Smell


Whiskey bottles, and brand new cars

Oak tree you're in my way

There's too much coke and too much smoke

Look what's going on inside you

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you


Angel of darkness is upon you

Stuck a needle in your arm

So take another toke, have a blow for your nose

One more drink fool, will drown you

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you


Now they call you Prince Charming

Can't speak a word when you're full of 'ludes

Say you'll be all right come tomorrow

But tomorrow might not be here for you

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you


Hey, you're a fool you

Stick them needles in your arm

I know I been there before


One little problem that confronts you

Got a monkey on your back

Just one more fix, Lord might do the trick

One hell of a price for you to get your kicks

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you - Lynyrd Skynyrd

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but anyway, you've laid this trip of yours on just about everyone here so I guess it must be my turn. I don't care to play though so I'll just ask you to skip my posts in the future. That will leave you more time for you to engage in your valuable service.


Hare Krsna

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