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Are you haunted by ghosts? Lord Vishnu answers...

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Just today I had a dream about 2 elephants chasing me and one tried to headbutt me but I kicked it on the head...Please keep this in mind and read the following conversation between the great soul Garuda and Lord Vishnu found in the Garuda Purana 2.23.1-12 which can be found at http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/garuda-purana.htm


Garuda said:


1. What do the ghosts do in their ghosthood? When do they speak sometime? Please tell me, o Lord of gods!


The Lord said:


2. I shall tell you about their form, signs and dreams. Being oppressed by hunger and thirst they enter their former home.


3. Though possessed of airy forms, they give signs to their sleeping descendants, o bird.


4. They visit the place where their sons, wives and relatives sleep.


5. If a person dreams of a horse, an elephant, a bull, or a man with deformed

face, if a person awakened from sleep sees himself in the opposite side of the bed, this is all due to the workings of a ghost.


6. If a man is fastened with chains in dream, if his dead ancestors demand food in dream,


7. If one snatches the food from him while he is eating in dream, if thirsty, one drinks water,


8. If in dream one rides a bull or moves with bulls or if one springs up in the sky or goes to a holy place hungry,


9.-10. If one speaks aloud among cows, bulls, brahmanas, horses, elephants, deities, ghosts and demons - this is due to the working of a ghosts. Many are the signs of ghosts in dream, o bird. It is due to a ghost if one sees his wife, relative, son or husband as dead.


11. He who begs in dream oppressed by hunger or thirst should give pindas to the manes to ward off coming distress.


12. If one sees in dream his son, cattle, father, brother, wife, getting out of house, it is due to the working of a ghost.


This probably explains my instability of mind for the past month I guess...


Has anyone had any dreams similiar to those that are said by Lord Vishnu?

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if a person awakened from sleep sees himself in the opposite side of the bed, this is all due to the workings of a ghost.




This sticks out. A few years back I was just starting to get clients for my hynosis business. I had just gotten certified and was starting out and looking for a direction that I wanted to go in.


I thought I might merge the interest of teaching people that we are not the physical body with my need to make a living. Then it occured to me I could teach the basics of astarl projection to clients while they were in hypnotic trance. I know that would be very effect. Its not so difficult really.


But I also know that that is rather dangerous as it could leave someone practicing on their own open to low influences from that realm. And teaching it for a $ motive is pretty low class.


I wrestled with it for a few days and then decided I would do it anyway, choosing the needs of my lower nature over what i knew to be right.


That very night I had a very frightening experience during sleep. I suddenly found myself outside of my body and a few feet from my bed to the side.I wasn't in my astral body (I don't think) in fact I felt no body at all subtle or gross. My physical body was laying there still on the bed sleeping.


The frightening thing was there was a creature on my chest trying with GREAT FORCE to pull my astral body out of my physical body. It was about two feet long, winged like an insect, not totally insect looking but similar. It had kind of a beaked face. It seemed also to be strangly familiar in appearance, which I don't take to be a comforting thought.


Whenever I have had experiences with ghosts or just frightening things I have remembered to loudly chant Krsna's name and the situation was always immediately resolved. But this time I was sooo freaked out that I couldn't get whatever type of form I was in to make a sound. In fact I froze my thoughts as much as I could so it wouldn't notice me. I was to the side of it and a little behind.


This creature was so intent on pulling my astral form out that it never looked around. It had its "hands" down into my chest and was ripping with all its might.


After a few moments it gave up and flew off in the opposite direction.


Next morning when I awoke I remembered it as vividly as I do now. I also decided not to prostitute this little occult technique out, risking others well being. Some lessons I wish not to repeat.

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I hope these experiences only strengthen your faith in the Supreme Lord and the Spiritual Master. I take it as somewhat good since without the Lord's sanction, no ghost or anything can do anything to anyone. But if you pray and still something happens than that is definitely His special mercy.

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